Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1302

When she went to work in the afternoon, Zheng yuluo found that Chen Yijie's eyes were like a knife, constantly sweeping around her body, as if to poke a hole in her body.

Zheng yuluo is not in the mood to pay attention to Chen Yijie. She is making up and dressing herself up.

Usually, Zheng yuluo does not make up.

She just bought a big bag of cosmetics.

Because, she wants to dress up a little bit, go to that bar and wait for someone.

Two days ago, her technique was not very good, and her make-up was a little miserable. But today, I don't know what's going on, and she's wearing beautiful clothes.

Liu Xiaoying, a female colleague who usually has a good relationship with Zheng yuluo, teases her: "yuluo, can you stop making up? It's very easy for you to take away the soul of a man. Give me such an ugly woman a way to live

Zheng yuluo chuckled. She threw her make-up bag to Liu Xiaoying: "it has been said on the Internet that there are no ugly women, only lazy women. You can make up to enchant the soul!"

Liu Xiaoying bared his teeth and grinned: "this kind of me, with makeup, is also a female ghost level. It is possible that enchanting spirits is not a problem!"

In fact, Liu Xiaoying's facial features are quite beautiful, that is, a big bucktooth destroys the beauty.

But she also likes to show her buckteeth funny, so the nickname in the company is "buckteeth sister".

Liu Xiaoying's character looks careless, but she is actually a careful girl. She always feels that Zheng yuluo's state is not right these days.

She returned Zheng yuluo's make-up bag to her. By the way, she took a chair and sat by her side. She asked in a low voice, "raindrop, who do you like?"

Zheng yuluo was slightly surprised in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face: "no, why do you ask so?"

"You've never made up before, and you've always been plain faced when you're with your boyfriend. You've suddenly loved dressing up these two days. There must be something wrong with it! A woman is a pleasure to herself. A woman suddenly loves to dress up. Most of it is for her sweetheart. "

Zheng Yu fell surprised, is she so obvious?

Fortunately, Liu Xiaoying reminded her, otherwise she would be suspected by her family if she went home in make-up.

Liu Xiaoying saw that Zheng Yu's face had changed and quickly comforted her: "it's OK. Don't worry, I won't say it out. I don't think your boyfriend is a good thing! You'd better change it, or you'll be angry with him sooner or later. "

Zheng yuluo looks at Liu Xiaoying in surprise. She thinks that she thinks Deng Kun is general!

Chen Yijie is always jealous that she has an excellent and considerate boyfriend. Zheng yuluo feels funny. What kind of person is Deng Kun? Isn't Chen Yijie clear about it?

You see, Liu Xiaoying is much smarter than Chen Yijie!

Zheng yuluo laughed and said, "how about going to the bar at night? I'm not familiar with it. Please show me the way

Liu Xiaoying's eyes lit up immediately: "good, good! There are so many handsome men in the bar. I took a fancy to one last time. Maybe I can meet one tonight

She is lively and outgoing. She often goes to bars with her friends and is familiar with those places.

After work, they went to dinner together. At eight o'clock, Zheng yuluo followed Liu Xiaoying into the bar called "waiting".

This time, people are still very few, Zheng yuluo picked a corner to sit down and asked for two cups of "first love".

Liu Xiaoying said in a hurry: "I don't like to drink this!"

Zheng yuluo gently smile: "well, this is for myself, no your share."

"No, you have two?"

"Can't you?"

Liu Xiaoying looked at her strangely and asked, "are you good at drinking?"

"Not so good!"

"It's said that the cocktails in their house were created by the boss, which has a strong aftereffect. You'd better drink less!"

Liu Xiaoying ordered himself a martini, ate the popcorn presented by the bar, and jokingly explained various cocktails to Zheng yuluo.

“…… First love this kind of cocktail is very popular, girls like to drink it! This boss is really a talent, and is a super handsome guy, but he doesn't come often and doesn't like to talk when he comes. It's very cold and cool! "

"The manager who was in charge of the store said that he was lovelorn and wanted to go crazy about his ex girlfriend. He knew how to drink and smoke every day. So he just opened a bar and created a unique" first love "cocktail to commemorate his first girlfriend

"Well, I heard that he was not going to fall in love again. He didn't even look at the beauty chasing him. Now such infatuated men are rare. Why did his girlfriend abandon him? The boss is tall and handsome. He can open such a big bar, which means that he is also rich. If I have such a boyfriend, I will wake up laughing in my dream! "


There are more and more people in the bar, more and more noisy.

Liu Xiaoying babbled about the boss of the bar. For the first time, Zheng Yu didn't get distracted when others were talking. Instead, he listened carefully.She has had one more problem since she nearly died.

No matter how interesting others talk, she is always absent-minded.

Because she always felt empty in her heart, she couldn't lift her spirits to other people's affairs, even her own parents and sisters.

Most of the time, she smiles politely, seems to be listening, but her mind is empty.

Today, unexpectedly, her attention was focused!

This bar gives Zheng yuluo a very special feeling.

The taste of the cocktail was very special, giving her a sense of inexplicable familiarity. Every time she took a sip of her first love, she felt that she had been in love.

The people who appear in the bar are also very special. The appearance of Lou Ziyi makes her sure that there is a person who is really forgotten by her!

On that day, when she was slightly drunk, someone advised her not to drink more. When she was in danger, someone showed up in time to save her and sent her home safely.

Think of here, Zheng Yu down in the mind of a flash!

No, it's clearly the same person!

The breath is the same, the smell of smoke is the same, the clothes are the same!

Why did he save her?

Do what's right?

No, it's not!

He also said at that time, do not walk alone at night, have a boyfriend to use!

He knows she has a boyfriend?

Zheng yuluo tried to recall the situation at that time, every word he said, his appearance and voice.

Unfortunately, she was drunk that day, and her memory was not very clear.

She could only remember his general figure, not his appearance.

Zheng yuluo is thinking, Liu Xiaoying beside her suddenly shakes her arm with great excitement: "Hello, Hello, rain falls, look, the boss of the bar is coming! I'm so lucky to meet him today

Zheng yuluo followed Liu Xiaoying's finger and looked up.

In the colorful light and shadow of the bar, a tall and straight figure came slowly in. , the fastest update of the webnovel!