Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1321

"Is Zheng yuluo's injury more important than your own life? Her little injury will be over in two or three days! what about you? If you don't pay attention to your body and all normal cells are swallowed up by the virus, you'll have to report to the hell! "

Mu Sen is very angry, but he can't ignore it. He steps forward, grabs Jing Zhi's wrist and gives him pulse.

Jingzhi subconsciously wants to pull back his hand, but Musen stares at him sternly: "don't move! Do you think I'll give people a pulse? If you are not Jing, I don't care about you! "

"I'm not sick!"

"Yes, many mental patients say they are normal! Drunkards never admit to being drunk! What kind are you? "

Jingzhi was silent for a moment, and suddenly said, "you have changed."

"People will change, you will change, and the changes will be much greater than mine. In addition, I have to tell you that Zheng yuluo has also changed. You'd better not think about her any more. "

"It's my business."

"No, no, no, it's your business, but today her father is going to fix her up with me. It's not just about you!"

Jing Zhi's face suddenly turned cold: "what do you say?"

"You heard me right. Zheng Jing wants to marry Zheng yuluo to our family. Of course, I didn't agree! Don't get me wrong. I don't mean Zheng yuluo. I just want to remind you that the Zheng family seems very anxious to marry her out

"I think about it. It must be the Zheng family who are afraid that you will miss Zheng yuluo, so I am in such a hurry. You should stay away from people's home. Without your threat, the Zheng family would not force Zheng Yu to marry, and I would not have to be pulled by Zheng Jing to make up for the number. "

"When their family came to the hospital this morning, the atmosphere was very strange. Zheng yuluo did not speak during the whole process, and nobody paid any attention to it. It is estimated that they had made a quarrel with the family members."

Musen's rambling words distract Jing Zhi's attention. However, as he touches Jingzhi's pulse, his brow gradually frowns.

"What's going on?! How can you overdraw so much! "

Mu Sen finished the pulse, his face was rather ugly.

He fiercely took off Jing Zhi's hat, looked at his hair, and said in surprise and anger: "your hair has turned white, why don't you come to the hospital for treatment?"

Jingzhi is not angry when he is taken off his hat by Musen. He knows that Musen is not laughing at him, but caring about him.

He took back his hat and put it on his head. He said faintly, "it's OK. It's white if it's white! My hair will always turn white. It's just earlier and later. "

"What is white? Jingzhi, you are only 23 years old! A year ago, your hair was all black, but now you have so much white hair, do you feel normal? "

In fact, Jing Zhi knew his hair had changed a long time ago, but he didn't care.

In the first few months of losing Zheng yuluo, he felt that everything had lost its meaning. Whether his hair was black or white, he was indifferent.

Every day, watching Zheng yuluo and other men together, talking and laughing, he can only keep paralyzing himself with alcohol.

He has been drinking and smoking every day for more than a year. He has not eaten much. His body has been constantly overdrawn. He knows better than anyone else.

"You don't have to worry about my business. Just cure Zheng yuluo's foot injury. Don't leave any sequelae that will affect walking in the future."

Musen was angry: "your own life is almost gone, also tube Zheng Yu falls that little foot injury?! I didn't know you were so selfless

Jing Zhi's expression finally changed a little: "so serious? I just haven't had a good rest recently. Don't be alarmist

"Recently? Which is the latest? The last three or four hundred days! Are you not having a good rest? You have no rest at all! Nutrition intake is also seriously insufficient, take wine as a meal every day, sooner or later, one day I will drink myself to death! "

As a doctor, he must be realistic when judging his condition.

Casually exaggerating and talking about the illness seriously will not only cause great psychological burden to patients, but also easily damage their medical ethics reputation.

"When you go back, eat well! Eat more nutritious food, and most importantly, quit drinking! Change your habits! "

Jingzhi doesn't seem to have a big problem with himself, but sometimes his chest is stuffy and uncomfortable.

It's Musen. He's been drinking for a long time. He's really talented.

However, abstinence is impossible.

"I can't die. There are nutrients in the wine. I'm not hungry after drinking it. It's almost like eating."

Musen is going to be vomited by Jing Zhi!

He has been a doctor for such a long time, and he has learned Chinese medicine and Western medicine for so long. For the first time, he heard that wine can be used as food!

"You should not just because Zheng yuluo forgot you and fell in love with someone else, you would break the pot and not take your own body seriously?"

Musen's heroic eyebrows were all about to wrinkle together. He also liked girls. But when he learned that Lou Ruofei didn't like him very much, he was sad for a while, and soon returned to normal life.Why is Jing Jiajing infatuated?

As for Zheng yuluo's forgetting of himself, if it was in the past, Jing Zhi might immediately get angry when he heard others say so. Jin Xin didn't know how many times he had been scolded for this.

Now, however, he has been able to accept this fact very quietly.

People's ability to bear seems to always be stronger and stronger. Once a lollipop was robbed, he could cry all day, but later, even if his girlfriend was robbed, he could also smile while dripping blood in his heart.

This time, Jing Zhi has made a great change in Mu Sen's life. The relationship between them was not very good when they were young. Now both of them are mature and can tolerate and support each other.

"I open a bar. If you want to drink, you can drink it and give you a 20% discount."

Jing Zhi said a word lightly, then turned and left.

Musen still stood still and scolded him: "it's really heartless. I care about your health with good intentions. You also let me drink! Do you want me to be a drunkard, too? 20% off? Why not free? Hello, Jingzhi, I'll have a free drink! "

Since childhood, he has been a good student and a good child. He has never been to a bar.

It's not mu Qingguan's strict refusal to let him go, but he goes to school every day and gives people medical treatment and surgery. He is so busy that he doesn't even have time to sleep. How can he have time for recreation and drinking.

Now it's easy to rest for a few days after returning home. Musen can't help but go to Jingzhi's bar the next night.

There were few people when he went.

Musen went straight to Jing Zhi, who was nestled in the corner, and said, "is your bar too cold and clear?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!