Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1322

Jingzhi frowned: "how do you know the address of my bar? How do you recognize me when I'm dressed like this

Today, he was wearing a pullover with a hat. The big one-piece cap covered his whole face and only showed his chin. His clothes were not his usual style. How did he recognize him?

Musen sat down beside him and said triumphantly, "do you think everyone is as retarded as you? As soon as I guess, you must have opened the bar near Zheng yuluo company. There are only two bars here. The other one has been open for nearly ten years. This is a new one, and it must be yours. "

"As for recognizing you, I have said that I can recognize the ashes, not to mention a living man. In the whole bar, there are only seven people with waiters. Among them, you are the most impersonal. I don't have to work hard to find you. "

Musen said, snatched a glass of Jingzhi's wine, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. He muttered, "no ingredients." then he put his neck up and poured it down.

"My mother, this is too hard to drink! Do you eat this horse urine every day

"It's not good. Did you drink it all?"

Jing Zhi snapped his finger at the waiter at the bar, and the waiter soon brought a few bottles of wine.

Looking at Jing Zhi's face, he poured down a bottle, and he could not help but commit an occupational disease: "don't drink so much. Alcohol will damage your liver and kidney, stimulate the gastric mucosa, and your body is special. Those viruses may mutate due to the existence of alcohol..."

Jing Zhi couldn't stand his nagging, put a bottle of wine into his hand, and said, "this bottle is good. You can try it."

"Really? I don't drink much. Don't lie to me

"Don't drink it. Give it back to me."

Jingzhi tries to snatch it back, but Musen smiles and pours a glass for himself, and then drinks it in a small sip.

"Well, it's really nice. It's cool! It's a little bit like ice sprite

Jingzhi finally couldn't help it. "Pooh Chi" chuckled: "I'm retarded. Your IQ is not high. Dr. Musen, you can recognize the ashes, but you can't recognize that this is Sprite?"


Musen quickly took another sip, and after a careful aftertaste, it was really sprite!

It's just a little bit of grape juice in sprite.

Musen felt a little humiliated. At least he had been mixed up in many parts of the world. He couldn't tell the difference between cocktail and sprite!

But he doesn't drink alcohol and rarely drinks carbonated drinks. Drinking too much of these things is not good for his health. The wooden family pays most attention to health. He has been away from junk food and all kinds of carbonated drinks since he was young.

Jing Zhi over there has been laughing. He has not been so happy for a long time. As soon as he comes back home, he makes him happy. What a good brother!

"Drinking is also a matter of exposing your intelligence quotient. Musen, you'd better drink less bars in the future, which can make you smarter."

Musen just wanted to argue with him about IQ. As soon as he looked up, he saw Zheng yuluo in an elegant light purple dress slowly coming in.

Mu Sen looked at Jing Zhi with astonishment: "how did Zheng yuluo come? She knows you own this bar? "

Jingzhi's whole person is hidden in the shadow. His tone is a little light: "I know, I don't know."

"When did you learn to play Zen?"

Musen murmured, seeing Zheng Yu come here, his face immediately changed into some polite smile.

He can be very casual in dealing with Jing Zhi, but he is a bit careful with Zheng yuluo.

This girl is Jing Zhi's sweetheart. If he doesn't say so, he always feels that Zheng yuluo, who is soft and weak, is particularly vulnerable and must be treated with care.

Zheng yuluo was surprised to see Mu Sen and Jing Zhi sitting together: "do you know each other?"

As soon as Musen was about to say "of course," Jingzhi said faintly, "I don't know. Didn't you sprain your foot? Why do you come out to drink? "

Musen had to swallow the words to his mouth.

How can he forget? Zheng yuluo has forgotten all the previous things!

"My feet are much better! You don't know how to sit together? "

Zheng yuluo has some doubts, but Jingzhi immediately gets up and goes to another sofa to sit down. He looks like he doesn't know Mu Sen and makes him speechless.

Mu Sen doesn't quite understand the relationship between Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo at present. He looks like a common friend.

Did Zheng yuluo forget Jingzhi and meet him here and make friends with him again?

Anyway, if Jing Zhi wants to act, he has to accompany him.

Musen took the wine on the table, went to Jing Zhi, and pretended: "brother, how about having a drink, being a friend? I see your footwork is flimsy and pale. It seems that you have some deficiency. I happen to be a doctor and can help you to have a look at it! "

Jingzhi didn't know what was going on, but suddenly he wanted to laugh.When did the most serious and serious Musen become this funny style?

Foreign life, not as big as the impact on people?

Before Jingzhi opened his mouth, Zheng yuluo said, "what's wrong with him, Musen? Is there anything wrong with the body? "

It's not easy to meet a man who can control Jing Zhi. Musen won't miss this opportunity easily.

He immediately said: "yes, you see, he looks so bad, his body is emaciated, it is obvious that he has been drinking for a long time, and his fingers have turned yellow, so he must be addicted to smoking. If he goes on like this, he may get gastric cancer or lung cancer, and he won't be able to live for a few days anyway."

Zheng Yu fell scared: "so serious?"

"Rain falls, don't you believe my medicine? But my family name is mu

"I believe it!"

Musen doesn't need to say anything. As long as his surname is mu, Zheng yuluo will really trust him.

"Of course I believe you, but I think he's in good health. I'm a little scared when you say that all of a sudden

Zheng yuluo took a worried look at Jing Zhi sitting on the sofa. Is he ill? She doesn't know anything. She doesn't know him at all.

She said she would never come again, but she couldn't control her heart at all.

Feet still hurt, she sneaked out of the house, ran here.

Seeing the moment of Jingzhi, Zheng yuluo felt very satisfied.

As soon as she heard that he had a problem with his body, she could not control herself. She wanted to ask Musen clearly. Otherwise, he really got cancer. What can we do!

Seeing that Zheng yuluo looks more anxious than Jingzhi, Musen can't help asking her: "yuluo, what's your relationship with this man? Friends? You don't have to be afraid. He can still live for several months in this situation. You can have a few more drinks to make him earn some money and buy a good cemetery. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!