Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1305

Perhaps it is the desire for too long too long, Jing Zhi kisses is not gentle, but domineering and fierce.

As a result, Zheng yuluo did not react at all and forgot to resist.

She even forgot that a few months ago, when Deng Kun wanted to kiss her, she vomited directly, which made Deng Kun disgusted. Later, it was a little psychological shadow to want to kiss her again.

Today, she was suddenly kissed by an unknown stranger, and her heart beat faster.

After a while, Zheng yuluo is about to suffocate, she just reacts to come over, what happened in the end.

In a hurry, she reached out and pushed her hand.

She had thought that it would take a lot of effort to push him away with his tight arms and kisses.

As a result, she just gently forced, the other side released her.

Then, his tall figure quickly left here, disappeared in the dark night.

Zheng yuluo stood there, stunned for a long time.

Between the lips and teeth, it seems that there is still his warm breath, with the "first love" cocktail of glycol, the sweet smell of orange seems to wrap her whole body.

Is he also fond of "first love"?

Oh, yes, it was his original cocktail.

But why, every time smell this kind of smell, can let her have a kind of familiar feeling?

Zheng yuluo thought about it carefully, but he didn't remember when he had a similar drink.

However, he kisses, she not only does not repel, but has a light joy and happiness.

Obviously, this is extremely unreasonable, not in line with her character.

There are more and more doubts about this man.

Zheng yuluo touched his lips, some shy back to the bar, and then left with Liu Xiaoying.

Until she drove home, after listening to her parents and sister's complaint that she was too late and didn't answer the phone, when she returned to the bedroom, Zheng yuluo's lip was still slightly up.

It seems that she has not been so happy for a long time.

Before going to bed, Zheng yuluo took out the box of cigarettes Jing zhisai gave her and sniffed it under her nose. The faint smell of tobacco gave her a strange sense of satisfaction.

Holding a cigarette case, she fell asleep.

And Jing Zhi, after watching Zheng Yu go home quietly, returns to his own home.

Jinxin has always been in Jingzhi's car, and every bit of him and Zheng yuluo can't escape his eyes.

"Jingzhi, if you torture yourself like this, you'd better tell Zheng yuluo what happened in the past. Maybe she will think of you. A lot of amnesia is temporary. It's only after some stimulation that you can stimulate her again to make her wake up

Jingzhi casually throws the car key on the table, then half lies on the sofa and starts drinking.

"No need."

Today, he was impulsive.

You shouldn't do that, but sometimes, the body simply doesn't listen to the command of the brain, just rely on instinct to do something.

"Zheng Yizi didn't want to see her in the bar again. It seems that she didn't want to see her in the bar again. This proves that she doesn't remember at all. "

This kind of news, although it can give him a little comfort, is insignificant compared with the pain.

All of it, he's out of control.

"What can I do if I like it? Maybe I'll forget it when I turn around. She's fine now. Just go on like this. "

Jin Xin took a look at him and said, "you are really cruel. You are cruel to her and more cruel to yourself."

All of a sudden, Jing Zhi was infuriated by his words!

He roared: "who is cruel in the end?! It's her ruthlessness that forgot all about me! I stand in front of her and she doesn't know me at all

Jin Xin knows that Jing Zhi has been unable to accept that he has been forgotten by Zheng yuluo, and he also feels incredible.

"If you don't want her to change, don't show up in front of her."

Today, they all kiss people. After coming back, Jingzhi is not very happy. The corners of his eyes are wet.

Perhaps, for the proud man, it is a shame to kiss a woman who chooses to forget him.

What he wants is not this kind of unilateral love, but Zheng yuluo can retrieve his memory, think of him and be willing to kiss him.

After being angry, Jing Zhi soon calmed down.

His mood now, can control very well, even if he will be irascible, but will soon be suppressed with will power.

A long time of suffering, depression, pain, forcing Jing Zhi to grow rapidly.

He said in a very light voice: "I don't want to appear, but she is always in danger and can't let me leave at ease."

Jingzhi drinks wine and sleeps in a daze.

He kisses Zheng yuluo today. Although he despises his strong kiss, a kiss can dispel his pain.He just wasn't sure whether Deng Kun had also kissed Zheng yuluo, and whether he had been passionate about Zheng yuluo.

He did not dare to think, because he was afraid that he would go mad!

I'm afraid I'll kill Deng Kun if I'm not careful.

Waking up the next day, Zheng yuluo felt a little ashamed.

Because she dreamed of Jingzhi last night!

Although she didn't seem to remember his face, in the dream, he kissed her again!

When Zheng yuluo washed his face, he patted his face with cold water: "Zheng yuluo, you are crazy! How can you dream of such a thing

She washed, ate, changed her shoes and drove out.

However, she is not good at camouflage. The whole family can see that Zheng yuluo is in a good mood today.

The smile at the corner of her eyes and eyebrows could not be concealed.

When she arrived at the company, Liu Xiaoying yawned sleepily. Looking at the shining Zheng Yu, she said strangely: "we both came home late and came to work in the same morning. Why do I get trapped into a dog with black circles like panda, but you are so energetic, and your skin is so good, and there is no black circles under your eyes?"

Zheng yuluo blinked and took out a small mirror.

The girl in the mirror looks like a picture, the smile on the corner of her lips is like nothing, she is full of energy, and there is no trace of tiredness.

"I don't feel sleepy, Xiaoying. Maybe your sleep quality is not good?"

Liu Xiaoying shook his head: "no, no, it has nothing to do with sleep quality, it has something to do with mental state. It's raining, I think. You're like a kind of person now

"What kind of people?"

"It's the kind of ignorant girl in the early days of love."

Zheng yuluo is stunned. Can't it?

She just felt that she was in a good mood. Where did she come from?

It turns out that if you ever fell in love with someone, even if you lost your memory and saw him again, you would still fall in love with him again.

The trigger point of a person's aesthetics, preferences and heart movement will not change because of amnesia.

Should come, or will come. , the fastest update of the webnovel!