Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1337

Zheng yuluo left work in the afternoon and went straight to the waiting bar without even eating.

When she went, it was just over five o'clock, and the bar had not yet opened.

She climbed in from the window and looked around, but could not find Jing Zhi.

Zheng yuluo is a little disappointed. Every time she comes, she can meet Jing Zhi. This time, there is no one. She always feels empty.

She waited for more than an hour before the bar came to work.

The bar attendant opened the door, and as soon as he came in, he saw Zheng yuluo sitting inside and frowned.

He knew that this man was the boss's woman, but it was rude to come in and sit in such a big way, right?

"Miss, you didn't turn in through the window, did you? It's against the law to break in, don't you

As the man was talking, another waiter came to work.

As soon as he got to the bottom of the matter, he was also somewhat disdainful of Zheng yuluo.

"Miss, don't you take our boss's bar as your own? Then our boss is ill and hospitalized, do you know? "

"In hospital?"

Zheng yuluo was stunned: "what disease did he have?"

Is it what Musen said last time that he had physical problems?

"You don't know who you want to be the boss's wife, and even less so we are the waiters!"

The two waiters felt that Zheng yuluo was not worthy of his own boss. What happened the day before yesterday was still fresh in my mind. They both felt that Zheng yuluo was not a good man, so he was not polite.

"Which hospital is he in?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you have his number? I'll call him and ask him! "

Two waiters look at each other, dare to feel that this woman has not yet called the boss!

They shook their heads together: "I don't know!"

"Well Do you know what your boss's name is? "

The two waiters rolled their eyes and said, "I don't know!"

"We haven't opened the bar yet, miss. Go out and wait! We're going to clean up, but don't stain your clothes

"Miss, are you the one who damaged our windows? You lose money


Zheng yuluo has never had such a cold reception, her angry tears are in the eyes, feel particularly aggrieved.

When Jing Zhi is here, all of them greet her with a smile, and even the whole bar can close for her.

Jingzhi is not here, so no one will give her a good look.

At this moment, she especially missed Jing Zhi.

Where he is, there is a sense of security.

Zheng yuluo was expelled from the bar. She stood outside the bar with some discomfort, listening to two waiters muttering about her "shameless" and "seducing men".

She wants to find Jing Zhi, but she doesn't know where to find him.

Do you want a hospital, a hospital to ask?

She stood there anxiously waiting until she saw the figure of Jinxin, and her frown was slightly extended.

She stopped Jin Xin who was going to the bar and asked him, "manager, I heard that your boss is in hospital. Which hospital is he in now?"

"He's OK. You don't have to worry."

Jin Xin is also full of complaints to Zheng yuluo.

His good agent, with Jing Zhi in the entertainment industry, the entertainment industry of those first-line stars see him have to Jinge Jinge, Jinge call, is now good, reduced to "the manager.".

What's more, in order not to let Zheng yuluo recognize him, he was forced to do micro plastic surgery by Jing Zhi. Last month, he went back to his hometown, and his mother couldn't recognize him!

So his attitude to Zheng yuluo did not get better.

However, he was afraid that Zheng yuluo would sue in front of Jingzhi, so he did not dare to swear.

"If you're looking for our boss, go back! He won't come to the bar these days. Oh, by the way, I haven't asked. Is your friend OK? Our boss is still thinking about him! I'm afraid I'm too heavy and hurt him. "

Jin Xin talks nonsense and tries to brush the favor for Jing Zhi in front of Zheng yuluo.

Zheng yuluo was really moved, she immediately said: "he is OK, the doctor said, is a small injury, a few days can be cured."

"Oh, that's good. That day, our boss was very sad to see you scared like that. He doesn't have a grudge against your friend, and he doesn't have to be hard on him. Do you think he's a bit silly? I didn't make any money by beating people. I'm a villain. "

She doesn't care about other people's troubles, but she doesn't take care of her.

"I I was looking at my friend's injury was very serious, afraid that he had something to miss, so I followed him to the hospital. Your boss is not a villain, but a good man. I know that. "Jin Xin has a lot of words to say to Zheng yuluo, but she can't say a lot of things, and she can't remember Zheng yuluo. What Jingzhi has done for her has completely forgotten.

This is the most oppressive thing!

This is also Jingzhi, a single-minded love of Zheng yuluo, can be behind the silent, willing to pay, for others, long can not stand.

"Well, you don't have to tell me that. I'm a part-time worker. I see that our boss's efforts are unworthy of him. There are so many women in the world. I don't know why he just likes you. He likes you so much

Zheng yuluo is stunned. Jingzhi has said that he likes her, but hearing from others that he likes her is more profound.

"You don't know, do you? This bar is open for you. The name of the bar is waiting. Waiting. Who is he waiting for? Where are you waiting for

"What are you talking about?! Wait for me? "

How could that be possible!

How long have they known each other?

Has this bar been open for a long time?

No, no, no, no!

This bar was opened when she started working nearby!

Zheng yuluo raised his head and was shocked to see the colorful English words hanging high in the bar.

She never knew, this word, it was her!

Zheng yuluo's voice trembled: "when did he know me? Has it been a long time? "

Jin Xin didn't dare to answer this kind of words casually. If Jingzhi knew that he had leaked the secret they had known for a long time, Jingzhi would be directly angry.

He has said enough today to say no more.

Jing Zhi has been waiting for Zheng yuluo stubbornly. He can think of him and doesn't want others to remind him.

"When did you know each other? Why do you ask me? I don't know when you met! "

"Then why do you say he's been waiting for me?"

"Who knows! Maybe I fell in love with you at first sight? As far as I know, you seem to fall in love with our boss at first sight, don't you? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!