Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1233

It was dark and overcast. At six or seven o'clock in the afternoon, it rained heavily in city A.

As soon as Jing Rui enters the living room from outside under the rainstorm, he almost thinks that he has gone wrong!

Who are the two high wattage light bulbs sitting in the living room?!

"Brother, you are back! Do you think my new hairstyle looks good? Today, I was walking on the street with my second elder brother. The rate of turning back is very high! There are a lot of handsome men looking at me all the time. Do you think they fall in love with me

Jing Rui's face is expressionless: "not good-looking!"

Such two bareheaded walking in the street, the rate of return to think low are difficult!

Jing Zhi is still afraid of his brother. He is afraid that Jing Rui will be angry. He quickly says, "brother, isn't summer here? I took Xi Xi Xi to have a short haircut. Would you like to have one too? "

Short hair?!

If their hair is short, can his own hair be called long hair?

Not a hair, what kind of short hair!

Even dare to let him shave his head. Is his president still working?

He's not at home for a day, so they're out again!

"You two will stay at home from tomorrow, and you will not go anywhere! Until the hair grows to its original length

Jingxi immediately howled: "brother, don't do it. My hair is so long. Should I stay at home for several years? I'm going to be crazy. I have to go out and hunt for all kinds of handsome men

"You think too much, handsome guy won't like to be bald and stay at home honestly!"

Jingzhi was afraid to go on. He and Jingxi had no way to live. He immediately changed the topic: "brother, didn't you find Shu yin?"

"Found it."

"Why didn't you bring her back?"

"Her mother won't let it."

"Her mother?"

At first, Jingzhi thought that his brother was swearing. After a while, he realized that these two words really meant Shu Yin's mother.

"How can it be! Didn't her mother die long ago? It wasn't Lucas who killed it? "

"The truth is not clear. The reason why Shu Yin stayed there and didn't come back with me is to find out the reason."

Compared with his younger brother and sister's shaved head, obviously Shuyin's safety is more important. His hair can always grow again, but Shuyin's affair makes Jing Rui uneasy.

"She also came out with a half sister. I checked and found out that she was the eldest lady of the Li family and the only heir of the Li family. The Li family originally had more than one child, but in recent years, the rest of the children have died for various reasons

"Brother, are you talking about Li Zhi?"

Jingzhi did not care about anything else. He was no longer smiling, and his face became a little dignified.

Jing Rui nodded and said, "that's her!"

Jingzhi takes a breath!

The Li family is a very old family, and its inheritance time is no shorter than that of the Jing family. Of course, this is not the reason why the Li family is famous. The most famous thing of the Li family is that they are most popular in having more children, and then let the children kill each other!

Li Wu, the current leader of the Li family, once had 12 brothers and sisters, all of whom were born by his father's messy confidants. Li Wu's mother was the wife who formally asked for marriage. The mother and son were ruthless and forbeared for ten years, slowly killing Li Wu's children one by one.

In this way, all the assets of the Li family fell into the hands of Li Wu.

This had caused a great sensation at that time, but no one could provide evidence to prove that the death of those people had nothing to do with Li, and the matter could only be left undone.

However, after Li Wu came to power, he was more crazy than his father to take care of women and have children. He even had two sons born of different women.

And now, Li Zhi repeated the same mistake, and slowly killed his father's other children.

She does not allow her father's children to threaten her. Can she tolerate her mother's children living in this world?

According to her character, I'm afraid it will be sooner or later to kill Shu Yin.

"How can it be related to the Li family?"

Jingzhi still feels incredible. Shuyin is not an orphan. How can a mother and sister come out again!

The Li family is not the family of a city, but of other cities. Although it is not comparable to the Jing family, it is not something that the Jing family can shake at will.

It is widely said that Li Wu loves Li Zhi most. No matter what she does, she can get the maximum support. In recent years, although he doesn't move around much, the Li family is still prosperous. Li Zhi walks sideways in many places, and few people dare to provoke her.

"Does Shu Yin want to live with her mother and sister in the future? Brother, you are engaged. You should call her back to live with you

Jing Rui rubbed his eyebrows and said, "she knows about Shucheng mountain."


Jingzhi almost jumped out of the sofa!

The two brothers have been keeping the secret. How can they be discovered!Shuyinjing would not have told him?

"It was her mother, Jiang Manshu, who told Shu Yin."

When he knows the answer, he says it.

"How does her mother know?"

"This is what I find strange."

Jing Rui has been thinking about this question. Where was the loophole at the beginning? Until today, he once again met Jiang Manshu. After feeling her hidden hostility, he finally thought of a possibility.

"Unless it was Jiang Manshu who hired Shucheng mountain to kill me with a huge reward."

Only the employer will know that the hired killer did not complete the task and was killed by the counter.

Shuchengshan once said that he had a big secret. He knew who the employer was and wanted to let Jingrui marry Shuyin with this secret.

But Jing Rui refused.

Jing Rui only knew that the English name of the employer was cherry, which was the same as Shu Yin's English name.

Is Jiang Manshu's English name the same as her daughter's?

Jing Zhi has always felt that his relationship with Zheng yuluo has been bumpy and frustrating. However, when he looks at Jing Rui and Shu Yin, he suddenly feels that the things between him and Zheng yuluo are just small things.

Shu Yin's mother pays for it. His father tries his best to kill Jing Rui. After his father is forced to die by Jing Rui, his mother is still jumping up and down.

How can you live this life!

Kui Shuyin is indifferent to her parents. If their feelings are better, I'm afraid Shuyin will also stretch out a knife to Jingrui!

"Brother, you can't change a woman? Shu Yinhao is good, but can she really ignore the hatred of killing her father? Didn't you say that Shucheng mountain loves Shu Yin very much? I'm afraid one day... "

"If you think too much, there won't be one day."

"Then why doesn't she go home?"

"She'll be home soon!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!