Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1338

This is also true. Zheng yuluo's doubts dissipated a lot. She tried to calm her agitated heart and pleaded: "can you tell me which hospital he lives in? I want to see him. "

"Sorry, no comment on that."

Jin Xin did not want to say, but did not dare to say.

Jingrui personally guards Jingzhi and asks him to do treatment. If Zheng yuluo goes, he will not cause a world war!

Jing Rui, however, hates Zheng yuluo more than he does, and clearly tells him that he can't let Zheng yuluo go to the hospital to see Jingzhi.

Jin Xin did not return to the bar and left Zheng Yu alone outside.

Zheng yuluo stood stunned, looking at the huge waiting in the twinkling, some sour heart.

Until now, she found that she did not know Jing Zhi at all.

He disappeared, and she didn't know where to find him.

Zheng Yu's legs were numb at the station, and then he went back to sit in his car.

She opened the phone's address book, found the number of mulson's mobile phone, and dialed out.

The phone was connected quickly, and the voice of murmori was clear and moist from the mobile phone: "the rain falls!"

"I want to ask you something, Musen."

"Well, you ask."

"You remember the owner of the waiting bar? He seems to be in hospital. Can you check for me if he lives in your hospital

Musen took a look at Jing Zhi, who was lying on the opposite side of the bed and was infused with nutrient solution. He said in a gentle way: "I'll check it for you."

"That Do you know his name and address? "

Musen couldn't help but take a look at Jing Zhi. His voice kept as flat as possible: "I don't know. I don't know him well."

"Oh, that Thank you! If you find out, let me know as soon as possible. "


Musen hung up the phone, some strange eyes: "Zheng yuluo with you and embrace, do not know your name?"

"She asked several times, and I didn't say."

Jing Zhi finished this sentence calmly. Seeing the needle inserted in his arm and feeling the cold liquid entering his body, he could not help feeling a little agitated.

"When will this piece of crap lose? I don't like this! Pull it out

In one hour, Jing Zhi has asked dozens of times to pull out the needle.

"Do you think I should praise Zheng yuluo's bravery, or should I scold her for having no brain? I dare to fall in love with you if you don't know your name. Is it 22 years old or 2 years old! I'm one year older than her. How can I feel like I'm ten thousand times smarter than her? "

"You have no brain! I'm good to her, she can feel it as long as she is not stupid! Besides, she liked me before, and it's normal to like me again! "

"She's not afraid you're a liar?"

"You, who have never been in love, don't understand the tacit understanding between us. When you fall in love with someone, you won't care about anything. You take out the needle for me, I hate to put things into my body! "

Musen automatically ignored Jing Zhi's last sentence. He sat on the chair, cocked his legs and said in a leisurely manner:

"didn't you just fall in love once? How can you become a love expert? How come I didn't fall in love. I had a girlfriend when I was at school! "

"Secret love is not love! Do you have common sense? "

"If you show your love and abuse single people again, believe me or not

As soon as he heard that he wanted to draw blood, Jing Zhi had to shut up.

This can be really tiger down Pingyang was bullied by dogs, Musen relying on Jingrui to support him, easily bullied him!

If it wasn't for fear that Jingrui would take Zheng yuluo for a knife, Jing Zhicai would not lie here fighting with Musen.

"When I called just now, was Zheng yuluo in good condition? Didn't you cry? "

Musen almost thought he had heard it wrong: "cry? Why does she cry? "

"I'm afraid she will shed tears if she can't find me. It may also be bullied, or miss me too much, will cry

Musen gaped at Jing Zhi, who said this kind of words calmly on his face, and thought that his soul might have been changed!

"Master Jinger, you think too much. He's very nice. He didn't cry at all! Please don't be so narcissistic, will you? I'm such a narcissist that I feel like I'm going to be compared with you! "

"You will call her back in a moment and say that I am in your hospital and I am in good health. Let her not worry! By the way, ask her if she has been bullied these two days

"Your brother has already ordered anyone who dares to tell Zheng yuluo that you are in our hospital should chop that man and Zheng yuluo together and feed the dog. I'm too timid to challenge your brother's dignity. "

Mu Sen directly cut off Jing Zhi's thoughts and said, "Zheng Yu's father is the director of the Public Security Bureau. Who has no eyes to bully her? As for the appearance of director Zheng's daughter, who moved Zheng yuluo, he had to be killed! If he knew that you were with his daughter again, he would run wild

This is what Jing Zhi has been worried about.Zheng Jing has always opposed Zheng yuluo to be with him, and even married him at the age of 22.

Zheng yuluo forgot him. I'm afraid the happiest person is Zheng Jing.

Jing Zhi hated the blood in her body.

His blood contains a lot of virus, so fatal, Zheng Jing thinks he is too dangerous, do not like him is normal.

"Musen, Shuyin didn't say that the virus in my body has mutated? After they mutate, will they still be fatal? Will it be better? "

At the moment, the childish tone of helplessness is like another scene.

Many years ago, Musen had seen such a sight.

At that time, they were all very young, and Jing Zhi was also like now. He asked Mu: "granddad, why don't the children play with me? My blood is poisonous, isn't it? Can you cure me? "

A moment ago, Musen was still laughing at Jingzhi, but at this moment he felt sad for Jingzhi.

He has suffered a great deal of pain that his peers have not suffered, as well as the pressure and prejudice that a child should not bear.

The fate is too unfair, Jing Zhi's life is too rough!

Only hope, he loves Zheng yuluo, also can wholeheartedly love imperfect him.

Musen's eyes were slightly wet. He looked at more and more white hair on Jingzhi's head, and whispered: "Jingzhi, you will be OK. Medicine has been improving, and the virus will be conquered. Shu Yin put all her energy into this virus. With her medical attainments, she will have a way. "

He did not dare to tell Jingzhi that the virus in his body became more toxic after mutation.

In any case, as long as his blood does not touch other people's wounds, there will be nothing wrong. If the virus enters other people's body, whether the toxicity is enhanced, the results are the same, and they all have to die.

I hope that Zheng Yu will follow him after he falls, and will not be infected, otherwise Jingzhi will blame himself and feel guilty all his life.

Oh, no, if Zheng Yu falls dead, or Xu Jingzhi himself will not live. , the fastest update of the webnovel!