Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1316

Zheng yuluo said "break up" with Deng Kun on the phone today, not just talk about it.

She listened to Deng Kun's conversation with her parents without any expression. She also joked with her sister Zheng Yuwei from time to time, saying that she should also consider her own life and find a boyfriend.

Everything in front of her seemed like an illusion.

Why do you always feel that her family are more intimate with Deng Kun than with her?

It's been a long time since I broke up with you

Zheng yuluo's voice is warm and soft, but the tone is inexplicably sharp and aggressive, so that everyone is stunned.

"Break up?"

Zheng Jing was the first to react. He was extremely surprised and said, "I told you this morning that you will be engaged at the end of the month. How can you break up again? Down, you don't want to make a fool of yourself

Zheng Yuwei also hesitated and said, "sister, are there any misunderstandings between you and your brother-in-law? You Have you had a fight? "

Only Zheng Lun did not speak. Her face was full of worry, and her previous smile had disappeared.

She is a soft hearted woman. She has not been wronged in her whole life. She has a smooth life, so she doesn't want her daughter to be wronged.

She knew that Zheng yuluo had a big opinion on the engagement.

Now Zheng yuluo proposed to break up, in fact, is also in her expectation.

Deng Kun, however, was as gentle as jade with a smile as if he had nothing to do. He said with a full demeanor: "it's OK. It's all my fault. I didn't mischievous. Uncle, don't blame her. I won't make her angry again. It's impossible for me to break up. It's hard for me to find such a good daughter-in-law. I'm not willing to let go! "

It's good that he didn't explain. Such an explanation seems to be really Zheng yuluo's vexatious behavior.

And he himself is that no matter how Zheng yuluo makes, he is tolerant of the one who loves.

Zheng yuluo has a bitter can not say, she stares at Deng Kun for a while, light way: "if you break up on your own initiative, I won't tell you those things. If you get acquainted with each other, I'll give you some face."

Deng Kun said painstakingly: "Luoluo, I really don't blame me for today's affairs. I'm not familiar with your colleagues. If she wants to splash dirty water on me, I can't hide. Don't you understand my feelings for you? I'll buy whatever you want. I'll make you happy. "

When Zheng yuluo saw Deng Kun more gentle and said better than now, he didn't have a trace of waves to his words.

He refused to break up. Zheng yuluo took out his mobile phone and showed his parents the bed photo of Deng Kun and Chen Yijie.

"Let's call it a day. Don't mention it in the future. I won't marry someone who is engaged at the end of a month and is still fooling around with other women at the beginning of the month."

Zheng Jing several looked at those photos, all shocked at Deng Kun.

In the face of Zheng Jing's three eyes, Deng Kun is calm and unreasonable.

With a wry smile, he said, "to be honest, the girl in the photo really likes me. She wanted to invite me to dinner several times, but she was rejected by me. There is nothing between me and her. These photos are synthetic, otherwise they would not be so blurred. "

The photos are really fuzzy, because Chen Yijie secretly took them with Deng Kun on his back.

And because both of them are almost bare, many key parts of their bodies are mosaic, so it is more like PS.

Therefore, when Deng Kun said these words, he did not feel guilty at all.

He was sure that no one would see from the screenshots whether the photos were real or composite.

Zheng yuluo, you are still too young!

"This girl is a colleague of the same company. I don't want to get too stiff with her, so that she won't be embarrassed at work. In fact, I have already refused her, but she still sends me messages every day. I am afraid that I will think more about these things, and I dare not tell her. As a result, there is an oolong. "

Deng Kun's words are sincere and sincere, and his listening to Zheng Jing is full of sympathy.

Only Zheng Yu fell alone, looking at Deng Kun in shock.

She never knew that Deng Kun's ability to tell lies was so great!

It's just black and white!

If he goes to act, he will be sorry to the film and television industry if he doesn't get an Oscar!

"Deng Kun, why don't you dare to do it? Even if you don't get involved with other women at ordinary times, you can't let go of the girls in our company, which makes me lose face in front of the whole company, even if you mean to say it's an Oolong? "

Zheng yuluo didn't find Deng Kun's mind so deep before. She just thought he was a bit of a playboy, and didn't think others were bad.

But now, she suddenly found that Deng Kun's character is a little terrible!

It turned out that he had long thought of a good excuse to come to her home so calmly.Did he calculate everything?

Will she marry him if he is sure?

"Luoluo, don't be angry. You can beat me and scold me. Just don't break up with me. I sincerely want to live with you all my life. You never let me touch you before, and I always respect you, but you can't break up just because we are not close. "

Deng Kun's look at Zheng yuluo is still gentle, and his tone is pleading. At this moment, everyone will feel that he is particularly pitiful, and Zheng yuluo is playing tricks.

"Uncle and aunt, please help me to persuade her not to make her angry. I'm going to marry her next month. I won't give up anything I say now. She's a good girl and I cherish it very much! "

Zheng Jingyan looked at the matter was about to be unable to clean up. He immediately patted Deng Kun on the shoulder with a smile: "OK, it's not too early. Go home and have a rest! There are us here. She has been petulant for a while. She is spoiled by me and your aunt. When she gets angry tomorrow, it will be all right. "

Deng Kun kept thanking Zheng Jingjing, and finally took a worried look at Zheng yuluo. Then he drove his own car and left.

As soon as Deng Kun left, Zheng Jing's face became cold: "enter the house, the rain falls, you tell me clearly about the matter of breaking up!"

He usually shouts "rain falls" only when he is angry. He usually shouts "falling down".

Zheng yuluo has no intention to care about what to call the problem, she slowly into the door, watching her parents and sister are sitting on the sofa, she did not sit.

Her ankle sprained, but she would rather hurt than sit. She stood barefoot in the middle of the living room and said calmly, "Dad, mom, I have decided to break up with Deng Kun. We are not suitable. Let's cancel the engagement." , the fastest update of the webnovel!