Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1307

Zheng yuluo looked forward to looking at squatting in front of his body, but still appears very tall man, in the heart like a deer bumping, jump fierce.

His fingers were cool, bony and slender.

What's more, Zheng yuluo felt that his hand was in his hand. He felt a sense of security and Familiarity!

Did anyone ever shake her hand like this?

Deng Kun has held it, but Zheng yuluo has never felt like this.

She wanted to know Jingzhi's name, but Jingzhi wrapped her fingers for her, and soon stood up and left in silence.

He didn't mean to tell her anything.

A little aloof, a little aloof.

How can anyone be so secretive about his name?

Zheng yuluo was very confused, but this did not affect her pace of catching up.

Jingzhi sits at the bar drinking, and Zheng yuluo stands beside him, chatting with him.

To be exact, it was Zheng Yulai who talked to himself.

"What is your name? I can't shout "hello" every time I see you

You should have said my name! It's the least polite. You don't say anything. It's not a gentleman! "

"My friends and I thought you were a little familiar before. Have we met before?"

"That Can you take off your hat? It's a little strange to wear a hat at night, and I can't see your face with your head down


Zheng yuluo is talking all the time, but Jingzhi keeps drinking without saying a word.

He never knew that Zheng yuluo could be so lively and talkative.

Listen to her soft voice, let Jingzhi from the bottom of his heart to produce an impulse to want her.

Now, his requirements have been very low, can hear Zheng yuluo talk, has been very satisfied, dare not have other extravagant expectations.

He was afraid that his appearance would destroy her present peaceful and comfortable life.

He was afraid that his own possession would make her fall into the abyss again.

Hearing that Zheng yuluo asked him to take off his hat, Jingzhi not only did not take it, but pressed the brim of his hat and covered his face more.

In the past, when he was sitting in a bar, some girls would come to chat him up, but no one was as persistent as Zheng yuluo.

When he was extremely cold, no girl could stand it.

Why does Zheng yuluo, who is obviously weak in psychology, care nothing about his ignorance of her?

Fortunately, Zheng yuluo is entangled with himself. If Zheng yuluo entangles other men like this, he will be sour to death.

Zheng yuluo was full of curiosity about Jingzhi, and thought he was very mysterious and charming. Later, he simply sat beside him and asked him various questions.

She said dry mouth, Jing Zhi handed her a cocktail, she did not think, took a few sips and drank it.

"Another drink!"

Jingzhi finally raised his head and said faintly, "after that, don't drink the wine that strangers give you."

"You're not a stranger, and I don't drink casually."

Looking at his almost perfect handsome face, Zheng yuluo knocked on his head and said with a smile: "if you want to harm me, there is no need to save me before. I think you are my Savior! But, benefactor, you should tell me your name? "

In front of the Zheng Yu falls, and loses memory before she, is very different.

Before, every time Jingzhi saw her, she almost cried.

But now, she is always smiling, gentle, bright, pretty, all kinds of smile, stabbed Jing Zhi's eyes.

No wonder, Zheng yuluo will forget him.

Maybe he is the root of her pain.

Every day they were together, she did not live easily.

Deng Kun's love is very shallow, no matter what weight, she does not love deeply, so she can laugh at everything, no matter what Deng Kun does, she can be light and light.

To be forgotten by a deeply loved woman is undoubtedly painful, but if Zheng yuluo forgets him and can be freed from the shackles, then let her forget it forever!

For her, Jingzhi is willing to bear the pain alone and commemorate their love once.

The night has been very deep, but the bar is still noisy, Zheng yuluo did not have the slightest intention to leave.

I must be scolded for coming back late tonight, but she doesn't care.

She is already an adult, but she is always treated as a child by her parents and even her sister.

She didn't like the powerlessness of being controlled.

Finally, Jing Zhi left first, and Zheng Yu left the bar reluctantly.

She left with her front foot, and Chen Yijie left with her back foot.

She went to another bar and found Deng Kun, who was full of wine. She twisted her body and sat beside him and said, "Oh, why didn't Mr. Deng find a beautiful woman to accompany her today? Are you waiting for meDeng Kun drank a little too much, so he didn't hide his dislike for Chen Yijie.

"Go away. I didn't scold you hard enough last time, did you? Don't take a mirror to look at themselves, grow into such a ghost look, still want to seduce me? Idiot

It has to be said that Chen Yijie is really a bit cheap in her bones.

When a man holds her and coax her, she will despise that person, but if any man doesn't pay attention to her, she will keep on sticking up, completely do not face the posture.

In fact, she is not ugly. Her face is beautiful, her figure is very good, and she can dress up very well. She is also a beautiful woman in the bar.

She held Deng Kun's arm and said in an ambiguous voice, "Deng Kun, where do you think I can't compare with Zheng yuluo? If you don't believe it, she is longer than her waist

Deng Kun couldn't help it. He looked down at Chen Yijie's half chest.

Round and full, white and lustrous, it is really beautiful, very attractive!

Seeing Deng Kun's eyes, Chen Yijie smiles confidently.

She said, there are no men in the world that she can't handle!

In particular, such as Deng Kun such a playful and dignified man, simply can not resist her body.

Chen Yijie leaned her whole body against Deng Kun's chest and said in a sweet and greasy voice, "if you perform well tonight, I will give you a surprise, a surprise about Zheng yuluo! Do you want it? "

As soon as he heard the words "Zheng yuluo", Deng Kun immediately woke up!

He pushed Chen Yijie away and said coldly, "you'd better not play tricks on me. If you have something to say, you can fart quickly!"

Chen Yijie smile some enchanting: "I don't say, unless you become my man, or there is a secret you never want to know!"

Deng Kun narrowed his eyes and scolded Chen Yijie as a "cheap woman". However, his face suddenly showed a typical gentle smile.

He took Chen Yijie's hand, took her out of the bar and went straight to the nearby hotel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!