Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1330

Don't say that the Zheng family and Deng family are stunned, even Jing Zhi himself is stunned.

All the lines he prepared were useless, and Zheng yuluo turned away handsome and handsome.

She may not know, at that moment, she is really charming!

Hearing Jingzhi's words, Zheng yuluo's eyes flashed, and he said excitedly, "really? Are you really going to take me away? "

This is actually what she craves.

She longed for someone to save her from the rigid life, and not to marry Deng Kun again, to be a good girl like a puppet.


There was a trace of worry in Jingzhi's voice: "I just don't know if you will go with me if I rob you. Will you stay there and get engaged to Deng Kun for fear of upsetting your parents?"

It's not that it hasn't happened before.

Before Zheng yuluo didn't lose her memory, she paid special attention to her family affection. She would rather aggrieve herself than upset her parents.

Between him and her parents, she chose her parents several times.

Therefore, Jingzhi has been afraid to take Zheng yuluo away for fear that she will complain about him in the future and that she will hate him and not love him.

Holding Jingzhi in his arms, Zheng yuluo put his face on his chest, and his eyes were moist: "I was afraid that they would be sad. I was afraid that I would hurt their face and humiliate them. However, I have been forced by them. I don't want to marry someone I don't like at the age of 22 and live a boring life that they arranged for me

Jingzhi gently patted Zheng yuluo's back and gently coaxed her: "OK, don't be sad, they will understand you later. I'm glad you're not engaged to Deng Kun. Rain, what kind of life do you want? Will you regret today's decision in the future? "

"I don't know what kind of life I like, but I know that I don't like to be controlled and arranged by others."

Zheng yuluo raised his head and looked at Jingzhi's eyes. He said softly, "I will not regret it. If I am engaged, I will regret it."

As she spoke, she had an idea.

"My father always urges me to get married. He is always afraid that I will think of the past. When I went to the hospital to see my foot injury the other day, he even wanted to marry me to Musen. If I told him I had a new boyfriend and would marry you in the future, wouldn't all the problems be solved perfectly? He may not be very angry about today's affairs! "

Zheng yuluo was so happy that he almost burst into tears!

Why didn't she think of such a good idea? Isn't the person in front of you the most suitable person?

If she has to get married, she has to choose one she likes!

Jingzhi is defeated by Zheng yuluo's ignorance and innocence. He laughs, rubs her hair hard and says with a smile, "if your father knows you chose me, it will be special "Happy!"

Well, if you're happy, you're going to hit people.

As the sun sets and it's dark, the waiting bar is open.

People continue to increase, Jin Xin came to see a corner of the men and women holding together, directly smile.

It seems that sometimes amnesia can not stop the love of a person, Zheng yuluo's life may not like others.

Jingzhi is also. He is simply poisoned by Zheng yuluo. There is no medicine for him in this life.

More than nine o'clock, Musen also came to the bar. He looked around and saw Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo nestling together. He had a profound understanding of Zheng yuluo's behavior of dumping Deng Kun in front of a crowd.

Zheng yuluo is engaged. Mu Sen didn't go, but Mu Qing went. He had heard Mu Qing say the whole process.

He guessed that Zheng yuluo must be here today.

Musen did not disturb the pair of bitter mandarin ducks. He ordered wine and started the sea chat mode with Jinxin.

"How is Jingzhi these days? Has the meal increased? Have you quit drinking and quitting

"He's in a good relationship, and he's no longer averse to eating."

Speaking of this, Jin Xin was particularly happy.

"Don't say, love can really be a meal! He smokes less, but he still drinks a lot. This habit is expected to change slowly. If he doesn't drink, he will feel uncomfortable all over! "

"That's not good. Give it up as soon as possible. Alcohol does a lot of harm to his body! I asked him to go to the hospital for examination, but he has not gone to the hospital. It seems that I still have to let Zheng Yu leave the horse. "

Musen and Jinxin drink and chat. They are similar in temperament. Although they are many years behind each other, they have already become good brothers who have nothing to talk about.

All the things of Jing Zhi and the secret of blood happened to both of them. Unconsciously, the relationship became very close.

Chatting and chatting, Jinxin suddenly stopped talking and looked straight at a young man who had just walked in.

"What's the matter?" Musen asked suspiciously? Do you know this man? "

Jin Xin's mysterious smile: "of course! There's a good show tonight. You're right! Come on, take two bottles of wine and a stack of peanuts. Let's go to the nearest sofa and watch the funMusen followed him to change his seat. Then, he saw that the man who had just entered the door walked to the corner where Zheng yuluo and Jingzhi were.

With a flash of inspiration, he slapped his thigh: "Deng Kun!"

"Oh, I recognized him so soon! You don't have a low IQ, Musen

"That is! My IQ is directly proportional to my appearance

Because there is a good play to see, Musen some active, shameless praise himself.

They drink and watch the drama. I don't know. They think they have a feud with Jingzhi!

The sweet and happy atmosphere between Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo was destroyed by Deng Kun, and his face became a little cold.

Zheng yuluo saw Deng Kun, and her face was not good-looking. She said faintly, "Mr. Deng, what are you doing?"

"Today is our engagement day, but you left everything behind. Do you think I have anything to do?"

Deng Kun was swept in front of so many relatives and friends of the Deng family today. He has been angry for an afternoon and an evening.

If it wasn't for fear that Zheng Jing was the director, he would have gone up and beat Zheng yuluo hard!

He has always been gentle camouflage, has been unable to maintain, looks ferocious, fierce eyes.

Jingzhi slowly stood up and blocked Zheng yuluo behind him. He said faintly, "rain, this matter is for me. You can continue to eat your pine nuts. After eating, I will peel them for you."

Jing Zhi's indifferent attitude seriously hurt Deng Kun's self-esteem!

They didn't pay attention to him as a real man!

Deng Kun's anger could no longer be suppressed. He said angrily, "get your mother out of my way! I'm talking to my woman. What are you doing here! What kind of thing, rob me of the rest of the women, no wonder a poor look , the fastest update of the webnovel!