Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1241

Lou Ziling's body is stiff. He resists the impulse to throw Jingxi away. He wipes his face uneasily. He quickly puts Jingxi in the co driver's seat and continues to drive back.

By the time they got back to Dayun temple, it was almost dawn.

In addition to going back home with Jing Rui, Jing Zhi has been looking for Jingxi in Dayun Temple all the time. He hopes that Jingxi is so smart that he may be able to get out of trouble and run back to Dayun temple.

When he saw that Jingxi was brought back by Lou Ziling, he was so excited that he was about to cry.

"Sister, you are back at last. You are scared to death! If you don't come back, the second brother will be crazy! "

Jingzhi took Jingxi into his arms and saw her head wrapped with gauze. She said angrily, "are you hurt?"

"Second brother, I'm ok. It's this handsome guy who saved me! Otherwise, I may be thrown into the sea to feed the fish

Jingzhi immediately said thanks to Lou Zi Ling: "thank you for saving my sister!"

Lou Zi Lingxi said "um" with the words of Jin. He took a look at Jing Zhi's bald head, and then walked away.

Jingzhi shaves his head, and his robe has never been changed. Lou Ziling thought he was a new monk in the temple, so he left without much thought.

As for whether Jingxi and Jingzhi are brothers and sisters, and how they came to Dayun temple, he is not interested in them at all, nor does he mean to ask them to be grateful. He is not feeling well. He still has a fever after taking antipyretic injections. He needs to go to the hospital immediately.

Jingzhi doesn't care about Lou Ziling with a cold face. When he can find Jingxi, he is relieved. He has to tell Jing Rui about it. Otherwise, he is still looking for people outside.

Jing Yichen and Jing Rui come to Dayun temple to meet Jingxi. Jingxi is surprised: "Dad, when did you return home?"

Jingyichen took her daughter into the car and carefully checked the wound on her head and said, "last night."

"Is it because of me?"


Jingyi Chen should a, handsome face with a sense of cold: "who hurt you like this?"

Although Jingxi had been injured from childhood to adulthood, they were basically minor injuries. Moreover, it was her own injury. It was the first time that such a deep wound occurred.

Jing Yichen is deeply distressed, but her daughter is still happy. She just grabs his arm and laughs.

Jingxi told all the things he knew. He boasted that there was no such thing as the sky on the earth.

Jingyichen can't laugh or cry. The children of other families are tied up by bad people. They are scared to death, and will also cause serious psychological shadow. Jingxi is in a good mood. Not only does he have no shadow, it is almost a beautiful memory!

Did he teach his daughter too boldly? I don't know anything. I'm afraid!

"Dad, please help me to check the information of the rescuer. They don't want to repay me. They send me back and go directly. We have to thank them very much."


I won't even go to Jingyi.

He thinks more than Jingxi.

Sometimes, what saves people may not be really saving people, but it may also be acting.

Lou Ziling has lived in Dayun temple for many days. It's easy for jingyichen to check him out.

Learning that he is actually a member of the Lou family, Jing Yichen's eyebrows are directly frowned.

By the time he found out that the man who had taken Jingxi was also involved in the Lou family, his face was as cold as ice.

The performance of the Lou family is good!

But Jingxi glared at jingyichen: "Dad, I don't think Lou Ziling and Lou's family are a group!"

"Whether it is a group or not remains to be verified. It is better not, if it is..."

Jing Yichen didn't go on. He saw that his daughter liked Lou Ziling very much. He couldn't bear to say that he wanted Lou Ziling's life in front of her.

His daughter has just been rescued by Lou Ziling. It is normal for her to be biased towards him.

"Dad, you must promise me not to bully the building!"

Jingxi is not stupid. She knows the meaning of jingyichen, but jingyichen has never been in contact with Lou Ziling. She doesn't know what Lou Ziling is like. Jingxi thinks that he doesn't act like that at all. Otherwise, he should act more kindly instead of ignoring her.

Jing Yichen never regarded his daughter as an innocent child. He respected his daughter's opinions and suggestions, so he assured her seriously: "Xixi, I won't move him until I find out the truth. Even if the truth is found out, no matter what the result is, it is up to you to decide whether to punish Lou Ziling or not. "

Jingxi is relieved at last. His father always keeps his word. He says he won't deal with Lou Ziling in private, so he won't.

She nestled in jingyichen's arms and whispered, "Dad, he is a good man."

Jingyichen light smile, did not tell her Lou Ziling's past, just gently nodded.

Although he doubted Lou Ziling's intention, what if louziling really saved Jingxi?If anyone could save Jingxi sincerely, it would be a blessing for Jingxi. As a father, he must be solemnly grateful.

Jingxi back home, Shangguan Ning see the wound on her daughter's head, heartache straight tears.

Jingxi laughed and coaxed her: "Mom, don't cry. I didn't cry. It didn't hurt at all. I just accidentally fell down and bumped into the stone of the temple."

Shangguan Ning can't think of it in any case. Her daughter was tied up and injured. She only thought that Jingxi was too naughty to be hurt.

"Such a deep wound, how can you leave a scar in the future?"

"It's OK. Xixi is still young now. When she grows up, the scar will become very light. Moreover, she is bald now. When her hair grows out, the scar will be covered and can't be seen."

Jing Yichen comforts his wife with a smile. He didn't want to take Jingxi home so soon. But after shangguanning returned home, the first thing he did was to see his daughter, which was the limit.

Shangguan Ning or heartache, to the evening, she took her daughter to sleep in the master bedroom, Jing Yichen rushed to another room to sleep.

Jingyichen is very helpless. Take a look at it. He knows that this will happen after he returns home.

If he had a few more children, his position in the family would be beyond the 18th line!

Fortunately, he has only two children. Fortunately, Jing Rui didn't pester shangguanning when he was a child. As for Jingxi, it is estimated that he owed his daughter in his last life, so he would give up his most beloved woman to her.

Looking at his wife and daughter chattering about midnight, Jing Yichen poured himself a cup of tea, and then went to the study to deal with some affairs accumulated by the family and the group.

Of course, the most important thing is to order his subordinates to thoroughly investigate the Lou family.

Lou Ziling really wants to save Jingxi. It's OK. If there is a purpose and a plan, jingyichen will not allow him to contact with Jingxi again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!