Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1335

Zheng Yu falls Leng in situ, memory has a lot of messy pictures in the non-stop flash.

There's about Shu Yin, and there are others.

But all the pictures are blurred and can't be put together at all.


Zheng yuluo screamed and fell to the ground.

She had a terrible headache. She thought of a lot of things just now, but they disappeared soon!

Headache seems to burst in general, Zheng yuluo has no way to think.


Zheng Yuwei was startled and quickly hugged her: "sister, what's the matter with you? I'll carry you to the hospital and let the doctor show you! "

"No, I'm fine!"

Zheng yuluo endured a headache and refused to see a doctor.

Every time she had to think of something, she had a headache and was taken to the hospital by her family.

MuQing will prescribe a lot of medicine for her according to the requirements of Zheng Jing.

Medicine is very effective, eat after the head does not ache, but the same, dust laden memory will be sealed more firmly, she can not remember anything.

Now, every time Zheng yuluo has a headache, he will avoid his family and let them know.

Zheng yuluo finally followed Zheng Yuwei home.

She was lying in bed alone, thinking about the scene when she met Shu Yin in the hospital before.

She has an impression on Shu Yin. She clearly remembers that they were good friends who were studying in a university. Why have they never met or contacted again for such a long time?

Zheng yuluo opened his mobile phone and searched through the contacts many times, but there was no contact information of Shuyin.

Did she remember it wrong?

Today, Shu Yin saw her and heard her calling her. Why didn't she talk to her?

Zheng yuluo still felt some headache, and her mind was in a mess, and she couldn't even concentrate on one thing.

Her mind is full of a number of messy memory fragments, Zheng Yu fell miserable to death, want to piece together the memory, but can't do anything about it.

She fell asleep, and when she woke up again, it was already afternoon.

Both parents have come back from the hospital, and Deng Kun has also been sent home. The two families have become half enemies from their parents.

Zheng Jing sat in the living room with a gloomy face. Seeing Zheng yuluo downstairs, he said sternly, "Luoluo, come here! Explain to me what happened last noon and last night

Zheng yuluo went to the living room and sat down opposite Zheng Jing.

Her face was a little pale, but her eyes were calm and firm: "Dad, I don't like Deng Kun, I like other people. He went to challenge last night and was beaten by my friend, but it has nothing to do with my friend. He started with Deng Kun just to protect me."

"Is marriage a joke?! Engagement is such a big thing. If you don't engage, you will not be engaged? Can you think about it for me and your mom? At noon yesterday, your mother and I had no way to end it! "

"You say you like other people, you know in the bar? How much truth can be found in the bar? "

"How many people can tolerate you and take care of you like Deng Kun? Luoluo, you are so naive and let me down! Can't you live a stable life? "

If it was yesterday, Zheng yuluo was still in the mood to argue with Zheng Jing about the truth.

But today, Zheng yuluo lost interest in these.

She just wanted to know what had happened in her past.

Zheng yuluo is silent to listen to his father's reproach, in the heart gives birth to a kind of impulse to escape this home.

As soon as the idea came out, she felt as if she had done it before.

The feeling of deja vu hit, Zheng Yu can not help but ask: "Dad, I left home to walk?"

Zheng Jing a Leng, eyebrows involuntarily wrinkled up: "what do you ask this to do?"

In fact, he did not know how much memory Zheng yuluo had lost, but he was sure that Zheng yuluo did not remember Jingzhi at all.

Everything about Jing Zhi is taboo at home.

Zheng Yu left home before he left home for Jingzhi, so Zheng Jing didn't answer directly.

Otherwise, if Zheng yuluo asked her why she ran away from home, he would not be able to continue.

"Nothing, just ask, I don't remember a lot of things I used to do. I always want to understand why you are so nervous about me. What I do is strictly restricted by you. Is it related to my running away from home

"No, you are too simple. I'm just afraid that you will be cheated outside. Your sister's character should be more cautious. She has learned some fighting skills outside. She is not afraid to encounter bad people, so I'll take care of you more. "

Zheng Jing didn't want to admit that Zheng yuluo had run away from home in a fit of anger, for fear that she would continue to ask, and instead mentioned the friend in Zheng yuluo's mouth."If you have a chance to let your friend come to our house to play, if you really like him, he will treat you well, and I will not object to your two being together."

Zheng yuluo's spirit was shocked: "Dad, really? You're not lying to me, are you? "

"Really, I'm looking forward to your happiness. Since you don't like Deng Kun, I won't mention it in the future. But you can't be self willed. You have to take your boyfriend home with you. Dad will help you with the check

Zheng Jing quickly adjusted his strategy when he was taken by his daughter yesterday.

In order to no longer have such a big trouble in the engagement, Zheng Jing decided that she could only be engaged with her daughter's consent.

She likes the person, went up to Deng Kun to hit, it is estimated that is not a good person.

After meeting, if he is not satisfied, there are ways to let the other party give up on his own initiative.

Zheng yuluo didn't know what Zheng Jing was thinking. She thought that Zheng Jingzhen would support his love with Jingzhi, and her mood immediately jumped up.

In the evening, I was more active than usual.

Seeing his daughter smile again, Zheng Jing felt in a good mood, and some of his ideas changed.

He hoped that his daughter's new boyfriend would not be too bad, as long as there is a similar, good to Zheng Yu, he doesn't care about each other's family background.

It's rare that Zheng yuluo can fall in love with another person after Jingzhi. You can let two people talk and try.

Zheng Yu had a good sleep, got up the next day, had breakfast, and drove to work.

She parked the car and went downstairs to the company, but unexpectedly met Deng Kun.

"Why are you here? Are the injuries all right? You should have a good rest at home

Deng Kun's physical appearance can not see any injury, that is, his face is a little pale, looking depressed.

"Luoluo, I've been thinking all night. I can't live without you! I know how painful he hit me, as long as you can come back to me , the fastest update of the webnovel!