Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1300

When he was held in his arms, Zheng Yu fell to realize that the three were not struck by thunder but kicked by others.

There was a strong smell of wine and smoke in his body, which Zheng yuluo didn't like. But why didn't she feel disgusted now?

In the dark, he was wearing a black suit and a baseball cap. His face was hidden in the shadow and could not see his face clearly.

It looks like It's not much of a good person.

Zheng yuluo immediately struggled: "let me go! My father is the director. If you dare to move me, you will go to prison tomorrow! "

Back and forth, threatening people, will be such a sentence, even a curse words will not.

Jing Zhi is holding her in the rain, and is amused.

For such a long time, she has not grown up in fact, still as before, silly and lovely.

How long hasn't he been as relaxed as he is now?

Too long, too long!

He hasn't held her for a long time!

Just once, let him hold it again!

After that, he still silently guarded her, no longer appeared, no longer disturbed her peaceful life.

He deliberately opened the bar in the nearest place to her company, deliberately kept the prices of all kinds of drinks to the lowest, attracting people from their company.

He thought, she'll come once, right?

Jing Zhi looks down at Zheng Yu who is still on guard against him. He sighs gently in the bottom of his heart.

You're here. That's enough!

Now that you have forgotten it, don't remember it any more. Just live happily and simply.

He let go of his hand and let the dizzy Zheng yuluo stand firm, and then cut a knife on her back neck. When she fainted, he immediately reached out to hold her, wrapped his coat on her, and then picked her up and continued to move forward in the rain.

If she is awake, he will have the possibility of exposing himself. Let her sleep for a while!

Jin Xin drove his car to catch up with him and looked at Jingzhi speechlessly: "Hello, Hello, you have a car clearly. Why do you have to walk in the rain? Is it romantic? "

Jingzhi was not moved, and even the frequency of his steps did not change at all. He held the delicate woman and walked slowly.

How fast he drives and walks slowly, so he can stay with her a little longer.

He didn't want to send her home so soon.

Jin Xinqi's feet jump. He doesn't care about Zheng yuluo's life or death at all. He only cares about Jingzhi. In such a heavy rain, how can Jingzhi get sick?

As soon as his eyes turned, he immediately said, "Zheng Yu's falling body is poor. It's time to get sick in the rain. Get on the bus quickly!"

Sure enough, Jing Zhi stopped.

He hesitated for a second, and finally put Zheng yuluo into the car: "take her home."

Jin Xin looked at Jing Zhi standing outside the car: "how about you?"

"I can't go. The Zheng family doesn't welcome me."

To go, but also just to add trouble to Zheng yuluo.

He is no longer the wayward big boy he used to be, and he will not let Zheng yuluo be embarrassed between him and his family.

Zheng family never mention him half a word, want to let Zheng yuluo completely forget him such a person, can see their family attitude.

Zheng yuluo forgot him. At first, he was angry and hated.

Why forget him alone? Do you hate him too much? Or is it too painful to remember him?

Clearly, he suffered more. He had been living in her shadow since childhood.

However, with the passage of time, Jing Zhi's anger and hatred gradually dissipated.

What is the point of his hatred and anger when she forgets all the past?

The most painful thing in the world is not life and death, but that you are alive but no longer exist in her world.

He spent hundreds of days and nights alone, missing the whole spring, summer, autumn and winter, waiting for the most painful darkness and looking forward to the warm dawn. However, what he was waiting for was the news that she was about to spend her life with other men.

What's it like to have all one's bones broken and then reassembled?

Jingzhi has already tasted it!

The car disappeared in the heavy rain, but Jingzhi still stood in place, refused to leave.

Jin Xin sees Jing Zhi's lonely figure in the rearview mirror, and sighs heavily.

I don't know what the Zheng family thinks. What's wrong with Jingzhi? For his surname "Jing", he is ten thousand times better than Deng Kun!

With Zheng's family background, if my daughter can marry into Jing's, it's burning high incense! I still dislike it all the time!

Although Jing Zhi's blood was poisonous, he did not see his relatives and friends poisoned by him.

He has been with Jingzhi for so long that he even bandaged his wound. Is not he living well?

Deng Kun is so playful, but Jing Zhi is totally devoted to Zheng yuluo. His determination is not comparable to Deng Kun.

Moreover, if Jing Zhi had not been protecting Zheng yuluo secretly, she would not have known how many times she would have been ruined by the villains!Jin Xin looks at Zheng yuluo, who is sleepy. He really doesn't understand where this girl attracts Jing Zhi.

Although she is very beautiful, but Jing Zhi has also been in the entertainment industry. What kind of beauty has he never seen?

These two people are estimated to be enemies in their last life!

Jin Xin didn't dare to send Zheng yuluo to Zheng's house directly. He called a taxi and helped Zheng yuluo to the taxi. He followed the taxi to Zheng's home from a distance.

Jin Xin didn't leave until he saw the Zheng family come out to take Zheng yuluo home.

The night was stormy, and the next morning, it cleared up.

Zheng yuluo got up after the hangover, only felt that the headache would explode.

Family members are complaining that she went to the bar alone, but she was drunk and unconscious and was sent back. It was too dangerous.

Zheng Yu kneaded his forehead and listened to his parents and sister talking, but he didn't enter a word in his head.

Although she drank a little too much last night, she didn't drink the broken pieces. She remembered most of the things.

She just doesn't remember how she got back.

At that time, someone saved her, hugged her, and then?

Her parents said she was taken home by taxi. Who helped her take a taxi? How do you know where she lives?

Thinking of the man who suddenly appeared last night, thinking of the words he said, Zheng Yu fell deeply suspicious.

Only, she subconsciously concealed the existence of this person, did not mention a word in front of her parents, only said that she had drunk too much last night, and forgot how to come back.

Zheng yuluo asked for a day off. By noon, she had basically recovered. Besides a little cold, she had no other discomfort.

Deng Kun also came to see her at noon. Last night, he seemed to have never happened. He was as affectionate as ever, shouting "falling down". He neither apologized nor felt embarrassed.

Zheng yuluo kept this strange tacit understanding with him, and never mentioned the bar.

However, the smile she used to face Deng Kun disappeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!