Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1317

All the family members did not notice Zheng Yu's foot injury, or even that she went home barefoot. At the moment, they were all attracted by her breakup with Deng Kun.

On hearing Zheng yuluo say to cancel the engagement, Zheng Jing slaps the tea table angrily. The tea set and glass on the tea table are rattled.

"I don't agree! You have been in love with Deng Kun for such a long time. What's wrong with you now? Is it all a joke when people come to propose a marriage? You must marry Deng Kun, he is the most suitable for you, and he loves you most

Zheng yuluo's eyes were a little cold. She looked at her father and said, "i-no-marry!"

"You have to marry if you don't marry!"

Zheng Jing felt that she had spoiled her daughter, and her willful character would certainly suffer in the future.

Deng Kun can always tolerate her, do not care about her small temperament, even if she does not allow to touch, Deng Kun will follow her, do not touch her, protect her.

How can I stand this for a man!

"The marriage has been discussed with the Deng family yesterday. We can't go back to regret for no reason. Deng Kun is not bad to you. The Deng family takes you as their daughter. You can't be willful!"

"It is you who have promised to marry. I have never said that I would marry Deng Kun. I have never participated in the marriage from the beginning to the end."

Zheng yuluo didn't intend to quarrel with her family. She knew that her parents and sister loved her very much, and her family relationship could not be replaced by other emotions at any time.

She wanted to talk to her father about Deng Kun when she went home, but she didn't expect that Deng Kun had messed it up.

Now, no matter what she said, Zheng Jing is absolutely. She is escaping. It is her willfulness, not Deng Kun's real problem.

But for Zheng yuluo, whether Deng Kun has a problem or not, her choice is the same.

Even if Deng Kun did not have sex with Chen Yijie, she would not marry Deng Kun, but now she is more determined not to marry.

"Dad, I'm not happy to marry Deng Kun all my life. Do you want me to marry? I've just graduated from university. I'm only 22 years old. I'm still very young. Why should I get married so early and have children? Why are you in such a hurry to get married

The reason why Zheng Yu got married in a hurry was that the three of Zheng Jing could not say.

They don't even want to mention Jingzhi's name, let alone tell Zheng yuluo that she once loved a man, loved her life and death, and didn't want her own life.

The living room was silent. After a long time, Zheng Jing said, "it's for you to get married. Your mother and I, as well as your sister, don't care about you? It is the most complete life to get married early and settle down early. "

This reason simply can't convince Zheng yuluo. She reaches out and points to Zheng Yuwei. She asks in her heart with extreme distress: "then why doesn't my sister have to get married earlier? She was born a few minutes later than me. Why can she pursue the life she wants? Why do I have to follow the route you've arranged? "

At home, Zheng yuluo and Zheng Yuwei are two extremes.

No matter where she goes or what she does, she must report to her family. Her school and major are chosen according to the will of her family.

During the period of school, even the curriculum arrangement should be listened to at home, and the classmates and friends we met also had to report to the family carefully.

Love object is also through the family layer by layer screening, Zheng Jing picked out a Deng Kun, let Zheng yuluo contact.

After graduation, Zheng yuluo's work was arranged by Zheng Jing.

Is this love?


It's not!

This is control!

She is a puppet in the hands of her family, which leg she can only walk on!

No matter what Zheng Yuwei does, no one will take care of her and no one will tell her what to do. What she gets is always support and tolerance.

Her school and major are her own choice, she has absolute freedom of love, she can go out to play, make a lot of friends, but do not need to go home to report.

The most obedient one is Zheng yuluo. Why is it under strict control?

"What happened before I lost my memory? You are so nervous about my love and marriage that you are afraid that I will think of that person and that I will marry him, right

Zheng yuluo's voice fell, three people sitting in the living room were stunned.

She, remember?

Zheng Yuwei's voice trembled slightly: "sister, you You Is it because of Deng Kun that he didn't marry? "

Hearing Zheng Yuwei's words, Zheng Yu's tears fell all of a sudden!

Sure enough!

Sure enough, she forgot a very important person in her life!

Sure enough, they have been hiding from her!

She has lovers!

Zheng yuluo only felt that his sprained foot, pain in a sharp increase, from the center of the foot, instantly spread to the whole body!She covered her chest and fell to the floor.

"Why don't you tell me! Why cheat me! I forget things, you are my family, can't you remind me? He left me more than 10 million diamonds! But I forget him completely

Seeing Zheng Yu fall on the ground, Zheng Jing Zheng Lun rushed to help her, but was pushed away by her.

"Fall, you get up first, sit on the sofa to talk, the ground is cool!"

Zheng yuluo didn't get up, she was lying on the floor, crying heartrending, as if to cry all the tears of more than a year.

Zheng Jing wanted to ask his daughter what the "ten million diamonds" was, but he couldn't ask.

"I forget him, but you will marry me! How can you be so cruel! If one day, I remember everything, won't I hate you? Will I accept my life? "

Zheng yuluo cried for a long time, raised his head with tears on his face and said in a hoarse voice, "now, please tell me what his name is, where he is, is he alive or Dead

It turned out that she still didn't think of anything. Just now, maybe it was just a trial.

Zheng Yuwei, who has always been shrewd, has been cheated.

Zheng Jing takes a look at her younger daughter, and Zheng Yuwei also knows that she has unintentionally admitted that they have been hiding things. She gives Zheng Jing an apologetic look and gently waves her hand, indicating that she will never again.

"Down, you think too much."

Zheng Jing soon regained his composure and calmness. He said in a low voice, "you haven't forgotten anyone. If you really forgot, it can only show that you didn't have a deep impression on him. It's just some unimportant people and things. All the past has passed. Now, you should live your life well and don't think about it all the time. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!