Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1234

There is no mistake in Jing Rui's prediction. Shuyin goes home early the next morning.

Her eyes have a light blue shadow, a look did not have a good rest, the face is also a little pale, mental state simply with the Institute was tortured by the virus have a fight.

Shu Yin was in a bad mood, but she didn't close her eyes for a day and a night. She fought wits and courage with Jiang Manshu and Li Zhi. She was exhausted.

But when she saw the bald head who was crazy playing games in the living room, she felt very happy. She couldn't help smiling: "Jingzhi, you have a good new hairstyle. Are you going to make a movie with Xiong Daxiang?"

"Oh, little tree shade, you are back! I miss you so much

Jingzhi throws away his mobile phone and shouts exaggeratedly. Then he goes to baoshuyin.

As soon as Shu Yin saw him get up, she quickly hid far away. She had a faint smile on her face: "your acting skills are not so good. You will lose miserably with the competition of bareheaded strong."

There is also a sense of joking, it seems that things are not as serious as he thought.

Jingzhi felt his bare head and said, "it doesn't matter if you are not good at acting. It's ok if you look good! It's you. If you don't go home at night, I'll find some beauties for my brother to sleep with

Jingzhi really can do this, but Shuyin believes that Jing Rui can't let other women sleep with him.

Years later, she couldn't promise, but at least not for now.

"Well, you'd better find him more. He doesn't necessarily like which one."

Jing Zhi doubts: "are you so generous?"

"Of course

As she spoke, Shuyin went upstairs.

"I have always been generous, especially generous to my own people. Tomorrow I will send ten handsome men to Zheng yuluo for chatting, playing and sleeping."

"Well, why are you so careful?"

Jingzhi shouts downstairs, but Shuyin only feels that she has a lot of fun with him.

She opened the door, went into the bedroom, put the backpack in the cabinet, and then lay on the bed, got into Jing Rui's arms, closed her eyes and had a rest.

Jingrui opens his eyes, takes her waist and kisses her gently on her smooth and delicate forehead.

"Why did you come back so early? Don't you mean to stay at least till night? "

Shu Yin buried his face in Jing Rui's chest and said stiffly, "I miss you."

Jing Rui hugged her tightly and whispered, "I'm afraid you don't want me. I'm glad to hear you miss me."

He always had a good sleep, but Shuyin was not there last night. He tossed and turned all night and couldn't sleep at all. It was only when he heard the voice of Shuyin and Jingzhi talking this morning that his heart calmed down.

Now holding people in my arms, the feeling of emptiness in my heart has finally disappeared.

Shu Yin waited for a long time without listening to Jing Rui saying, "I miss you too". She could not help but raise her head and asked, "don't you miss me? Just now, Jingzhi said that she would find a beautiful woman to sleep with you. Who did you sleep with last night

This brother, he must have owed him in his last life!

Let him connect Shu Yin can lose people, early in the morning to help him!

"Don't listen to his nonsense. If you want to know whether I miss you or not, I will prove to you that actions are more convincing than words! "

Jingrui said, and his hand stretched out into Shuyin's clothes.

Shu Yin immediately pressed his hand: "no, no, no, I believe you are! Jingzhi is still outside. Don't mess around. "

Jingzhi's hearing is terrible. She doesn't want him to listen to the corner.

"Then I will drive him away!"

Jing Rui says, want to get up and go to the living room to catch up.

Shuyin couldn't help but hold him: "it's not easy for him to be bald. He can only go out as a monk. Let him be here! Don't mess around. I'm tired and sleepy, and I want to sleep

Jingzhi faintly hears Shuyin saying "it's not easy to be bald" downstairs. He feels his head in confusion: how can it be difficult to be bald? It's easy. You don't have to wash your hair!

He murmured to Jingxi's room and pulled the little girl out of the quilt: "little bald head, gone, we are going to Dayun Temple today to help all living beings. How can you be lazy! The tree shade is back. We are at home. My brother must hate us for being an eyesore

Jingxi was wearing a lovely pink nightdress and lying on Jingzhi's body: "Oh, big bald, let's go!"

Jingzhi took Jingxi to his home to wash and have breakfast. Then he went to Dayun temple to make trouble.

When they came back in the evening, Shuyin saw that Jingxi was also shaved and almost fell off the stairs!

If Jing Zhi becomes bald, how can Jingxi become bald?

She was willing to give up her long hair.

In the evening, Jingxi chatted with her mother in video as usual. When Shangguan Ning saw her daughter's appearance, she was also surprised: "Xi Xi, where's your hair?"

"Cut it! Mom, do you think the video chat screen is particularly bright tonight? Ha ha, good power saving

Shangguan Ning can't laugh or cry. Isn't it bright? Her eyes are going to be blind!"We don't need the electricity. We want to make it brighter in the future. Let your brother add more lights. You can't make the picture so bright."

Jing Yichen was sitting next to shangguanning to peel pine nuts for her. He didn't have the first time to see his daughter. When he heard the strange conversation between his wife and his daughter, he couldn't help coming to see it.

In the middle of the video picture, a small, bare head is shaking and shaking. Jingyichen has already made psychological preparations and feels that he has been blinded.

"Hi hee, are you going to become a monk?"

Jingxi eyes a bright: "Dad, you are too God, how to know everything!"

Originally, I wanted to tell a lie. Fortunately, I didn't. My father just looked at her and guessed the truth. It's a little scary!

Boast about dad so he won't get angry.

"No mischief, good school, etiquette class is not allowed to stop."

"Yes, yes, I won't make a fool of myself! I go to school every day, and the etiquette teacher always praises me! "

Jingxi lies without blinking her eyes, because as long as she hesitates a little, or her expression is not adjusted properly, jingyichen will know that she is lying.

She still likes to chat with her mother, who trusts her.

Where's dad?

Oh, no more. With a father comparable to Sherlock Holmes, Jing Xi can only keep improving his level of lying.

Fortunately, jingyichen usually doesn't control his daughter too strictly. As long as shangguanning feels good, he won't say anything.

He sat back to his original seat, slender fingers continue to peel pine nuts, and then grain by grain to shangguanning's lips.

Shangguan Ning Xi habitually opened his mouth to eat. After eating, he also laughed to kiss jingyichen's perfect side face. He was intimate and natural, and his happiness was unbelievable.

Jingxi held his small chin and said a little melancholy: "Mom, we have a video chat. Do you and dad want to abuse dogs? If you are like this, I have to improve my criteria for finding a boyfriend in the future , the fastest update of the webnovel!