Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1306

Where does love come from? Zheng yuluo doesn't know. She only knows that she has lost interest in make-up.

Just because I was scolded by someone last night.

In fact, she did not like to make-up, so much to her face, trouble not to say, not good for the skin.

Her skin is as white as jade, and her lips are pink and glossy. Her eyebrow shape only needs a little modification, which is a good-looking eyebrow. Therefore, she looks good without makeup.

He works normally during the day. After work in the afternoon, Zheng yuluo reports to the "waiting" bar almost every day.

At first, Deng Kun thought that this would reduce the opportunity to communicate with Zheng yuluo, and was worried that she would learn from some women in the bar.

But he soon found that his worries were unnecessary, and Zheng yuluo did not like the touch of others.

They had dinner together at noon, and occasionally went to see a movie in the evening. She was very gentle and didn't want to break up.

There is no need to transfer Zheng Yu to and from work, Deng Kun's days are much more comfortable.

In order not to collide with Zheng yuluo, he never went to the waiting bar, but went to other bars to hook up with the little girl.

Zheng yuluo and Deng Kun were in two bars respectively, which made Chen Yijie sad!

Because she always wanted to grasp some of the two people's handle, but she had no skills, only two bars ran in rotation, one a day to monitor.

Deng Kun's side, of course, is a day to change a female partner, and cuddle, very intimate, to say that he and those women did not happen at night, ghosts do not believe.

However, when Chen Yijie sent the photo to Zheng yuluo's mobile phone, the expression on her face did not fluctuate at all.

"Chen Yijie, you should have misunderstood me. This is just some of my boyfriend's friends. They are close and normal. It's hard to take so many photos for you."

Chen Yijie looks at Zheng yuluo in disbelief, and thinks that Zheng yuluo is either a brainless idiot or an actor!

Can not change the face to see their boyfriend and other women nonsense, this psychological quality, I am afraid no one can and!

In fact, Zheng yuluo is not acting, nor is her psychological quality good, but she does not care what Deng Kun does.

Without love, there is no expectation.

Deng Kun played well with other women, but Zheng yuluo was very happy. If Deng Kun wanted to hold her, she would push people aside.

What makes Zheng yuluo have a strong sense of expectation is the owner of the bar.

Zheng yuluo inquired around and found that no one knew the name of the bar owner!

On the business license of the bar, the name of the legal representative belongs to the manager of the bar and is called Jin San.

The name is a bit odd and casual, and it doesn't sound like a real name.

It's been a whole week since the pub owner showed up last time.

Liu Xiaoying drank the wine happily and shook his head and said, "ah, the rain falls. Do you think that the owner of the bar we saw last time is a little familiar?"

Zheng Yu looked at the door with a smile and said, "no, have you seen him in other places?"

Zheng yuluo did not really feel familiar with Jing Zhi, but she also had a sense of inexplicable familiarity.

Now that Liu Xiaoying has it, she can't help but feel more strange.

"I had a quick look at him last time. Every time he came, he wore a hat and couldn't see his face. Now I can't remember his appearance."

Liu Xiaoying is still a little bit crazy. His eyes are shining and he says, "why did he talk to you last time? It's rare that you still raise your head! I'm in the dark with you

"I don't know what's going on. I think I've seen him somewhere. But on second thought, it seems that I have never met him before

The last meeting was too hasty and too short for Liu Xiaoying to respond. The reason why Jing Zhi is familiar with her appearance is that she has seen it countless times on TV and in advertisements.

Zheng yuluo, however, has forgotten everything about Jingzhi, not to mention that he was a star.

The entertainment industry has been changing rapidly. New actors and singers have emerged in an endless stream. Jing Zhi, who has long been out of the entertainment industry, has been forgotten by many people.

Haven't you seen him?

Zheng yuluo was disappointed.

I don't know what happened. Every day, she was looking forward to that person's appearance, waiting and waiting like a demon.

So mysterious, cold a person, actually with her three times intersection, Zheng yuluo heart has a strange feeling, always want to find him again.

A person, always have his life circle?

Does he only run this bar?

Oh, no, there's a manager in charge of this bar. He hardly comes here.

What does he usually do?

What's more, Zheng yuluo wants to know the story of the bar owner and his first girlfriend.He said before that she looked like a friend of his, so he helped her.

Zheng yuluo touches her face. Besides her sister Zheng Yuwei, does she look like others?

There can't be such a coincidence, can it?

Zheng yuluo's thoughts fly, Liu Xiaoying beside him has already run to other people's table like a man, rowing and drinking.

Maybe the quality of the wine cup is not very good. Zheng Yu's action to put the glass down was a little heavy, and the cup immediately became fragmented.

The sharp glass section cut a wound on Zheng yuluo's thumb, and blood gushed out instantly.

Zheng Yu fell pain "ouch" and quickly picked up a tissue to wipe the blood from his fingers.

However, the paper towel was sprinkled with wine before. As soon as she touched her wound, the pain caused by the stimulation of alcohol made Zheng Yu fall into tears.

A figure suddenly crouched in front of her, picked up her hand and looked at her wound.

Zheng Yu falls a Leng, instinctively wants to take the hand to come back.

"Don't move!"

Strange but some familiar voice, let Zheng yuluo immediately react to come over, squatting in front of her, wearing a hat to cover half of the face of the person who is.

She was surprised and pleased!

She's been staring at the door all the time. Why doesn't she know when he came?

Zheng yuluo sat still, watching him take out two band aids from his pocket and wrap her hands.

She wanted to say, it's OK. It's just a small cut in the glass. Just wipe the blood. There's no need for a bag.

However, she deliberately did not say.

I said, what if he doesn't give her a bag?

Zheng yuluo consciously said thanks to him in a gentle voice, hesitated for a while, or asked: "what's your name?"

Jing Zhi's body was obviously stiff, and then he said, "it's not important."

"Why doesn't it matter? You have helped me several times. I always want to know your name! My name is Zheng yuluo. How about you , the fastest update of the webnovel!