Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1304

These three words made Jing Zhi's whole body stiff. He looked up slowly, looked at Zheng yuluo, and said in a very cold voice:

"it has nothing to do with you! If I saved you once, would you fall in love with me? "

"Don't be so amorous. For a woman like you who is dressed in revealing clothes and wearing heavy make-up, there are many in the bar! If you have a boyfriend, you should be a little bit more conservative. If you come out to hook up with other men, you will only look unbearable

"Go away. A girl chats with a man in the middle of the night. I'm not afraid that the man is plotting against you!"

It's really rare to have such a vicious tongue!

Zheng Yu didn't get angry with him!

She had wanted to thank him. If he hadn't shown up in time that day, she would have been terrible. After being insulted, she would not have survived for a minute.

Filled with gratitude and doubts about his identity, Zheng Yu turned and left.

High heeled shoes on the stone road, issued a "dada" sound, like a foot on Jingzhi's heart, so that he can't breathe pain.

How I want to chase her back at once!

How he wanted to hold her in his arms and question her why he had forgotten him! Even if she could not say any answer, he would not blame her, he just wanted to let her know how hard he was to be forgotten by her!

He wanted to press her against the wall of the bar and kiss her fiercely in the dim light!

However, he can't do anything!

She doesn't remember him, she doesn't love him anymore. What he does is meaningless!

She hurt him the most, in the end, she forgot all the debts, smiling brilliantly, living natural and unrestrained.

Left him alone, in the dark night, the lonely woman was torn by her wounds!

Jing Zhi raised his hand and touched the corner of his eyes. His hand was moist and cold.

He pulled the corners of his lips with self mockery and bitterness, and showed a smile worse than crying.

Zheng yuluo, you see, I used to look down on the tears, but the tears I shed for you in this life can already break the dike.

However, turning to leave Zheng yuluo, tears are like broken beads, keep falling.

She was so angry that she scolded Jingzhi a hundred times in her heart, but she could not refute his words.

Because, she is really amorous!

She dressed up deliberately today, changed a sexy skirt, painted eyebrows, wiped powder, painted lips.

I have known Deng Kun for such a long time. She has never dressed up like this!

However, he scolded him today!

What did he say?

Clothes exposed, heavy make-up?

She has no one!

Where she shouldn't have been, she didn't show it at all!

Her make-up is light, much better than other women in the bar!

Why doesn't she get on her own? Why do you hook up with men? What's wrong?

It's no wonder that his first girlfriend refused to take him! you deserves it!

This kind of person, should die alone!

Zheng yuluo stood outside the bar, crying out of breath, sad and sad.

She herself did not know why, was scolded by him two words to cry into a tearful person.

She is a boy friend in front of her face for other women jealous, can laugh the wind light cloud light girl ah!

She was maliciously slandered by Chen Yijie in the unit, saying that she was a fox spirit and a lotus whore. She has always been careless!

What's wrong today?

Zheng yuluo scolded Jingzhi a hundred times, but she stopped suddenly!

A strange sense of familiarity welled up quietly.

It seems that, once, there was a person who scolded her so harshly!

It seems that some people dislike her make-up!

She has also been so unscrupulous crying swollen eyes!

Who is it?

When did this happen?

How could she not remember that she used to cry so much?

Zheng yuluo suddenly turned around and looked at the place where Jing Zhigang was standing.

It was empty, and the man who had been leaning against the wall to smoke had disappeared.

Zheng yuluo's heart also followed a sudden empty, she ran over like crazy, crying: "you come back! I have something to ask you! "

She yelled many times, but no one answered.

On the road, occasionally passers-by looked at her with strange eyes, but Zheng yuluo felt nothing.

She cried and squatted down. She picked up the half smoked cigarette that Jing Zhi had lost and held it in her hand. She murmured, "why did you put out the cigarette when I came here..."

Around the bar, there is no lack of frivolous men.

Zheng yuluo's beautiful appearance is excellent, and she is wearing less clothes this evening. A drunk man who just came out of the bar saw Zheng yuluo's bright shoulder and walked to her with a lewd smile and said vaguely: "sister, brother can make you comfortable and comfortable. Go with your brother!"He said, fat hand is going to touch Zheng yuluo's shoulder.

However, the expected good touch did not come, but a "click" sound, his wrist was directly broken by people!

"Go away!"

A full of murderous denounce scared the drunk man to the bottom of his stomach. He held his broken wrist and flew away.

Hearing this figure, Zheng yuluo suddenly got up.

However, she got up in a hurry and bumped into someone's chest.

Nose acid, tears can not help but fall down.

"You didn't leave?"

Jingzhi didn't speak, but looked at Zheng yuluo with deep eyes.

Of course he didn't leave. How could he rest assured that she was in the bar dressed like this.

Jingzhi reaches out his hand and holds Zheng yuluo's soft hand. Zheng yuluo shakes slightly and thinks he wants to hold her hand!

"She picked it up half a moment ago, what did you pick it up

Zheng yuluo originally wanted to hide this half of the cigarette and take it home. Now he found out that she was a little bit angry: "I want you to take care of it and give it back to me!"

Instead of giving it to her, Jing Zhi threw the cigarette into the distance.

Zheng Yu stomped his feet in anger. Without saying a word, he would run to pick it up, but he was stopped by Jing Zhi.

She was almost half in his arms!

"Would you like a cigarette?"

Jingzhi's low sexy voice sounded in her ear, a little overbearing, a little gentle: "I have a box here, all for you, do not pick up on the ground."

He said and handed a whole box of cigarettes to Zheng yuluo.

"I don't want that!"

"What do you want?"

I want you to smoke it. I want you to snuff it out for me!

But this can't be said. Zheng yuluo is also embarrassed to say that she can run out to find Jing Zhi and pester him with questions about the East and the west, which is the limit.

However, even if Zheng Yu doesn't say it, Jing Zhi seems to understand her heart.

He asked low, "do you want what I smoked?"

Zheng yuluo's face turned red in an instant, and he was embarrassed.

Jing Zhi couldn't help it any longer. He put his hand around her waist, covered her eyes, pressed her against the wall of the bar, lowered her head, aimed at her ruddy lips, and kissed her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!