Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1242

Lou Ziling's fever has subsided, and his cough has improved a lot. He took a taxi and went back to the building to get his clothes changed. He was ready to live in Dayun temple for a long time.

As soon as I got home, I saw my sister Lou Ruofei asking, "Ziling, where have you been these days? Uncle and elder brother have been looking for you. They say they have something important to ask you. Go to uncle's house and have a look. "

Lou Ruofei was brought up strictly. She always talks and does things calmly, rarely in such an urgent time as now.

It can be seen that Lou Mingzhen and Lou Zirong have given her great pressure, so that she has some misdemeanor.

Lou Ziling faintly "um" a, and then went to the bathroom to take a bath.

After taking a bath, he changed his clothes, carried a small suitcase and was about to go out. Lou Ruofei immediately stopped him: "where are you going?"

"Didn't you tell me to go to uncle's house?"

Lou Ruofei sighed with a sigh of relief: "I think you are going far away with your suitcase. The family is not peaceful these days. Don't run around and make trouble. My family Maybe moving out of a city. "

As she spoke, her tone gradually faded.

From a prominent family to a debt family isolated by all the families, the gap is very large. Some friends I used to associate with once heard that the Lou family had offended the Jing family, they were afraid to avoid her.

Even Mu Sen, who has always liked her, even under the pressure of her family, doesn't talk to her on the phone.

All the people in the family are panic stricken, perhaps only brother a person's mentality has never changed, still cold and proud of living.

In the past, Lou Ruofei thought that his younger brother was too lonely and unpleasant. But now it seems that only his mentality of not putting anyone in the eye can he adapt to the environment best.

The decline of the family, he did not see him sad, nor see him depressed, as if everything was the same as before.

Lou Ziling doesn't care where they move to live. Anyway, it's the same everywhere.

He took the suitcase out of the door, and did not go to Lou Mingzhen as he said, but went directly to Dayun temple.

When Lou Ruofei knew that her brother had cheated her, she didn't go to see her uncle at all. She was angry and had a headache.

However, it was her brother in the end. She didn't want Lou Ziling to be told by her uncle. She just didn't admit that Lou Ziling had come back.

However, Lou Ziling did not show up, but let Lou Mingzhen and Lou Mingyang fight.

The two brothers parted unhappily. Lou Mingyang returned home, but there was no sign of anger on his face. He spoke to his daughter's wife with a gentle smile. As always, he played with flowers and plants and fed his parrot, without mentioning Lou Ziling.

In fact, the contradiction between him and Lou Mingzhen has a long history. The Lou family has been controlled by Lou Mingzhen. Many of his views and business philosophy are not recognized by Lou Mingyang. However, the power is in the hands of Lou Mingzhen. Lou Mingyang can only hide all his sharp points and be an idle person safely and steadily.

However, when he is a layman, he may not be able to tolerate Lou Ming's training of his son.

If Lou Ziling does something wrong, he can only train himself as a father. There is no reason for Lou Mingyang to reprimand him.

As an uncle, he never reprimanded Lou Zirong, Lou Ruofu and Lou Ziyi. Even if Lou Ruofu did not know how to marry Jingrui and dragged the Lou family from the cloud into the mire, he did not say a word of stress.

Why should Lou Ziling be reprimanded by Lou Mingzhen?

He didn't believe that Lou Ziling had done more than Lou Ruofu.

Lou Ziling has become such a lonely character, not all thanks to Lou Mingzhen!

Lou Ruofei doesn't tell Uncle the truth, but she will certainly tell the truth to her own father. She is a family. Her father's wisdom has always impressed her. She also knows that her father loves her only son very much.

"Dad, Ziling actually came back. He promised to go to uncle, but..."

"Feifei, it's OK. Your uncle has me there. You don't need your brother."

Lou Mingyang interrupted his daughter's words, with a kind smile on his face, and said, "he should have done something to annoy your uncle, but your uncle doesn't tell me anything, so we don't need to worry about it. Don't you know the character of your brother? He is the most impatient to deal with people. If he goes to your uncle's house, he will probably make your uncle and aunt angry. "

Lou Ruofei also laughed. She said kindly, "I thought uncle had some misunderstanding about my brother, and I wanted Ziling to explain it. So it seems that there is no need to explain."

Seeing that Lou Mingyang seemed in a good mood, she couldn't help asking him, "Dad, aren't we going to move out of a city? Why don't you look worried? "

"Feifei, do you want to move out of city a?"

"I don't want to."

Lou Ruofei shakes her head. She likes city A. she was born here and grew up here. If she changes her head, she will not adapt to it.

"I think city a is very good. Can we not go? Uncle's family Can you go to Jing's house and apologize? This is what big brother and elder sister did. It's a little too much. Jingrui and Shuyin are both engaged. How can elder sister be so confident and say that Jingrui will marry her? "For this point, Lou Mingyang has always had doubts. The Lou family has always been an affiliated family of the Jing family. Although Lou Mingzhen is ambitious, he is not arrogant enough to swallow up the Jing family.

Who gave him so much courage?


In a luxurious and spacious bedroom, the colorful sunset glow shines through the clean French windows, adding a trace of tea to the whole bedroom.

Lou Ruofu's body is exposed to the air. Her skin is as white as jade. Her waist and legs are thin. A pair of jade rabbits are round and plump on her chest. With her movements, she is shaking and makes her blood spurt.

She straddled on the man's body, is the wave of unbridled sway.

I don't know how long it took, and the two talents were still in the air.

Lou Ruofu hugged the man's neck, gave a hot kiss, and said in a bewitching voice: "husband, when did you kick that woman Shuyin? I'm all yours. I won't agree if you don't marry me! "

Man's face, with Jing Rui has a surprising similarity, but his eyes with a kind of sinister, destroyed his handsome face.

Liao Wei hugs the gorgeous beauty in his arms. He is eager to replace Jing Rui's heart!

If he didn't have this face, a woman like Lou Ruofu, he couldn't have been under his body to play wantonly in the next life!

He couldn't afford this luxurious and expensive villa!

Lou Mingzhen, the person in charge of the Lou family, could not bow and bow to him!

Kill Jing Rui! Kill Jing Rui!

Replace him, all the money, women, power, status, he Liao Wei!

Ha ha ha, Yew's strategy is really invincible. Lou Ruofu really believes that he is Jingrui!

Let Lou's try water first, and he will take down other families one by one. At that time, when everyone doesn't recognize the real Jingrui, it's the best time for him to show up.

The only thing that is difficult to deal with is Jing Yichen. Liao Wei has a serious psychological shadow over Jing Yichen. Now, his heart even trembles when he hears Jing Yichen's name. , the fastest update of the webnovel!