Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1238

Jingxi wandered around the temple alone. She had just seen Jingzhi, but in a short time she was gone.

Did you go to the bathroom?

Jingxi danced and hummed. No matter where Jingzhi went, she carried many stolen tomatoes in her monk's robe and sat on a big stone to eat.

The little tomatoes planted by the old host himself are not only sweet, but also completely green and pollution-free. It's a pity that she has stolen all the tomatoes, and the rest are green.

She thought, let her brother airlift some small tomato seedlings, plant a large area in the temple, and when it is mature, she can eat it at will!

She was eating happily and got a cold slap on her head.

She had only time to scream and then fell into darkness.

She did not want to eat the most red tomatoes scattered on the ground, was mercilessly trampled on, if she saw this scene, she must be angry scolding.

The first person to find out that Jingxi was lost was not Jing Zhi, who was inseparable from Zheng yuluo, or the person who was hiding in the crowd but was deliberately tripped up to protect Jingxi, but Lou Ziling.

He had a fever all the time, and it was useless to take antipyretic drugs. He thought of going to Dayun temple for injection, but before he went out, he met Jingxi, who was carried on his shoulder, on the road.

Although Jingxi was dressed in a robe, and the person carrying her was also dressed in a robe, as if she was asleep and taken back by her elders, Lou Ziling saw the flaw at a glance.

First of all, he has met all the monks in Dayun temple.

Second, the man was not really bald. He just wore a bald cap, and several hairs in the back of his head betrayed him.

Third, it is impossible to make a monk's robe and headdress and pretend to be a monk if it is not for a unique purpose.

Human traffickers?

How arrogant! How dare you come to Dayun temple to rob the little monk and sell it!

But what does it have to do with him?

He doesn't know Jingxi.

Lou Ziling always felt that this kind of thing does not exist in his world, who loves to save, anyway, he will not have enough to save people.

He passed by the fake monk holding Jingxi and strode down the mountain.

However, when he got to the foot of the mountain, he met the fake monk again.

Jingxi is still lying unconscious on the false monk's shoulder. Her young face has lost its luster and freshness in the sun. Waiting for her, I don't know what kind of suffering it is.

If the traffickers find out that she is a girl, it is not sure where they will send her.

Such a beautiful girl, sold to pedophiles, can sell at a very high price. To some extent, girls are worth more than boys.

Louziling's feet stopped, looking at the fake monk's fast running, suddenly thought of Jingxi standing outside his window, tilting his head and chattering with him.

Ancient spirit and strange, happy and lively, a pair of beautiful eyes, with a naive world, pure and beautiful.

"Forget it, Lou Ziling, it's just to save someone. After living in Dayun temple for so long, you should save the little monk."

Lou Ziling touched her forehead, frowned and went up.

Regardless of his own body to save people, this situation has never appeared in Lou Ziling. Suddenly, when he was a good man, he was really not used to it.

However, Jing Xi's face has been shaking in front of him, enticing him to move on.

It was half an hour later when Jing Zhi learned from his bodyguard that Jingxi was gone.

He looked at Zheng yuluo, who was a little messy in his clothes, angry and bitter.

Is it true that as long as he meets Zheng yuluo, something bad will happen?

How many times is this?

It's too much, too many!

Before he had time with Zheng yuluo what happened, Jingxi disappeared!

When Shu Yin is gone, Jing Zhi will be worried and will not suffer, but Jingxi is gone, just like gouging out his flesh!

His heart is splitting!

The people who protect Jingxi are all jingyichen's subordinates. After Jingxi's disappearance, they first reported to jingyichen, and then to Jingrui.

At this moment, jingyichen has taken shangguanning by helicopter and returned home with the fastest speed.

Jing Yichen didn't tell the truth to Shangguan Ning. He only said that there were thorny problems in the operation of Jingsheng group. He needed him to come back and help his son. He didn't mention Jingxi at all.

If you know that her daughter is missing, shangguanning may faint directly.

She loves Jingxi so much that she can't accept such a big thing.

Jing Rui comes to Dayun temple with the fastest speed. He doesn't even care about Shu Yin.

Seeing Jingzhi and Zheng yuluo beside him, he almost beat Jingzhi down!

Zheng Yu falls again!Jingrui is not a superstitious person. He must be superstitious!

He wondered if Jing Zhi and Zheng Yu had fallen together, and the Jing family was going to die!

Jing Rui has no time to settle accounts with Jing Zhi. After listening to the description of the bodyguard carefully, he interrogates several passers-by who are caught by the bodyguard, and then orders his men to start searching.

It was late at night when Jing Yichen returned to city A.

He looks calm to send shangguanning home, driving the car quickly to Jingrui there.

Shuyin went to Jiang Manshu. She suspected that things might have something to do with Jiang Manshu. She had already tried.

Sitting in the living room are Jing Rui and Jing Zhi brothers. The air pressure is very low. As soon as jingyichen comes in, the air pressure becomes lower.

"What's up? Tell me the progress! "

Jingxi from birth to now, this is the first time completely out of the control of jingyichen, his anger, almost unable to suppress.

Daughter and son are different, son to eat a little bitter, daughter can not!

"Dad, all roads out of city a have been blocked, all vehicles are strictly checked, and Xixi should still be in city a! The search is shrinking and we'll have results tomorrow morning. "

Jing Yichen finally a little relieved, still in a city good.

He was afraid that Jingxi, like Jingzhi, would disappear out of thin air. He couldn't find it or even leave any trace.

The means of taking Jingxi away was far less than that of a high-level institution such as the Research Institute, which left traces.

There were many tourists in Dayun temple that day, but many people saw that Jingxi was taken away.

Jingxi was awakened by pain. She always felt a headache. She tried to open her eyes and reach out. It was all blood!

Then she found herself in the back seat of a car with her feet tied and her mouth taped.

It's dark outside, only the light in the car is shining.

She blinked, a little confused.

She is Kidnapped?

She hurt a little bit want to curse, who special? So not long eyes?! , the fastest update of the webnovel!