Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1329

Then, a kiss fell on Zheng yuluo's forehead, she was a little confused.

Is she dreaming?

How else would you wake up in his arms?

She clearly Oh, by the way, she's asleep in his bar!

"Why don't you know me?"

Jingzhi's fingers and belly glided gently over Zheng Yu's smooth face, and his other hand held her waist to make her lie more comfortable as much as possible.

Zheng yuluo's head is on his one thigh, this kind of intimacy, has not had for a long time.

Watching her sleep, Jingzhi felt satisfied.

Can wake up in Jing Zhihuai, Zheng yuluo also feel special happiness.

She thought that she was abandoned by the whole world today!

"When did you come? Why didn't you wake me up? "

Zheng yuluo holds Jingzhi's waist, her eyes are like water, and her voice reveals her coquetry that she has never noticed.

She just woke up, with a soft and lazy voice, which made Jingzhi's heart jump slightly.

She can always touch his heartstrings unconsciously.

Jingzhi gently pinched Zheng yuluo's chin and spoiled his voice: "I want you to sleep more for fear of waking you up. When I hold you to me, my movements are deliberately relaxed."

He said, he could not help sucking Zheng yuluo's lips: "you are very beautiful today, wearing red is very good-looking, in addition, tearing cheongsam action is also a bit sexy, amazing to me!"

It turns out that he has already come!

Is he looking at her all the time?

Zheng yuluo, a heart will be happy to melt!

He praised her for her beauty! Say she's amazing!


She bit Jing Zhi's lips and hugged his neck, smiling sweetly: "do you like me?"

"You don't think it's obvious?"

Jingzhi's eyes were full of smiles. He pressed Zheng Yu down on the sofa, his forehead against her forehead, and said in a soft voice, "like it, I like it very much. You touch my heart and have been dancing for you."

He took Zheng yuluo's hand, put it on his chest, and asked her in a low voice, "do you feel it?"

His heart beat very fast, Zheng yuluo's hands are reluctant to move.

How could it be?

He likes her too!

Zheng yuluo felt that happiness came too quickly, and she couldn't believe it.

She had thought that at best he had some affection for her.

"You like me, what about your ex girlfriend? Don't you like her any more? "

The tone is a little sour, and Jingzhi suddenly laughs.

He held Zheng yuluo in his arms. His chest was shaking with laughter, which made Zheng yuluo angry. She said, "what are you laughing at? Can't I be jealous? I can't bear to think of others while you like me! "

"I like you. I guess my ex girlfriend won't care. In addition, I only like you. I don't think about others. If you don't believe me, you can watch it later. "

It's the first time that Jingzhi has seen him!

How fresh!

This joke is enough for him to laugh for a year.

Zheng Yu does not understand what's funny about this. It seems that when she was jealous last time, Jingzhi couldn't laugh.

Is it because she is too naive?

Anyway, Jingzhi said that the person she liked was her, and she was very happy!

Seeing Jing Zhi still smiling, Zheng Yu fell on his shoulder and bit him hard through his brown shirt: "don't laugh at me!"

"Well, well, well, I don't laugh at you."

Jingzhi said he would not laugh at her, but in fact he couldn't help it. The corners of his lips and eyes were full of laughter.

"You still laugh! Then tell me, which one is beautiful with your ex girlfriend? "

Zheng yuluo can still remember that Jing Zhi said before that his ex girlfriend was more beautiful than her.

This time, Jingzhi said without hesitation: "you are beautiful!"

Anyway, which one is Zheng yuluo, of course, she is beautiful now.

Why? Answer so fast, don't you think? Think again, who is beautiful? How can I remember someone praising his ex girlfriend to the sky? "

Jing Zhi is helpless.

This is thanks to his ex girlfriend is also Zheng yuluo, otherwise he psychological pressure how much!

He sat up with Zheng Yu in his arms and asked her to sit on his body. He said with a smile, "you are the most beautiful! But it's not good for you to be so jealous, right? You're engaged today. I'm not jealous. I'm not engaged to my ex girlfriend. "

Zheng Yu looked down at his red clothes, and his small face collapsed: "Oh, I'm not jealous. I was not engaged. My parents forced me to get engaged. After I went, I announced that I would break up with my boyfriend. I don't dare to go home now. My father will break my leg when I go home. "

Jing Zhi took Zheng Yu into his arms and said softly, "well, I know. I'm actually on the scene today."Zheng yuluo raised his head in surprise: "are you there?"

Why didn't she see him?

Oh, I'm so nervous and in a hurry today. She didn't take a close look at the people who were sitting in the banquet hall. She said goodbye and left.

As long as he is there, we can know that she and Deng Kun really have no feelings. I believe she only likes him.

"But How could you be here? Are you a relative of the Deng family? "

Zheng yuluo, the relatives and friends of the Zheng family, are basically acquainted with each other. Jing Zhi goes to the engagement banquet with him. Are they basically relatives of the Deng family?

"What does this have to do with the Deng family? Their genes are not good, so I have no relationship with them! "

Zheng yuluo and Deng Kun have been in love for a year. Jingzhi feels uncomfortable when he hears Deng Kun's name, not to mention any relatives.

"Then why did you know I was engaged today? And know the exact address? "

"I'm so psychic that I always know what I want to know."

Zheng yuluo didn't worry about why Jingzhi was at the engagement banquet. She thought that maybe Jingzhi had been paying attention to her and went there by herself.

She pursed, her eyes a little dangerous: "Oh, then you are there, waiting to see me engaged to someone else?"

"No, I'm waiting there to get married. It's a pity that I haven't played yet. You've ruined the field yourself, and I haven't got a chance to perform

Although Jingzhi's tone was a little funny, his eyes were serious.

He didn't mean to coax Zheng yuluo. At noon, he really wanted to take Zheng yuluo away directly.

Watching her hand in hand with others to spend her life, that kind of painful feeling, others simply can't understand!

He thought well, and confessed everything with Zheng yuluo, and was ready to bear the anger of the Zheng family.

But Zheng yuluo gave him a great surprise!

He never knew that his little woman had such a strong and decisive side.

Everyone was waiting for her. As soon as she came in, she said with a megaphone: I want to break up with Deng Kun! , the fastest update of the webnovel!