Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1301

From seeing Lou Ziyi and thinking of a fuzzy picture, Zheng yuluo couldn't laugh at Deng Kun.

In the past, she could pretend to like Deng Kun, but now, she even does not want to disguise.

She wants to retrieve the memory of that person, even if he has died, has gone to another world, she also wants to find the memory back!

What's more, what if he's still alive?

If he is still alive and she forgets him completely, it is unfair to him!

Life is still going on. Zheng yuluo bought a white corolla with his 120000 yuan saved in recent years.

In fact, she doesn't have much money. All these money are lucky money given by her elders and pocket money from her parents a few years ago.

She just started working and didn't make much money.

When her family saw Zheng yuluo come back from buying a car, they were all stunned. They didn't understand how she bought a car quietly.

"Sister, why don't you tell me when you buy a car, I can go with you to choose!"

"Luoluo, how do you buy this kind of car? If you want a car, tell your father that he will buy you a better one. Although the car saves fuel, its safety performance is worse. I'm not sure if you drive it. "

Zheng Yuwei and Zheng Jing are frowning, only Zheng Lun looks at her daughter with some worry.

Knowing the daughter Mo ruo's mother, Zheng Lun guessed why his daughter bought a car without telling them.

She touched her daughter's white face and said in a soft voice, "fall down, drive carefully, don't drive too fast."

Zheng yuluo smiles at Zheng Lun: "Mom, don't worry. I'd rather be late than run a red light to overtake."

The next day, Zheng yuluo didn't let Deng Kun pick him up. He drove to the company.

She is really not proficient in driving. Her driving license was tested six months ago. Now she almost gives her driving skills back to her coach.

But she refused to be accompanied by her father and sister.

Even if she was afraid, she wanted to go on the road alone.

She didn't want to live under their wings forever.

Deng Kun failed to send Zheng yuluo to work. He was worried about whether Zheng yuluo was going to break up with him.

At noon, he specially drove to Zheng yuluo's company and had lunch with her. After testing, he found that Zheng yuluo didn't mean to break up with him, so he put his heart down.

Deng's family is also an ordinary well-off family. Deng's father, Deng Haichuan, is a manager of a property company. Her monthly salary is 8000. Her mother, Dong Jia, works in a joint venture, and her salary is similar to Deng Haichuan.

Compared with the Zheng family, the Deng family is not enough.

Fortunately, Deng Kun was self-motivated. After graduation, he went directly to a foreign-funded bank with an annual salary of 500000 yuan, which was a good mix among graduates.

The Zheng family has more wealth than the Deng family. Zheng yuluo will have many dowries in the future. At least, Deng Kun doesn't need to buy the house. The Zheng family has prepared the villa for marriage.

Besides, she will not only be quiet, but also quiet.

Where can I find such a silly woman?

Deng Kun hasn't eaten Zheng yuluo yet. He doesn't want to let the rabbit slip away from his mouth.

"Luoluo, I'd better send you to and from work in the future. I'm really worried about you driving alone."

Deng Kun pushed a dish of Squirrel Fish Zheng yuluo liked to eat in front of her, carefully picking fish bones for her, and constantly persuading.

Zheng yuluo did not stop Deng Kun's attentions. She knew that he would not only take good care of her, but also take good care of other women.

"No, you have to take a detour to my house every time. It's too hard! I can't stay away from driving all my life. It's so difficult for me to test my driver's license. It's good to get familiar with it on the road. "

"It's dangerous to get a driver's license on the road."

Deng Kun gradually found that Zheng yuluo, who seems to be gentle and easy to speak, is sometimes particularly stubborn. It is difficult to persuade her to accept the things she recognizes.

"Otherwise, you drive my Lexus and I drive your car. My car is better and safer."

I don't know. After watching the way two people eat and the content of their conversation, I'm sure they are very fond of each other.

For example, Chen Yijie on the table next door, her envious eyes are burning, and a plate of bamboo shoots has been poked out of shape by her.

She didn't understand why Zheng Yu caught adultery on the spot in the bar, but still had the same feelings with Deng Kun.

Why does Deng Kun always appear so humble in front of Zheng yuluo?

His Lexus is worth more than 500000 yuan. It is said that his parents bought it for him when he graduated from school. He has always cherished it very much. How can he be willing to give it to Zheng yuluo?

Zheng yuluo didn't look at a Lexus. She said in a soft voice, "no, my car is very good. I'll drive yours when my car breaks down."

She just bought her car. Although Carola is cheap, it is famous for its durability, which means she can't drive Deng Kun's car.Chen Yijie rolled her eyes on the table beside her and murmured in a low voice: "cut, you can install it! No shame

Although her voice was small, Zheng yuluo heard it.

But she just didn't hear.

Most of the time, Zheng yuluo is very good-natured. She is as gentle as water. She doesn't like to quarrel with others and doesn't care much about how others evaluate her.

She has always lived in her own world.

People like Chen Yijie, ignoring her, is the best contempt and attack on her.

After lunch in the restaurant, Zheng yuluo left.

Deng Kun was still sitting in the restaurant. Chen Yijie swayed to the opposite side of him and said, "Mr. Deng, do you have time tonight? I know a good bar. Why don't we go for a drink

Deng Kun looked at her with scornful eyes, in the heart extremely disdain.

Although he is a playboy, he is also a pick!

With other women, just to vent the desire of the body, such as Zheng yuluo such a gentle and self-esteem girl, he really want to marry home.

Who dares to ask for a woman who can date and sleep with a man?

Zheng Yu falls in the matter of men and women, extremely conservative, not only do not let him touch, also absolutely won't let other men touch.

When Deng Kun marries her, he doesn't have to worry about being hooded.

What is Chen Yijie? How dare you even have his idea!

There is no airtight wall in the world. If Chen Yijie went up, she would not have beaten Zheng yuluo in front of the whole company!

Deng Kun has not yet reached the point of brain damage.

His lips showed a sarcastic arc, close to Chen Yijie's face, and said in a very low voice: "you're such a bitch, I'm disgusted with dirt!"

Chen Yijie almost closed her breath!

Deng Kun, however, rose gracefully, adjusted his shirt sleeves, and walked away without hesitation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!