Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1323

Jing Zhi sighs helplessly. Musen can really scare Zheng yuluo. He doesn't know that she has always been timid? That would scare her.

He looked up at Zheng yuluo and saw that her eyes were full of tears. He could not help saying, "don't listen to this kind of charlatan's nonsense. I'm in good health. It's not time to buy a graveyard."

"He's not a quack, he's a wood family! His medical skills are very good. Let him show you

When it comes to life and death, the conflicts of the past two days are nothing.

Zheng yuluo did not dare to make fun of Jing Zhi's life. He had to ask Mu Sen to see Jing Zhi.

For Zheng yuluo's words, Jing Zhi is generally unconditional obedience, so he obediently hands to Musen.

Musen looked at Zheng yuluo in surprise.

Jing Zhi is so stubborn that it is rare for someone to subdue him. It seems that he is not so obedient even in front of Jing Rui?

What a drop!

Zheng yuluo looked at the soft and weak, did not expect to manage the Jing zhilai, also quite has the deterrent force.

That's easy. Let Zheng yuluo look at Jingzhi and don't let him drink and smoke.

"It's raining. I'm not exaggerating at all. Your friend is seriously overdrawn. He looks very young, but his organs have already entered the recession period ahead of time. If you don't believe it, look at his hair

The more Zheng Yu falls, the more frightened she is. She carefully takes off Jing Zhi's hat.

Under the light, his hair, a lot of shocking white.

She had taken off Jing Zhi's hat before, but at that time she only paid attention to his handsome face and didn't notice that he had white hair.

Zheng yuluo burst into tears. She suddenly hugged Jingzhi's neck and sobbed: "why don't you tell me when you are ill? I thought you didn't like me because you didn't like me! "

Jingzhi touched Zheng Yu's head and whispered, "I'm not sick. Many people have long white hair. It's OK. If you don't think it looks good, I'll dye it black

"You lie! Musen said you have something to do! He is the doctor

"Do you believe him so much? But I don't think he is a good man. Don't be cheated by him. Are your feet really OK? Wood Doctor Have you seen a doctor

Jingzhi almost said "Musen doesn't want you to have more rest". When the words came to his mouth, he just managed to round it.

Fortunately, Zheng yuluo has mentioned the name and occupation of Musen before, and it doesn't matter if he says the name of Musen.

Zheng yuluo also did not suspect, her mind is now in Jing Zhi's body.

"I've seen the doctor. It's the film that Munson took for me. The bone is OK, but it's a little strained. It's OK! You don't care about me, you go to the hospital to have a physical examination first! "

Musen sat on one side and looked at the two people holding each other as if there were no one else. Suddenly, he felt that he was a little redundant!

Didn't these two break up?

Isn't Zheng yuluo amnesia?

Isn't Zheng Jing going to marry his daughter to Deng Kun?

Who can tell him what's going on here!

Musen shook his head and drank his sprite helplessly. Then he was abused by two people next to him.

Thanks to him, he didn't promise Zheng Jing to marry Zheng yuluo, otherwise it would be really a joke!

Jingzhi hugs Zheng yuluo and comforts her for a long time before she is forced to calm down.

Zheng yuluo reluctantly released his hand holding Jingzhi and turned to ask Musen: "does he need to be hospitalized? Do you need an operation? "

"You have to have a thorough examination before you know."

Jing Zhi's body is too special. In fact, Musen is not sure. He is not bluffing Zheng yuluo, but there is something wrong with Jingzhi's body.

Only Jing Zhi thinks it's OK. He thinks he's alarmist.

"Well, if you send him to Mu's hospital some other day, I'll have to take blood for test, and then I'll see how his organs are failing. From today on, you can't drink, you can't smoke. You should eat more nutrients to supplement your body. "

"I OK, I see. "

Zheng Yu bit his teeth and agreed.

The bar is becoming more and more lively, and Musen finally knows that it's not Jingzhi's bar that is too cold and clear, but it's not time yet!

He excitedly went to the bar, ordered all kinds of wine, tried one by one, and said to the waiter, "I'm your boss's friend. He said, this wine will be charged to him!"

The waiter didn't dare to make decisions without authorization, so he reported it to Jin Xin, the bar manager who was busy greeting resident singers.

Mu Sen doesn't know Jin Xin, but Jin Xin knows him. He waves to the waiter: "this handsome guy is free of charge!"

Musen thinks that Jinxin gives special face. He doesn't ask Jing Zhi, who is the boss, to avoid the order directly!

He held up his glass and chatted with Jinxin.

After chatting for a while, Musen's occupational disease broke again: "Lao Jin, your face has been adjusted? According to the structure of human body, you are out of proportionNow Jin Xin is very young. He is very proud and says with a laugh, "how are you handsome? I made it according to Jing Zhi's face. I took some hyaluronic acid and botulinum toxin. I was at least ten years younger, and there was no side effect! "

In fact, being younger is only one of the reasons. The more important reason is that after fine-tuning, his appearance has changed, and Zheng yuluo will not recognize him.

At first, Jin Xin rejected micro plastic surgery, but when he was filled with hyaluronic acid, some wrinkles on his face disappeared, and his skin became better. The little girls also liked to talk to him, so he fell in love with micro plastic surgery.

He finally understood why those female stars were loyal fans of hyaluronic acid.

As a doctor, he doesn't reject micro plastic surgery. On the contrary, if it can really make people beautiful and confident, it can be changed appropriately.

Just don't overdo it.

He looked at Jin Xin's face carefully, and seriously put forward some suggestions for improvement. Jinxin seemed to have met a bosom friend and chatted with him in full swing.

Jingzhi sits not far away, looking at Jinxin's red face, and a smile appears on his lips.

Jinxin runs this bar, but he is more interested than him. Now he can meet someone who talks with him. It's not a waste of money to invite Musen to have a drink.

"I'm talking to you. Do you hear me?"

Zheng yuluo's tender voice rings in Jingzhi's ear. Jingzhi turns her head and sees her mouth pursed and her eyes watery, as if accusing him of his evil deeds.

"Don't you hear me? I'll just stop drinking. "

"And no smoking!"

"Well, No

"You're going to the hospital for a check-up!"

"OK, go." , the fastest update of the webnovel!