Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1239

In addition to Jingxi, there was also a man sitting in the front driver's seat and co driver's seat. Neither of them spoke, but drove the car very fast, as if someone was chasing them behind.

Jingxi doesn't know where she is. She is dizzy by the bumps. In this case, it is almost impossible to escape.

Although she was very angry, she was not flustered. When she wanted to come, she was lost. Her brothers should have sent people to look for her. It was sooner or later to find her with the strength of the Jing family.

At present, what she needs to do most is to be obedient and to pretend not to wake up when she wakes up.

Jingxi closed his eyes again and pretended to be dizzy. After a while, he heard the two people in front of him swearing: "what a bad luck! How many policemen are on the road today! I always feel that something is wrong! "

"Don't worry. We've been doing this for so long. When did something happen? Dayun temple has taken in so many orphans, and they don't care about missing one. They won't call the police. Don't worry

"Yes! The big deal is to kill the little monk. If you throw it into the sea, you don't know where you are! "

Two people said, turned to look at the silent Jing Xi lying in the back seat of the car. Seeing that she was still in a coma, they could not help looking at each other and turning into a path.

In order to catch Jingxi, they made various preparations in advance, including the foothold of course.

Only, they just entered the path and were stopped in front of them.

The high beam of the car was on, shining on the man who was in the way, illuminating him.

"Boy, get out of here quickly!"

Lou Ziling looked at the license plate number and the driver. He made sure that he didn't stop the wrong car. Then he frowned and said, "give me the little monk, you two get out of here!"

When they heard that Lou Ziling wanted to be a "little monk", they immediately became alert.

They simply don't care about Lou Ziling and hit him in the car.

Lou Ziling turned over and landed on the roof.

When Jing Xi was still in a fog, he saw a man directly kick the window glass and drill in from the window.

The broken glass fell on her, and she subconsciously blocked it with her hand, completely forgetting that she should be dizzy.

And in the moment she blocked the broken glass, Lou Ziling had been fighting with the two people in the car.

As a minor, he fought with two men without losing ground!

The car was driven awkwardly, but Lou Ziling seemed not to be affected at all. His actions were crisp and sharp, and his hand was decisive and cruel. He solved one of them in a moment, and then quickly kicked the other out of the window directly!

The whole process, only took two minutes!

The two ferocious men were so vulnerable in Lou Ziling's hands that he was as easy as chopping melons and cutting vegetables.

Jingxi was stunned!

She recognized Lou Ziling. She didn't expect that the person who came to save her was not the eldest brother or the second brother. She even disdained to pay attention to her Lou Ziling!

She also did not expect, looks like some thin Lou Zi Ling body hand unexpectedly so good!

Lou Ziling kicked both of them out of the window. He sat in the driver's seat and drove in the dark without saying a word.

Jingxi sat up in a hurry, tore off layers of adhesive tape from his mouth and untied the rope tied to his feet. He climbed from the back of the car to the front passenger seat. He looked at Lou Ziling admiringly with his starry eyes:

"thank you for saving me! You are better than my two brothers

Jing Rui and Jing Zhi, who have been trained as professional killers for seven years, would sneer if they knew that they were directly trampled under Lou Ziling by their sister.

Jingxi had never seen them when they were fighting. She was saved by Lou Ziling. She only felt that Lou Ziling was the most powerful.

Lou Ziling didn't even give Jingxi a look in his eyes. His eyes were still staring at the front and moving forward with the feeling in the dark.

The navigation of this broken car is not easy to use, and his mobile phone is out of power. It is very remote here. Lou Ziling is trying to find the original road based on his memory when he came here. Otherwise, he can't go back.

He hated noise most and had no desire to deal with Jingxi.

He felt that his mind must be out of his mind. Somehow, he came to save a stranger instead of taking a fever reducing needle and giving himself up for others. That's what * * does. How could he be a * * like him?

But what happened to the little girl who said she had two brothers?

Is she not an orphan in Dayun temple?

Or are her two brothers the monks of Dayun temple?

This doubt just flashed in Lou Ziling's mind, and then he didn't care. How Jingxi had nothing to do with him.

Jingxi didn't care about the indifference of louziling. She was so excited that she didn't feel the pain from the wound on her head.

Her eyes were bright and she asked in a crisp voice, "Why are you here? Aren't you in Dayun temple? Did you come to save me"My God, I can't see that you are so good! Thank you. When I find my brother, let him thank you

"You were so handsome! Those two bastards were beaten to pieces, like they were making a movie

"I'm glad you're here. They were talking about killing me and throwing it into the sea to feed the fish! I'm so scared! "

Seeing that Lou Ziling's face turned white and coughed from time to time, Jing Xi immediately asked, "are you still sick? Have you got a fever

At this moment, she dare not say that Lou Ziling's cold is the ghost of her. Otherwise, Lou Ziling will be angry and throw her out of the car!

Jingxi took out half a bottle of water from the car and handed it to Lou Ziling: "my brother said that if you have a cold, you should drink more water. You should drink a little bit!"

Lou Ziling suddenly has an impulse to throw Jingxi out of the car!

This girl is so eloquent!

How could he even drink the water that the two traffickers had drunk when he was a beggar?

Seeing that Lou Ziling couldn't pick him up, Jingxi couldn't help reaching over and reaching for his forehead.

Floor Ling subconsciously a hide, the results of the steering wheel did not control well, the car also followed a tilt.

Jingxi suddenly bumped into Lou Ziling's body.

"Oh, it's killing me!"

There was a deep wound on her head. The blood had stopped, but the wound opened again.

The blood gushed out and stained the white T-shirt of Lou Zi Ling.

He fiercely stepped on the brake, frowned at the wound on Jing Xi's head and asked coldly, "why don't you say that you are injured?"

All the way to say some nonsense, a lot of chatter, the wound does not hurt?

The little girl is quite tolerant.

There is no shop behind the village. If you want to find a hospital, you can't find it for a while. There's no gauze in the car. Lou Ziling looks around and finds that there's nothing that can be used to wrap Jingxi's wound. Finally, she takes off her clean white T-shirt. , the fastest update of the webnovel!