Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1332

"Well, I'll be relieved!"

Zheng yuluo was relieved at last.

She was really afraid that Deng Kun would die and be disabled. There was no way to tell her father and mother.

Both of them treated her very well and never owed her. Their family had Deng Kun as his only child. Zheng yuluo didn't want to make the two old people sad.

Jingzhi stands beside Zheng Yulai, silent and silent.

Even though she knew that Zheng yuluo didn't like Deng Kun, seeing that she cared so much about Deng Kun and worried about his body, Jingzhi was still very uncomfortable.

Shouldn't he hit Deng Kun?

But if he doesn't, Deng Kun will go to pull Zheng yuluo and take her away.

Is persuasion useful?

How can he deal with people like Deng Kun without using force? Even if he doesn't do it, Deng Kun will do it.

But the consequences of the use of force are equally discouraging.

Today, the original beauty and sweetness with Zheng Yu all disappeared at this moment.

He waited for her for such a long time, and finally she was willing to break up with Deng Kun and come to him. But why did he always feel that he could not keep her?

He had no grudge against Deng Kun, and he didn't even know Deng Kun. Why did he attack Deng Kun?

It's because Deng Kun insulted Zheng Yu!

He did not have to fight people in front of her, that time someone stopped her and tried to do something wrong to her, he shot much heavier than today.

I didn't see her react so much.

Looking at Zheng yuluo, he hurriedly followed Mu Sen and went to the hospital to see Deng Kun. The enthusiasm in Jing Zhi's heart gradually cooled down.

"Lao Jin, you also go to the hospital to have a look, don't let Deng Kun have an accident, let Musen treat him well, otherwise, the rain should be sad."

Jin Xin glared at him and said, "I'm not going to see him! That boy is not a good thing. He deserves to die! You look so lost. Can I go? I will follow you

Jingzhi slowly sat down on the sofa. He didn't know who was drinking half a bottle of wine on the table. He took it up and drank it at one go.

"My ancestors, would you stop drinking? Musen said, you can't drink any more in this condition of your body! Look at you now, how thin you look? If your brother sees you like this, he will kill me. Do you believe it

Jinxin voice just fell, another cold voice suddenly rang up: "what does he look like?"

Jin Xin immediately turned his head and saw the comer as if he had seen a savior. His eyes flashed: "his brother, you should take care of your brother. I, the agent, don't listen to me!"

Jingrui is a straight suit with a straight posture and a cold face.

His brand-new bright leather shoes, stepping on the messy ground, strode to Jingzhi's side.

Jing Zhi held the bottle, raised his head and gently called him, "brother."

"And you know I'm your brother? Don't drink

Jing Rui's voice is a little cold. He reaches out and pulls out the wine bottle Jing Zhi is holding and puts it on the table.

"Zheng yuluo and Deng Kun have not been engaged. You should be happy. Why are you still drunk?"

Jing Rui hasn't seen Jing Zhi for a long time. His previous anger has long been gone. He has no objection to Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo.

As long as Jingzhi is happy and likes Zheng yuluo, he likes it!

But now looking at his appearance, Jing Rui still thinks that it is a mistake for him to like Zheng yuluo.

Jing Zhi's most respected person was his brother. He stood up and tried to use the most peaceful way: "it's OK. It's just a drink. Do you want to drink it? I have all kinds of wine here. "

He didn't expect Jing Rui to come to his bar. It was half a year ago that they met last time.

Jingrui dislikes him for drinking too much and eating too little. He also specially asks Shuyin to prepare high nutritional protein powder. He sends it to him every month and asks Jinxin to watch him drink a cup every day.

Jingrui also knows about Zheng yuluo's engagement, so he can come to him!

Jingzhi picked out two bottles of good wine and handed it to Jingrui: "take it back and drink it with my sister-in-law. It's pretty good to have a good look."

Jingrui took the wine, put it on the table, frowned and said, "Musen told me that you have a problem with your health. You are not allowed to drink any more in the future. Recently, I went to the hospital to stay for a month and recuperate. If I can't, I'll be discharged. If I can't, I'll live all the time! "

"Brother, I don't like hospitals, you know."

"Well, you live at home. I'll send Musen to your house to treat you!"

"I'm not sick."

Jing Rui looks cold: "if you don't listen to me, I'll chop Zheng Yu down and feed the dog!"

Jingzhi was in a hurry at last: "elder brother, I'll just say that I'll talk about Zheng yuluo for what? How unjust she is! She's a coward. Don't scare her

"She's not wronged at all!"

Mention Zheng yuluo, Jingrui is not angry.

Some hatred can never be forgotten!It's not a day or two for him to hate Zheng yuluo!

Jingzhi suffered so much in the virus research institute, and was sent to the killer organization. Those lunatics forced him to kill people and turned him into a cruel executioner. All of this was given by Zheng yuluo!

When I was a child, Jingzhi was so cute and kind!

At that time, he was always afraid that his blood would harm others. He always wrapped himself tightly, and even wore special rubber gloves to play with the dog.

Although he is mischievous, he has always been a good boy, without a drop of blood.

A person has to experience hell like suffering, will be from a naive child, into a killer!

After so much suffering and suffering, Jingzhi has not been defeated. He has been living bravely, but in the end, he has been planted in the hands of Zheng yuluo!

He now, where there is the former half brilliance!

Half black and half white hair, thin body, sunken eye socket, almost become a ghost!

Zheng yuluo is not distressed. He is a brother, and he is dying!

Jing Rui really cut Zheng Yu down and has the heart to feed the dog!

"If you don't want Zheng Yulai to have something to do, you should cooperate with Musen to do the treatment. Tomorrow I'll ask Shu Yin to draw blood for you and do a detailed test. At nine o'clock in the morning, if I don't see you in the hospital, you won't want to see Zheng Yu again. "

"No, brother! Don't touch her, I'll go to the hospital! "

Jingzhi knows that his brother has a big opinion on Zheng yuluo. He is a little afraid that Jing Ruizhen will take Zheng yuluo as an example.

Seeing his expression, Jing Rui knows what he is thinking. He wants to scold Jingzhi a few words. He wants to scold him for his futility, but he is not willing to scold.

In front of him, Jing Zhi is very thin. It makes people feel sad to see him. If the second uncle in North America knows about it, he will fly back from North America and run to Zheng's house to smash the Zheng family.

Jingrui "MMM" and turns away from the bar.

He didn't intend to interfere in Jingzhi's affairs, but now it has seriously affected Jingzhi's health and even his life. Jingrui has to take care of it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!