Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1339

For mu Sen's comfort, Jing Zhi just a faint smile.

The virus in his body, rare in the world, is extremely difficult to attack.

For example, the more common through the blood transmission of HIV, the current medical community are unable to overcome, more complex than this, let alone.

Jingzhi now feels that he has been admitted to the virus research institute, and it is a good thing to be taken as an experimental product.

The world's top virus experts gathered together to save a lot of experimental data for his body, made countless analysis and genetic comparison, leaving him with a glimmer of hope.

Moreover, he also knew Shu Yin and Peter. They did not care about the cost and spent a lot of hard work to study the virus. Maybe they could make a breakthrough!

Jingzhi is optimistic. He eats a lot of snacks at night, which makes him surprised.

"Don't you just drink and don't eat?"

"My brother said that if I didn't eat, he would chop Zheng yuluo and feed it to the dog."


You've always said, "you can't find the key to the success of the game! Domineering and elegant! If only I had such a brother

"Aren't you cousins? He's your brother, too

"Come on, just because we didn't play with you when we were children, he doesn't pay attention to us until now."

Musen doesn't think Jingrui is his brother. Jingrui is as cold as iceberg. He is not good at hard talking.

"Zheng Yuwei has already graduated and returned home. Mudo is still in the British military academy, so she can't come back! Don't call me brother, it's useless to call ancestors! How can he treat me like a cousin? He has enslaved me all day long, and now he forces me to take care of you, the Great Buddha. "

"You deserve it

Jingzhi is a little gloating. Jingrui treats him as his younger brother. This is the pride of his childhood and the warmest consolation that he has grown up to now.

"I can't die if I touch you. Everyone treats me like a devil, especially Zheng yuluo, who gave me the nickname of" monster "when I was young, and told everyone that I was poisonous!"

"Aren't you poisonous? Zheng yuluo has been poisoned deeply now. He called me six or seven times a night and asked me to help you find out which hospital you are in. I have to come to see you!"

Musen wants to laugh a little. When he was a child, he never thought that Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo would become lovers.

They pinch each other every day. It feels like they have a feud.

"Do you think Zheng yuluo feels too guilty, that she is too sorry for you and that she is under too much psychological pressure, so she has stress-induced amnesia?"

Jing Zhi was stunned: "is this the reason?"

He always thought that it was Zheng yuluo who hated him and hated him too much, so he chose to forget him subconsciously.

"That's the reason. She didn't know your name. She was so nervous about you. I'm afraid she always owed you."

Musen specializes in traditional Chinese medicine and surgery. He does not study amnesia much. However, according to Zheng yuluo and Jing Zhi, he can probably determine the cause of the disease.

Jingzhi is a little happy, as long as Zheng yuluo doesn't hate him.

She was very concerned about him and about his hospitalization, which was very good.

Originally, he was jealous of Deng Kun. Deng Kun was injured. Zheng yuluo stayed with him all night. Now Jingzhi is much more comfortable.

Anyway, Deng Kun will completely withdraw from Zheng yuluo's life and take care of it all night.

However, on the contrary, Deng Kun not only did not quit Zheng yuluo's life, but also actively pursued Zheng yuluo back.

Deng Kun went to Zheng yuluo company to stop her in the daytime for several consecutive days, imploring her to change her mind. At night, she took a gift to Zheng's home to express her love for Zheng yuluo.

Zheng Jing thought that Deng Kun was especially suitable for marriage. In this way, he felt it was a pity that Zheng yuluo would not marry him.

"Luoluo, can't you reconsider Deng Kun? I see that he comes every day these days. He is very reluctant to part with you every day. He really likes you very much

Recently, the relationship between father and daughter has eased a lot. Zheng Jing's tone of voice is not as strong as before, but to discuss with Zheng yuluo.

Zheng yuluo is not good to get angry with such a father. She can only repeat her words again and again: "Dad, I don't like him and don't want to live with him. He has a lot of women out there, but you don't know. "

"Luoluo, you like Deng Kun, but you don't know. You see, the last time he was injured, you were so nervous about him and kept him all night. If you had no feelings for him, how could you leave the bar owner and take care of Deng Kun? "

Zheng yuluo didn't expect that Zheng Jing would understand this. She said anxiously: "if I change to someone else, I will be nervous. After all, it is a life. Deng Kun didn't do anything heinous. I can't watch him happen. "

"Down, don't try to explain. You took care of Deng Kun for one night. He was very moved. He also said that he could feel your affection for him, just because he was angry with too many girls around him. Deng Kun is so handsome that many girls like him. It's normal. Don't be jealous because of this. His favorite person is you, the others are just passing away. "Hearing Zheng Jing's words, Zheng yuluo didn't know what to say for a while!

She is about to believe that she and Deng Kun are a pair of sweet lovers!

Just because she was worried about Deng Kun's injury, did she like him?

Since even Zheng Jing thinks so, what about others?

Zheng yuluo suddenly understood the reason why she was despised by the two waiters when she went to the waiting bar that day!

Now she is more eager to see Jing Zhi and tell him that she has no love for Deng Kun and takes care of him, just afraid that his life is in danger.

Zheng yuluo was anxious, and Deng Kun came in from the door.

He looks very energetic today. His hair is clean and tidy. He is in a straight dark gray suit, holding a big bunch of roses in his hand. He slowly walks to Zheng yuluo.

When Zheng Jing saw Deng Kun coming, his face immediately showed a smile: "you two chat, I still have work to deal with, go to the study first!"

He wanted to give Deng Kun a chance to impress his daughter.

Deng Kun called "Uncle" warmly. When he left, he handed the rose to Zheng yuluo's hand: "Luoluo, let's start again! I will never have sex with other women again. I must change my ways! "

"I'm not going to be with you. Go! You will find a girl who really suits you and loves you. "

Zheng yuluo's voice is very light. She doesn't know if Deng Kun will really change her love affair in the future, but seeing his pious and serious appearance, she can't say that kind of hurtful words. , the fastest update of the webnovel!