Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1336

Deng Kun's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. He looked heartbroken and infatuated.

Even Zheng yuluo felt that he was a little too cruel.

Deng Kun has always been very playful, so she has not been clear, Deng Kun in the end has a little affection for her.

"We have broken up, Deng Kun, you go home, don't come to me again in the future, I have a person I like, didn't you see it the night before yesterday?"

"No! I don't believe you like that kind of person! That bar boss, a look is underworld, is not a good man, you follow him, even can not see light! You are the best person who can be respected by me

In fact, Zheng yuluo also has some doubts about Jing Zhi's identity.

He did always hide his face from being seen.

He also has a kind of cold temperament, like a murderous God, seems to run away at any time.

His identity is mysterious, until now, Zheng yuluo has not known his real name, do not know where his home is, what other people there are.

"You don't have to worry about it. I know it myself."

Although Zheng yuluo felt uneasy, she always felt that Jing Zhi would not hurt her.

After all, he saved her twice, and they were alone together.

If he wants to start, there are too many opportunities!

"You Please take a few days off and have a good rest at home! I didn't mean to embarrass you when I broke up with you in front of so many people, but I told you many times that you always disagreed. I had no choice but to... "

"Luoluo, don't say it. It's all my fault. I don't blame you."

Deng Kun's sad face, he stepped forward, seized Zheng yuluo's hand, affectionately said: "can you give me another chance? We have been in love for so long, even if you have a cat and dog, you should have feelings! Do you really don't care about me at all? "

Zheng yuluo instinctively wanted to take his hand back, but her strength and Deng Kun's strength could not be compared. No matter how hard she tried, Deng Kun would not let go.

"You let me go, can't we have a good talk?"

"I'll let you go. What if you turn around and leave? I'm afraid you didn't hold hands with us before

If Deng Kun had not been injured, still weak, chest pain has been faint, he would have directly carried Zheng yuluo into his arms.

After falling in love with Zheng yuluo for such a long time, the reason why he has been able to resist touching her is not because he is a gentleman, but because he thinks that Zheng yuluo is his person sooner or later, and it is not too late to teach her later.

The process of pursuing beauty is also very interesting. It is also a beautiful thing to hang on to Zheng Yuwei and have an affair with Zheng Yuwei from time to time.

his original plan as like as two peas to the bed, the same two women to serve him, must be a great turn!

As a result, when he was only one step away from eating to his mouth, Zheng yuluo actually followed another man!

He was furious in his heart, but he had to pretend to be deeply in love. Now he grasped Zheng yuluo's hand and unconsciously used a lot of strength.

"Luoluo, I bought you a present. Will you go with me?"

"You let go, I have to go to work! Keep your gift by yourself, I don't want it

Zheng yuluo finally realized that Deng Kun was not right. Her hand couldn't be pulled out. She bit the back of Deng Kun's hand with a ruthless heart.

Deng Kun felt pain and let go.

He watched Zheng Yu trot into the office building, his eyes flashed away.

What he can't get, no one else can get it!

He'll cry because of his woman!

"Deng Kun, how contemptuous you are

Chen Yijie doesn't know when she will appear behind Deng Kun. She wears big sunglasses and covers half of her face. Her tone is full of sarcasm.

"I'm not worth it for you. You have a high education, a good job, and you are very handsome. What kind of woman can't be found? Must it be planted on this tree of Zheng Yu

"Go away! If you hadn't deliberately seduced me, Zheng yuluo would not have broken up with me! "

Deng Kun, with a cold face and a painful chest, sat in his car.

MuQing said he was only slightly injured and said he was ok, but Deng Kun himself did not think so.

He has a pain in his chest all the time, and sometimes it hurts. He can't breathe.

He felt it necessary for him to go to another hospital for another examination.

Chen Yijie got on Deng Kun's car with thick skin. Seeing that he was pale, she found out that his body was not right: "what's the matter with you? Be sick? Or injured? Shall I take you to the hospital? "

Deng Kun could not help but look at her: "you are quite considerate."

"Like you will naturally care about you, Zheng yuluo doesn't care about you at all, so I can't notice your pain, I'm different from her, I've loved you for a long time!"All of a sudden, Deng Kun felt proud.

Think about it carefully, it seems that Chen Yijie has no big problem.

She has been trying her best to seduce him, pursue him, and may really like him.

She is also very good in bed. When she is with her, she can forget all her troubles!

If he had not been injured and it was not convenient for strenuous exercise, he would have given Chen Yijie.

In the end, Chen Yijie accompanied Deng Kun to the hospital and had a new examination.

The diagnosis was much heavier than MuQing said, but the doctor also said that he was young and could recover soon.

Deng Kun was extremely angry. He felt that Mu's hospital must have moved his hands and feet and deliberately made his injury light!

That night, he saw that Munson was drinking in the bar. Who knows if there is any deal between him and the owner of the bar!

Chen Yijie also knew the cause of Deng Kun's injury. As soon as her eyes turned, she lowered her head in Deng Kun's ear and said, "you can't just let it go in vain. We have to find a way to avenge you! We don't dare to make trouble with Zheng yuluo's family. We can find a chance to attack that bar owner! "

Deng Kun wants revenge more than Chen Yijie. He not only wants to kill Jing Zhi, but also wants to get Zheng yuluo.

Before suffering from no one to discuss, now with a lot of bad water, Chen Yijie has help.

He looked at Chen Yijie with a kind of obscure eyes and thought that she was a good substitute for death.

And Chen Yijie looked at Deng Kun and was also thinking about how to blackmail a large amount of money from Deng Kun.

The two men calculated each other, and pretended that nothing had happened, brewing one after another conspiracy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!