Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1328

After getting along with Zheng yuluo for so long, Deng Kun still has some understanding of Zheng yuluo.

She looks warm and soft, and seems to be particularly good at talking, but in fact, she can't pull back nine cows.

She is so determined to break up with him, how did she change her attitude?

With anxiety and uneasiness, Deng Kun wore a brand-new black suit and took his parents to a hotel that had been reserved for a long time, and was ready to be engaged to Zheng yuluo.

The engagement banquet was at twelve o'clock at noon. The guests had already arrived, but Zheng yuluo was late.

She used to wear a red high-heeled dress, and she never started to wear a big red tuxedo.

"Thank you all for coming to this engagement banquet

Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun are stunned, where is Zheng yuluo?

I didn't say there was one before!

Today, she just needs to stand quietly beside Deng Kun and be a shy bride to be married.

Deng Kun's family are also puzzled to look at the Zheng family, do not understand why Zheng yuluo suddenly took a microphone to speak.

However, they all felt that Zheng yuluo should have made an engagement speech and so on. They did not say anything. They all stared at Zheng yuluo quietly.

Zheng Yuwei stood behind Zheng yuluo and reminded her in a low voice: "sister, if you want to speak, you should be after our parents speak!"

Zheng yuluo looked back and showed her a gentle smile: "no, Weiwei, after they all speak, it will be late."

After that, she looked back and said solemnly, "I am Zheng yuluo, the person who is going to be engaged today. I announce that from now on, I will officially break up with Mr. Deng Kun and Deng! After that, I will never come back and forth again! "

Loudspeakers spread Zheng yuluo's gentle voice to every corner of the banquet hall. The banquet hall fell into a dead silence in an instant.

All the people are gaping at the bride to be in red, don't understand what is going on!

Zheng yuluo looked at the surprised look of everyone, looked at his parents and Deng Kun's surprised and angry appearance, suddenly had a kind of revenge pleasure!

Look at it. It's so frightening!

They all think, she is so obedient?

The rabbit is anxious to bite people, she is not a rabbit, forced her anxious, she also has nothing to worry about!

Zheng yuluo is very satisfied with the effect he has made. Now, the family can no longer force her to marry Deng Kun, right?

She always wanted to solve the problem in the most gentle way, but no one agreed. In this case, let's tear the skin!

Zheng yuluo appeared for one minute and ruined the whole engagement banquet.

She turned around with a smile and went out with the loudspeaker borrowed from Liu Xiaoying.

"Zheng yuluo, come back to me!"

Zheng Jing was angry, he quickly caught up with Zheng yuluo and wanted to take her back.

Zheng yuluo stopped and said faintly, "Dad, I can't go back. I'm no longer the daughter who's in charge of everything. I'm going to live my life the way I like. "

"Do you know what occasion it is today? You said those words, will let our family all look up! Make yourself a laughing stock! You are so wayward

Zheng Jing was so angry that he even wanted to slap Zheng yuluo and wake her up!

But this is his beloved daughter after all, he endured again and again, finally did not give up to hit her.

"Go back now and apologize to all the guests! Apologize to Deng Kun and his parents! All the people who come today are relatives and friends. Do you want them to see our family jokes? "

Zheng Jing doesn't know how her daughter has become this way. Isn't she always the most obedient?

"Don't you have something to say? Must we make this difficult situation? "

"I have said many times that I want to break up with Deng Kun. Don't you remember, dad? I said it a hundred times. Anybody listen to me? You see, I said in front of so many people that you began to pay attention to it. "

Zheng yuluo looks calm, but in fact, she is shaking slightly.

For the first time in her life, she did such a thing as smashing her own house.

She was not good at this kind of thing, and she was not willing to stab her relatives in the back, but if she did not give them a knife, they would never realize that she was also a person with independent thoughts!

She desperately broke away from Zheng Jing's grip on her arm, straightened her waist and walked out of the hotel.

Behind her, the hotel was a mess.

When Deng Kun chased him out, Zheng yuluo was already driving, running without a trace.

Now, it's a shame!

Deng Kun's angry blue veins on his forehead burst out. If Zheng Yu fell by his side, he would probably slap her in the face!

Zheng yuluo didn't know Deng Kun's anger. Even if she knew, she would only feel that he deserved it.Today is Saturday, do not need to work, Zheng yuluo some confused driving around.

Unconsciously, she came to the waiting bar.

The bar is closed during the day and the door is closed.

Zheng Yu got out of the car and tried to open the window she had prized.

She thought that the window was a burglar's hole in the bar. Jingzhi, the boss, would make up for the loophole and seal the window tightly.

To my surprise, she just pulled it gently and pulled it open.

The windows are not closed at all!

It is quite inconvenient to climb the window in Qipao. Zheng yuluo doesn't care about the engagement dress at all. She goes directly along the fork on both sides of the cheongsam and tears it to the root of her thigh.

In this way, it will be convenient to take steps.

Zheng yuluo flipped into the bar, found a bottle of wine, and then sat on the sofa to drink.

The weather in early autumn has been a little cold, the bright sunshine from the open window, shining on Zheng yuluo's body, let her gradually warm up.

She didn't have much alcohol and soon got a little drunk.

However, she was in a good mood, lying on the sofa humming, ignoring the mobile phone beside her.

It turns out that it's so good to be a rebellious girl who doesn't listen to her parents!

Last night, because she was too worried about today's affairs, Zheng yuluo didn't sleep well all night. Now lying on the sofa, she fell asleep quickly.

So she didn't notice at all that a tall figure also came in from the window and leaned against the window, looking at her sleeping tenderly.

Zheng Yu fell asleep a good sleep, she did not dream of some messy pictures.

She opened her eyes and a handsome face appeared in front of her.


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