Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1318

"Still won't tell me, will you?"

The more you don't say it, the more it shows that the person is special and important. Otherwise, you won't be so secretive.

Zheng yuluo suddenly got up from the floor, endured the pain from the ankle, turned and walked out.

Zheng Lun was in a hurry: "lost, so late, where are you going? Come back

"I'll go to find him! I'm sure I can find him! Even if he dies, I will find him! "

Zheng Yuwei found something wrong with Zheng yuluo's feet. She quickly stopped Zheng yuluo: "sister, are your feet hurt? Don't move around. Have a good rest! Even if you want to find someone, you will not miss this evening! "

Zheng Yu looked at his twin sister with red eyes and asked in a very light voice, "Weiwei, you also pushed me to the edge of the cliff. Aren't you afraid that I will hate you in the future?"

Zheng yuluo's appearance is too distressing. Zheng Yuwei can't help holding her and crying: "sister, even if you hate me, I will do it! I can't lose you! You don't know, the last time you were lying in the hospital, almost no breath, how uncomfortable I was! I'll never go through it again! I want you to live! "

The two girls are obviously twins, but at the age of 22, their height and body shape are quite different.

Zheng Yuwei is three centimeters higher than her sister Zheng yuluo. Her physical training throughout the year has made her body symmetrical and powerful. She is 1.66 meters tall and weighs more than 110 kilograms.

And Zheng yuluo, one meter sixty-three, is only 90 Jin.

For a long time, Zheng Yuwei played the role of a sister.

Of course, she knows that Deng Kun is not suitable, but if Deng Kun is not suitable, it is more suitable than Jing Zhi!

At least, the elder sister married to the Deng family, will not want to die.

Perhaps, although Deng Kun is a playboy, when he and his sister get married, he will be reconciled. His sister is so beautiful and gentle. Will Deng Kun like others?

In a short time, they have no more suitable candidates than Deng Kun!

Even if Deng Kun has been getting along with Zheng yuluo for more than a year, Zheng yuluo still refuses to be close to him. If someone else is changed, it will be even worse.

Zheng yuluo stood there, allowing his sister to hold himself.

She forgot what had happened before, but she knew that she had survived once.

When she first woke up, her memory was a little confused, and then returned to normal after several days.

After waking up for more than a year, Zheng yuluo made compromises to his family again and again. Why?

Because she loves her family, she has always believed that her family will not let her do this or that for her good.

The person she trusted most was undoubtedly her sister.

Her parents asked her to love and marry, and she had never compared her sister before.

If Zheng Jing was not angry today, she would not have said it.

"Weiwei, don't let me hate you, OK? Let me choose my own life, not just let me live. I live, I live your way, and you are all happy. What about me? "

Zheng Yuwei was stunned. She never thought about this problem. She thought that her sister was happy now!

Isn't it?

She didn't cry or feel sad for more than a year!

She has more smiles and no tears. Isn't it good?

"Sister, it's the best for us to be together like this! I especially hope to see you get married and have children, and then your children call me auntie. We will take the children out to play. If you really don't like Deng Kun, let's discuss with my parents to get a better one? "

"Unless you tell me what I have forgotten, I will never marry if I die!"

Stopped by Zheng Yuwei, Zheng yuluo knows that he can't go out tonight.

She turned and limped upstairs. By this time, all three of Zheng Jing could see that her foot was hurt.

They took the medicine box to see her feet, but the door was locked by Zheng yuluo from inside, and couldn't get in at all.

"Fall, you open the door, and mom goes in and talks to you. What's wrong with your feet? Let me have a look

"Luoluo, you are angry, but if you are injured, you should deal with it as soon as possible. Don't be self willed, get out of here


Outside the sound, Zheng Yu fell as if not aware.

She took the gray coat that she had treasured out of the closet and put it on her body. She put her hand into her pocket and held the diamond box and cigarette box. She felt better at last.

She remembered that when she left from the bar, she slapped Jingzhi hard and felt a little uncomfortable.

He was beaten by her without any resistance.

When he rescued her from the bad guys, he was quick enough to subdue her.But he was so hard to get a slap in the face.

He shouldn't have been beaten. He was wronged in the face.

Even her own parents and sister think she should marry Deng Kun. He is a stranger. It's normal that she doesn't want to marry her?

He has a deep love for his first girlfriend. He only loves her and doesn't want to marry another woman. He has a conscience.

Zheng yuluo's heart is full of sadness and confusion. She doesn't know how long she can fight with her family.

She attached great importance to family affection. If her parents and sister had been worried about her marriage, she might soon compromise because she loved them.

She was so wrapped up in her coat that she lay in bed and fell asleep.

Hazy dream, it seems that someone has been calling her name, the voice is a bit cold, with a domineering tone, there is a kind of can't mistake the anger.

"Zheng yuluo, wake up!"

"I'll wake you up. Don't die!"

Whose voice is this?

Why does it make her feel a little familiar?

Even in the dream, Zheng yuluo also knew that he had dreamt again.

She often heard this voice in her dream recently, and it was always this sentence again and again.

But when I wake up, I always forget what the sound is like.

All she remembered was that the voice was very nice and had a powerful power to awaken her consciousness.

That person always let her wake up, Zheng yuluo will really wake up because of this. Then because too much attachment to the voice, and deep sleep, a whole night repeatedly, until dawn.

Perhaps because she had too many dreams last night, she had a shallow impression of the voice in her dream.

Zheng yuluo sat up and tried to think about where she had heard such a domineering and angry voice. She did not remember that someone had said so to her!

But she was sure that it was not just a dream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!