Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1324

This kind of dialogue, especially like the conversation between loving and intimate lovers, Zheng yuluo said with some doubts: "why do I always think we have known each other for a long time? I seem to talk to you naturally. "

Jingzhi smiles and doesn't speak.

I've known you for a long time. I met you on your first day.

For twenty-two years, you have been in my life.

Unfortunately, you forget everything.

Zheng yuluo was also silent. Recently, she was always in a trance. She felt familiar with everyone and familiar with everything. However, after careful consideration, she found that she could not remember anything.

She has forgotten one person, and now she has fallen in love with another. What should she do if she thinks of him in the future?

Zheng Jing has also been urging her to get married quickly. There are only a dozen days left before her engagement.

Zheng yuluo was in a mess.

Jingzhi suddenly took her waist and whispered in her ear: "don't think about it, and you don't need to worry about it. You just have to be happy and continue to work and live."

Zheng yuluo turns his head and looks at Jingzhi's eyes.

She found that his eyes were so deep that her shadow was reflected in his eyes, all of which could not be changed.

She raised her hand and gently touched Jingzhi's thin face: "I have lost my memory. It seems that I have forgotten important things and important people. This kind of life is not very happy. My work and life have been arranged. If I go on, my life will be very stable without any twists and turns. But I always feel empty in my heart. I can endure a year or two, but I can't bear to live like this all my life

Jingzhi put out his hand to cover Zheng yuluo's hand. His heart was bitter, but he still looked at her with a smile: "when you have your own family and your own children, your heart will be filled, and you will not care about the things you forget."

"With whom do you have children? With you? If it's you, I won't look for my memory. If it's not for you, I'll find it anyway. "

If so, no matter whether Zheng yuluo recovers her memory or not, the person she finally chooses is Jing Zhi.

Jingzhi smiles from the heart.

Fate is so coincidental, it seems that he has been giving him a glimmer of hope, his woman left or right, the final encounter will be him.

He gently stroked her light hair, and his tone was a little spoiled: "the rain falls, you are more and more lovely. It's just that I can't have children. If you stay with me, life will be dark, and I don't want to drag you down. "

Zheng yuluo especially likes to listen to Jingzhi calling her name. His voice is very good, with a strange sexy, always makes her heart throb.

"Why not live?"

Zheng yuluo had some doubts. She bit her lip and asked, "did you try with your ex girlfriend?"

Jingzhi couldn't help laughing. He pinched Zheng yuluo's face and said with a smile, "well, I've tried, but even if I don't try, I know I can't have children."

Zheng yuluo didn't know that Jingzhi had tried with her. When she heard that Jingzhi had sex with other women, she was filled with acid.

"It's not fair! You're an old hand in love. I'm still a novice! "

"I don't know. It's not too early for you to say

Zheng yuluo was annoyed by Jingzhi's meaningful tone. She said in a hurry: "I haven't been close to other men! If you don't believe it, verify it yourself! I have nothing to do with Deng Kun. I'm innocent! "

People who have lost their memory are so funny!

She had long since lost herself to him, but thought she was a piece of paper.

He even knew the size of her underwear clearly, but he didn't know if his chest had grown since he hadn't touched her for such a long time.

Jingzhi's smile could not be concealed.

"Well, I believe you can't look up to Deng Kun's kind of goods in your eyes."

That's about it!

Zheng yuluo felt a little more comfortable, and then she thought of Jingzhi's infertility. She put it in Jingzhi's ear and whispered, "it doesn't matter whether we have children or not. We can adopt one later."

Jing Zhi sighs softly. He has already wavered.

He didn't know whether he should tell Zheng yuluo that he was the one she had forgotten.

He also did not know whether to take Zheng yuluo to appear in front of Zheng Jing, let Zheng Jing complete them.

His life is doomed not to be peaceful. If Zheng Yu is involved again, is it good or bad?

Jingzhi doesn't speak. He just hugs Zheng yuluo tightly, lowers his head, finds her soft lips and kisses her gently.

What should I do when the rain falls?

Would it be selfish of me to take you away?

In the future, will you blame me?

Once again, he hugged him in his arms and was kissed by him. Zheng yuluo was very happy!In the bar, the light was dim and the sound was noisy, which covered Zheng Yu's red face and her alluring voice.

Musen drank a little high. He turned his head and saw two people hugging and kissing in the sofa. He couldn't help but poke at Jin Xin: "what's the matter with these two? Are you together again? Jingzhi, this is Is it equivalent to falling in love with two Zheng yuluo? "

Jin Xin drank a little too. He said with a smile, "it's good. I love you more while you're young."! Zheng Yu fell to now also did not remember who Jing Zhi is, but she fell in love with him again! You also hurry to find a girlfriend, the person is not romantic waste youth, ha ha! "

Jin Xin is very satisfied with his present life. He lives a full and comfortable life every day. Jing Zhi, the boss, never restricts him and gives him the maximum authority.

He occasionally dances and drinks with the little beauties in the bar. He doesn't worry about eating or wearing. His life is very free and easy!

Therefore, he also hoped that Jing Zhi would be free and easy.

Zheng yuluo was his woman, cuddle and cuddle, should be!

That night, Jing Zhi drove Zheng yuluo back to the Zheng family.

This is the first time in such a long time that he sent Zheng Yu home.

Jingzhi watched Zheng Yu fall into the gate of Zheng's villa and drove away.

Zheng Jing sat in the living room and saw Zheng Yulai enter the door. He frowned and asked, "where have you been? Who sent you back? "

Zheng yuluo is very happy tonight. She even feels that she still has the body temperature and breath of Jingzhi. Zheng Jing's tone is not very good. She doesn't care because she is happy.

"It's just a few steps. It's not so delicate. A friend of mine sent me back. He's very nice. He'll call on you later

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