Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1243

Lou Ruofu didn't doubt Liao Wei's identity. First, she and Liao Wei had known each other for a long time, and they had contacts several years ago. Secondly, Liao Wei's identity had been recognized by the Jing family before. No one could have imagined that he would be Jing Rui's double.

Of course, Liao Wei didn't say that Jing Rui was a fake. He was real. Otherwise, if the Lou family went to test Jing Rui and found out that he was a fake.

He only said that he was playing tricks with Shu Yin and told Lou Ruofu all the identity of Shu Yin, indicating that he was afraid of the strength of Shu Yin and the strength of Virus Research Institute.

Liao Wei has been getting into trouble recently. He sleeps in the daytime and plays with women at night. He uses Jing Rui's face to contact several young ladies of small families in private. He turns people around and cries out to marry him.

Jing Rui usually works in the daytime, and almost always accompanies Shuyin at night. Liao Wei is out there in front of his face. He is not afraid to get involved.

Anyway, so far, no one has found that there are two Jing Rui in a city.

We only think that Jing Rui looks arrogant and cold on the surface, but actually he is nostalgic for women and his private life is chaotic.

If Liao Wei only plays with Lou Ruofu, Jing Rui won't find out his existence immediately. However, Liao Wei is a starving ghost in color. After playing with him, he finds that he is OK and starts to be wild.

Jing Rui looks at the picture of Liao Wei hugging those women on the table. He thinks that all the women are blind.

Only half of Liao Wei's face is good. The other half of his face is distorted due to injuries. His face is also swollen. It is obvious that he was injected with excessive hyaluronic acid to make him look like him.

However, there are so few women who have seen him. It's not surprising that the girls will recognize the wrong person.

Jingrui's lips float with a sneer. Liao Wei comes to a city, and yew also comes?

It's very good to hide. I haven't heard from her for such a long time!

She wants to use Liao Wei to lead him out, but she doesn't know that Jing Rui is also using Liao Wei to lead her out.

They came from the killer group together, and many of them are surprisingly similar.

Shuyin walks into the study and sees the large-scale photos on the table, but she is very familiar with Jing Rui. After only looking at two of them, she makes sure that the person in the photo is not Jing Rui.

It seems that this is Jing Rui's double.

She handed a cup of hot tea to Jing Rui, frowned and said, "it's not good for him to be so disorderly?"

If you come to a building, Ruofu is upset enough. If more women come to say that Jingrui wants to marry them, Shuyin feels that even if she knows it's fake, she can't afford to be generous.

And now the Lou family is in a state of bankruptcy. The Jing family has lost a powerful arm. Can't you break all the arms and legs?

How can any family dare to follow the king family?

Jing Rui took a sip of tea and chuckled: "don't worry. He's playing too much. Naturally, someone will clean him up. I don't need my help at all."

Yew's nature is cautious and strong. If Liao Wei is so unscrupulous, he must suffer.

He didn't worry about Liao Wei's problems. He cared more about Shu Yin.

"Yinyin, don't go to your mother's place any more. You don't have to check the past."

Shuyin has been obviously emaciated in recent days. Every day she looks tired. Today, this kind of state is very rare.

Usually she doesn't talk much.

Shu Yin lowered her head and said in a soft voice: "although DNA has identified Jiang Manshu as my mother, I have never regarded her as a mother."

Jing Rui has a point. She finds out that Jiang Manshu is really his mother, and Li Zhi is really her sister. After that, she really doesn't need to check it out.

But even Jingrui doesn't know that Shuyin refuses to give up dealing with Jiang Manshu because Jiang Manshu has been asking her to avenge Shucheng mountain.

She is afraid that if she refuses Jiang Manshu, Jiang Manshu will find someone else to deal with Jing Rui, which is even more defensible.

This is her mother. Although Shu Yin hates her and hates her, this is her mother, the woman who survived with all her heart and soul ten years ago!

Does she really want to kill her own mother?

Shu Yin has some pain. She would rather Jiang Manshu died ten years ago!

She used to hate Lucas for killing her parents, but now she hates Lucas for not killing her parents!

Jiang Manshu can die in anyone's hands, even Shu Yin can do it himself, but she doesn't want Jiang Manshu to die in Jing Rui's hands.

Even if Jing Rui doesn't care about a trace of blood on his hand, Shuyin doesn't want to let Jingrui take on these things.

Shucheng mountain died in his hands, has let Jing Rui have deep guilt for her, if you add a Jiang Manshu, what will it become?

Therefore, Jiang Manshu can't die in Jing Rui's hands, and Jing Rui can't die in Jiang Manshu's hands.

Shu Yin is in this kind of crevice, looking for the opportunity painstakingly.

Jing Rui sees Shu Yin suddenly depressed and gets up to hold her: "Yinyin, I will support you whatever you do. I will not interfere with your freedom of movement."He thought Shu Yin had feelings for his mother and sister, but hated Jiang Manshu for ten years and refused to recognize her.

So, he changed his words immediately.

So far, Jiang Manshu seems to have done nothing to apologize to Shu Yin. She is not a qualified mother. She does not give Shuyin enough maternal love, but she does not hurt Shu Yin very much.

Even the person who sent Shu Yin to the Research Institute was not her, but shuchengshan.

Shu Yin leans on Jing Rui, hugs his waist and closes his eyes.

She feels tired and insecure, and only when Jing Rui holds her in her arms will she feel at ease.

In the past, she had been in a state of mental tension for a long time in the Research Institute, which led to her poor sleep. She was especially alert recently. It was so serious that without Jing Rui's arms, she could not sleep at all.

Even so, Shuyin always has nightmares.

Some memories of her childhood turned to be blurred.

Shu Yin has now been able to determine that the memory she has been proud of is false and has been tampered with!

Let the child forget some things, and then guide her to remember other things, for hypnotists, it is very simple, Shu Yin can do this by himself.

There is no doubt that the person who modified her memory is shuchengshan.

If not Shu Yin's strong psychological quality, this kind of memory confusion feeling, will certainly let her collapse.

She suffered a lot from her constant suffering.

She lies in Jing Rui's arms and murmurs: "Rui, I'm not dreaming now? Will I find out one day that my life with you is fake

Jingrui doesn't know that Shuyin's childhood memory has gone wrong, but he loves Shu Yin deeply and can feel her loss and pain.

He hugged Shu Yin and said gently, "no, it's not a dream. I love you. There's no way to fake it." , the fastest update of the webnovel!