Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1331

Hearing Deng Kun's words, not far away to watch the excitement of Jinxin and Mu Sen turned their eyes, have seen idiots, but have not seen idiots so thoroughly!

Whose woman is this? I'm afraid only Deng Kun is in the dark.

I dare to say that Zheng yuluo and scold Jingzhi so arrogantly. It is estimated that he will lie down and go out of the bar tonight.

I hope Jing Zhi will be more gentle and don't beat people to death. Otherwise, no matter how powerful Mu Sen is, he will not be able to get people back from Yan Luo hall.

At that time, Jing Zhi will be charged with murder, which is not worth it.

But at the moment, Jing Zhi's eyes have become incomparable. If he hadn't learned to restrain himself for more than a year, Deng Kun would have been dead now.

He's always quick to kill, and he doesn't have any psychological burden.

But he can't do this in front of Zheng yuluo, he is afraid to frighten the timid her.

Jingzhi said coldly: "those who dare to talk to me like this have become ghosts. If you don't want to die, get out of my bar! Zheng yuluo is my woman. She has always been. You dare to think about her in the future. If you die, don't blame me for not reminding you. "

He had been looking at Deng Kun's displeasure. Hearing that he insulted Zheng yuluo, he tore Deng Kun's heart.

Seeing that Jingzhi was more crazy than he was, Deng Kun said angrily, "are you the owner of this bar? Pooh! You think you're great to open a crappy bar? I'll tell you, I'm hard backstage! Zheng yuluo's family only recognize me as a son-in-law. If you collude with Zheng yuluo, you'll be in prison for a lifetime

Deng Kun has been playing in bars for many years. In fact, he knows that there are people in both black and white.

However, in Deng Kun's opinion, Zheng Jing, the director of the Public Security Bureau, is already a very big official. Everyone is afraid of him and everyone has to listen to him!

I'm sure the pub owners don't dare to fight the police.

Even if he quarrels with Jing Zhi, Zheng Jing will certainly face his prospective son-in-law!

So Deng Kun was not afraid of Jing Zhi at all. He stepped forward and reached for Zheng yuluo to take her away.

Zheng yuluo hasn't responded, Jing Zhi has already kicked Deng Kun out first!

Deng Kun screamed and fell out a long way. He vomited blood and lay on the ground for a long time without getting up.

When the people in the bar saw the fight, most of them ran away in a hurry and screamed. Some of them didn't even pay for it, which caused several waiters to rush after them.

Sitting on the sofa, Zheng yuluo was shocked by this scene!

How could she have thought that Jing Zhi was so cruel!

She was afraid, but she always felt that the scene was very familiar. It seemed that she had seen it before!

What's going on?

Where have you seen it?

Who kicked who out a long way, a kick to spit blood?

The impression in the mind is particularly fuzzy, Zheng yuluo wants to think carefully, but the brain is like a needle prick up.

In the past year or more, Zheng yuluo only needs to recall some vague pictures, and the result will be like now, the brain is occupied by severe pain.

She didn't dare to think about it again.

She stood up and hugged Jingzhi's arm. She trembled and begged him: "don't fight, he has already vomited blood! I broke up with him. Don't be angry

This scene reminds Jing Zhi of the scene of kicking Lou Ziyi.

At the beginning, Zheng yuluo was also afraid and begged him to come.

At that time, he was too young, too impulsive, too young, so he not only hurt Lou Ziyi, but also broke Zheng yuluo's arm.

Now, he will never hurt her again.

Jingzhi took Zheng yuluo's shaking hand and said in a soft voice, "rain fall, don't be afraid. It's OK. He won't die, but he will get hurt. I'm afraid he will pester you all the time. I'll give him a little lesson and let him suffer a little to remember it. "

"But But you just How frightening! Will you be so cruel to me in the future? Will you hit me? "

"No, no!"

Jingzhi is a little angry. He blames Deng Kun for forcing him to reveal his nature and frightens Zheng yuluo.

"If it rains, I won't move a hair of you or be cruel to you. Can you be the same as Deng Kun? All right, all right, I won't hit him! "

Zheng Yu nodded and asked tentatively, "can someone take him to the hospital? He seems to be seriously injured. Although he and I can't be together, there is no need to kill him! "

In the final analysis, Zheng yuluo still felt that Deng Kun had not done anything harmful to nature. He had taken care of her carefully for a year. When she saw Deng Kun lying on the ground and vomiting blood, she couldn't bear it.

A few years ago, Jing Zhi heard Zheng yuluo plead for another man. He was sure to run away. He would not give up if he didn't beat people up.

But now, he is mature and rational.

I love Zheng Yu more.She wants to marry someone else, he can bear all the pain on his own, only hope that she is happy, now he just asks for a love for Deng Kun, he has nothing to eat vinegar.

"Old gold!"

Jing Zhi glanced at Jin Xin, who was not far away from the play, and said in a loud voice, "call an ambulance and send people to the hospital!"

Jin Xin was a little surprised: "send to the hospital?"

This is not Jingzhi's style!

He and Jing Zhi have been living and dying in North America for a long time, but they know how violent Jingzhi is and how indifferent he is to human life.

Today, Deng Kun, who was robbed of his woman, pointed to his nose and scolded him. He actually let Deng Kun go so easily!

Mu Sen suddenly laughed and patted Jin Xin on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "the hero is sad, and the beauty pass! Just send someone to my hospital. I can slow him down a little bit! "

Jin Xin grinned: "how can I forget you! Good brother

He didn't call an ambulance either. He directly told the two waiters in the store to carry Deng Kun out.

Deng Kun wanted to curse people and fight Jingzhi for three hundred rounds. As a result, when he was pulled up from the ground by the waiter, his whole body looked like a loose frame, and his pain was severe.

He just yelled and didn't have time to swear.

After Deng Kun made such a fuss, there was no way for the bar to open tonight. Jingzhi didn't care about any profit or no profit. He didn't lack money. He directly asked Jinxin to close the door and let the waiters and bartenders leave work early.

Zheng yuluo's heart is still a little flustered and worried, she is afraid that Deng Kun will have an accident.

"Musen, please take care of the man just now. Your hospital is the best. He will be OK, right?"

Out of his professional habits, Musen has already roughly checked Deng Kun. He has a good idea. After looking at Jing Zhi, who has a bad face, he says with a smile:

"you are a girl, so it's easy to be scared. Don't boys fight from childhood? It's all small injuries. I'll be alive and kicking again in a few days , the fastest update of the webnovel!