Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1237

Lou Ziling didn't answer the question. Jingxi was a little stuck for a moment.

How do you guess she's a girl?

She said yesterday that she was a boy, and he believed it. How did she suddenly know the truth today?

Many people have guessed that she is a girl, but as long as she denies it, no one doubts it any more.

After all, Dayun temple is the place where monks live, and there won't be nuns.

"How do you know that?"

Jing Xi lies on the window and stares at Lou Zi Ling curiously.

Lou Ziling did not pay any attention to her and kept busy with her.

His face was a little pale. Even if he sat on the ground, he was like a sword out of sheath, sharp and wounding.

At ordinary times, few people are willing to talk to him. Even his sister Lou Ruofei talks to him. He is so angry that he refuses to say more.

However, Jingxi's heart seems to be an iron wall, completely indifferent to his stabbing.

"How old are you? Where do you live? Where do you go to school? What do you like to eat? What color do you like?... "

Jing Xi nagged a lot of questions, but Lou Ziling never looked up at her again.

She didn't care. She stood outside the window and talked.

After a while, Lou Ziling finally couldn't stand it. She put down the computer, got up, pushed Jingxi's small head outward, and then shut the window with a bang.

Jingxi tooted his mouth and stamped his feet angrily. He scolded him outside: "you are a villain!"

She also felt guilty because she had caught a cold, but she was not guilty at all.

Jing Zhilie on the branch not far away, watching the little witch again frustrated, leisurely way: "young man has a bright future!"

Jingxi left angrily and went to the main hall in front of the temple. Seeing the tourists coming and going, he was soon attracted by the handsome men in the tourists. In a short time, he forgot Lou Ziling to the Pacific Ocean.

There are no other handsome monks like Jing Zhi in Dayun temple. These two days, because of his presence, tourists have increased a lot. Some people, especially girls, want to see Jingzhi again.

Three young girls come to play together and look at Jing Zhi, who sits cross legged and mutters.

"Shall we ask him for a telephone number? Wechat is OK! "

"Do monks also use wechat?"

"Are monks not allowed to fall in love! What if I want to fall in love with him? "


They think that Jing Zhi can't hear it. In fact, Jing Zhi can hear it clearly.

He's a little proud. Look, he's a girl's favorite!

Jing Zhi glanced at the people in the hall, but suddenly saw a figure.

The man was staring at him, his thin body was hit by people, and it seemed that he didn't feel it.

Jingzhi wants to ignore her, but even if he turns his head, the shadow still lingers in front of him.

He got up in anger and went out, but in less than a minute he came back, grabbed Zheng yuluo's hand and took her out.

Just now, several girls who have been obsessed with Jingzhi's flowers just now saw him drag a beautiful girl away without saying a word. However, the girl did not have any resistance at all and followed him obediently!

They were heartbroken!

Does the monk have a girlfriend?

My God, how come even monks have girlfriends now, but they are still single dogs!

Zheng yuluo is pulled out by Jing Zhi. Her hand is wrapped by his big hand, which makes her feel a little unreal.

She just came to take a chance today. She met Jing Zhi once in Dayun temple. He shaved his head and might stay in Dayun temple for a while.

Her thoughts were uncontrollable and came here uncontrollably.

He's here!

Zheng yuluo almost cried with joy!

When Jing Zhi came to take her hand, she was a little confused.

They went through the crowd, through the small square, through a pine forest, to a sparsely populated side hall.

There is a tall Buddha statue standing in the side hall. Jing Zhi pulls Zheng yuluo to the back of the Buddha statue, looks at her quietly, and then takes her waist, bows his head and kisses her.

It's killing me!

This is the temple!

Behind her is a giant Buddha, and there are people burning incense and worshipping Buddha outside. Will they be struck by thunder when they do such things in front of Buddha?

And Jing Zhi now shaves his head and wears a monk's robe, which makes Zheng yuluo's psychological barrier not so big!

"Jingzhi, don't do this, don't be here..."

Zheng yuluo's resistance is fierce. Jingzhi would like to swallow her heart. She can only suppress her and ask her in a low voice: "what's the matter?"

"This is a temple, no way."

Zheng yuluo's voice was rapid and flustered, and his voice was full of pleading.

Jingzhi frowned: "can't I kiss you in the temple? Don't worry, the Buddha can't be so generous. He will only open one eye and close one eye when we are intimate. "He is not a believer. Although he learned some Buddhist Dharma with the host these two days, he grew up in the west after he was ten years old, and he has no fear of Buddha.

Although Zheng yuluo is not a devout Buddhist, she finally feels that there is a God in her head, and she dare not do such a thing behind such a majestic Buddha statue.

"No, no, I'm afraid here!"

Zheng yuluo would not agree to let Jingzhi kiss her again. If it was before, Jing Zhi could directly give Zheng yuluo a kiss here, regardless of whether it was three or seven or twenty-one.

But now look at her flustered appearance, but would rather aggrieve himself than wronged Zheng yuluo.

His feelings for Zheng yuluo are gradually deepening. He no longer only cares about his own happiness and comfort, but also takes care of his emotions.

His voice was low: "OK, not here. Let's go somewhere else."

He tightly grasped Zheng yuluo's hand and led her to come out from behind the Buddha statue, which startled the tourists who had just come in front of the Buddha statue to offer incense.

The tourist looked at Jing Zhi and Zheng yuluo strangely, and his face was surprised and incredible.

Monk of Dayun temple, can't your private life be so chaotic? Behind the statue of Buddha?

Zheng yuluo is shy and embarrassed to look up, but Jingzhi doesn't care about it at all. He takes Zheng yuluo to the guest room where he and Jingxi take their lunch break.

The guest rooms in the temple are extremely simple, with only two beds, a table and a chair, which is in line with Dayun temple's consistent and bitter style.

As soon as Jing Zhi entered the door, he pressed Zheng Yu on the door, and the kiss fell like rain, breaking Zheng yuluo's last defense.

Zheng yuluo stands on tiptoe and encircles Jingzhi's neck with his arm and kisses him with tears.

There was a familiar and strange breath between Jingzhi's lips and teeth. His kiss was overbearing and quick, and he was hungry and thirsty. He did not give her a chance to breathe.

From now on, Zheng Zhi doesn't want to forget her body. , the fastest update of the webnovel!