Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1235

Jingxi was abused for a while. The next day, she followed Jingzhi to Dayun Temple happily. She ran around in the temple wearing a little cassock. She also took a bottle to the spring hole of the temple to drink the spring water. She also ate the small tomatoes planted by the old host himself. Jingzhi also made a net bag for her and tied it to the branches to catch cicadas and dragonflies.

Her little figure ran up and down the hill like a bird.

Lou Ziling has been living in Dayun Temple these days. He chose a secluded guest room that is not open to tourists. As a result, there is a "bird" chirping, which makes him unable to sleep well.

He opened the window, looked at the looming figures in the woods, and said with a cold face, "who's the child, what are you talking about! Go and play somewhere else

Hearing the sound, he knew it was a little girl, but when Jingxi came out of the woods and saw that she was a little monk, Lou Ziling was stunned.

Is this little monk too beautiful?

If she hadn't worn the clothes of a little monk and shaved her head, Lou Ziling would have thought that she was a girl.

The monk Lou Ziling in Dayun Temple basically knows all of them. He has a good memory and will never forget it once. Looking at Jingxi's appearance, he guesses that Jingxi has just been taken in.

Only when the orphans are taken in for a long time, they will not be too happy.

Lou Ziling said for a long time, "are you a boy?"

Jingxi blinked and said naively, "of course, do the monks in Dayun temple have women? But are you a girl? How beautiful you are

However, it's really beautiful to be a beautiful building!

Therefore, Jingxi clearly recognized that his voice was a boy and asked him if he was a girl.

The little girl's voice is clear and crisp, just like oriole, which makes people feel as comfortable as eating ice fruit on a hot day.

However, it was said that she was a girl and beautiful. Lou Ziling, who was a little fond of Jingxi's voice, had a black face.

Lou Ziling has always been eccentric and eccentric. If he hadn't only been a child, but also a newly adopted orphan in Dayun temple, he would have cursed him!

He suppressed his anger and said faintly: "you run away to play, I want to rest, you croak, too noisy!"

Jing Xi can't help but be stunned. How dare someone dislike her to fight?!


She's not a frog!

No one disliked her for her quarrel!

Jingxi is a Yankong. Her family are beautiful and have a high vision. Today, it's hard to meet a "peerless". Originally, she wanted to talk well, but she was disliked by the "peerless", so she was not very happy.

If she's not happy, it's going to be bad for someone.

Lou Ziling blows Jingxi away. He doesn't pay attention to it at all. He continues to sleep.

The Lou family has been so busy recently that Lou Ziling is so bored that she simply moved to Dayun temple. She would rather be poisoned by the tourists and all kinds of incense ashes than be disgusted by the fake appearance of big brother and sister.

Anyway, the affairs of the Lou family are always controlled by the uncle's family. My father and mother are wise and never rob power.

The Jing family, however, would not crush everyone in the Lou family into meat paste. It would not be good for the Jing family to lose such an arm. According to the recent situation, Lou Ziling felt that the person in charge of the house would be replaced by his father, Lou Mingyang.

It's cousin Lou Ruofu who wants to marry Jing Rui. Lou Ziling doesn't care what his uncle's family is like.

The Lou family has been under the control of the uncle's family for so many years. When my grandfather died, the family property was divided equally, but it was not two years before Lou Mingzhen took them all away.

Everyone knows that Lou Zirong, the eldest son of the Lou family, is calm and capable. How many people know Lou ruofe and his louziling?

Lou Ziling had no sense of belonging to the family. He fell asleep and felt that the temple rooms on the hillside were fresh and quiet, and they were worth the money.

However, half asleep, Lou Ziling was frozen awake.

He opened his eyes and saw that his whole body was wet. Most of the ice had melted at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed. There was a big hole in the ceiling of his head. A large piece of ice was hanging from the net bag, and the ice water was dripping down!

Louziling was still hazy. Seeing this scene, she felt sleepless!

He immediately wanted to get up, but his usual neat skills did not exist!

His hands and feet are as heavy as lead, and he can't use his strength all over his body. Just getting up alone exhausted his whole body's strength!

Who did this?!

Lou Zi Ling Qi's handsome face flushed. He is really not a man of good temper. He is about to explode with anger at this moment!How dare someone plan on him?

He just came back from abroad not long ago, and he didn't have time to form a feud with others. How could someone kill him?

Lou Ziling flashed Jing Xi's beautiful face in his mind, but he quickly rejected the candidate from his heart.

It's impossible. The little monk is a child. She can't get so much ice by herself.

What's more, he just yelled at her, which is not a feud?

Is it the Jing family?

The Lou family is making a lot of trouble with the Jing family. It is possible for the Jing family to attack him.

However, it doesn't look like it's killing him. At most, it's just making him suffer.

Lou Ziling was lying on the green stone floor wet all over, spinning and thinking in her mind.

Although he did not correctly guess the reason for the prank, he correctly guessed the name of the prankster.

Jingxi took a telescope from afar and looked at Lou Zi Ling's embarrassed appearance, and fell into Jing Zhi's arms with a smile: "Oh, second brother, you are so strong that you can move such a big ice block!"

Jingzhi was a little reluctant to smile: "sister, second brother, this is to die with you! If my brother knew that we used his helicopter to deliver ice, would he send us to Mars

Jingxi got up and patted Jingzhi's head comfortingly: "second brother, don't be afraid. Good, my sister is holding this up! When my brother asked me, I said that someone bullied me. I just let out steam. "

"Second brother, he looks very good-looking. Do you think he will like me when I grow my hair?"

Jingzhi's mouth is drawn. She tries to make people like her? , the fastest update of the webnovel!