Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1224

Lou Ruofu took Zheng yuluo and said something for a long time. She had always made clear or implied that Lou Ziyi had taken care of her and how good she had been. She should repay her for her injury.

Until Zheng yuluo promised to help to ask Shu Yin, she just left step by step.

Zheng yuluo finally sent away a plague God, but his lips showed a bitter smile.

There is really no free lunch in the world. As long as you eat it, even if you don't pay, you still need to pay something else.

She once felt that her friendship with Lou Ziyi was worth remembering. She cherished Lou Ziyi as a friend and appreciated his careful care and tender consideration.

At that time, she also had a kind of joy and gratitude that fell on her head.

The original pie, also need to pay the bill!

Zheng yuluo bravely went to find Shuyin: "Shuyin, I came here for the sake of the Lou family, you..."

Before she finished her words, Shuyin interrupted her: "Lou Ruofu and her brother asked me to leave Jingrui, and Lou Ruofu married Jingrui himself. Do you know that?"

The news like a thunder, Zheng Yu fell a half dizzy!

Such a big thing, why just Lou Ruofu didn't even say a word!

She even said it was a misunderstanding!

Whether to marry Jing Rui, can it be a misunderstanding?

Other people make this kind of oolong, but how can the Lou family have this kind of misunderstanding with Shu yin!

Shu Yin and Jing Rui are engaged. In the future, it must be Jing Rui's wife. Does the Lou family want to stick in?

No wonder Shu Yin didn't pay any attention to Lou Ruofu today!

If you want to rob her husband, it's strange that Shuyin can take care of her.

Zheng yuluo is a little lucky, thanks to his not rashly agreed to Lou Ruofu!

"I'm sorry, Shu Yin. I didn't know it was such a big thing. I thought it was a small thing. She begged me for a long time, and I owed her brother Lou Ziyi a favor. So I had to help her and come to you for a result."

"It's OK. It's not your fault. I'm the one who started it. Otherwise, you don't have to be so embarrassed today. However, I won't give in to this matter. If the Lou family dies, it's just a matter of heart! "

Shu Yin directly said dead, there is no room for discussion, Zheng yuluo also understand that he does not have to say anything.

However, in this way, she has an account of Lou Ruofu.

In fact, she was uncomfortable. She always felt that she was being used by Lou Ruofu!

She and Lou Ziyi are friends, yes, but now they don't contact each other. She can't make friends with Lou Ruofu. Why does she think that she will help her instead of Shu yin?

If the Lou family really wants to marry Lou Ruofu into the Jing family, she will help Shu Yin fight for it.

Zheng yuluo wanted to ask what was going on, but he felt that he should not be talkative. Shuyin looks very calm and calm, but it doesn't look like her fiance wants to marry someone else.

However, if this kind of thing is put on Zheng yuluo, whether it is true or not, as long as you see Lou Ruofu, she will be out of control.

She attaches too much importance to her feelings. Jingzhi is a man more important than her life. Before Xiaoyue said that Jingzhi liked her, but did not say she would marry her. Zheng yuluo almost collapsed. If she heard that Jingzhi wanted to marry someone else, she would certainly collapse.

She doesn't know how Shu Yin did it. She has such a strong psychological quality that she always feels that even if the sky falls, Shuyin won't frown.

Zheng yuluo went to class with emotion, but she did not know that Shu Yin could not change her face when Mount Tai collapsed in front of her today, not because she was born so calm, but because in the past ten years, her days had already collapsed!

She's been in despair more than once, and she's been broken down.

However, after despair too many times, she has been used to, adapted to, immune.

Their living environment is completely different, creating two completely different personalities, one delicate and weak, the other tough and sharp.

Even if she did not dare to find a big thing in front of the building, she would not dare to find a big thing in front of her!

Lou Ruofu dare to covet her man, that is, today Shuyin is upset because Jiang Manshu and Li Zhi appear, otherwise she is likely to give Lou Ruofu some virus to taste.

After all classes in the afternoon, Zheng yuluo packed up his things and went home.

She went to the outside of the school, and suddenly saw a very familiar sports car parked on the side of the road. The people inside made her very familiar.

Her heart suddenly had some uncontrollable joy!

Did Jing Zhi come to see her?

Isn't he angry?

She walked quickly towards Jingzhi, but before she got to Jingzhi, she saw Jingzhi waving to another person with a bright smile: "beauty, get in the car, I'll be your driver today, and I'll take you home!"

Zheng Yu's heart fell from the top of the tower, directly smashed into the mire.She held back her tears and turned to look at the long haired woman not far from her.

It's Shu Yin!

Zheng yuluo gently relieved, but the heart of the loss and discomfort is still unable to suppress, tears have been in the eyes, at any time to fall down.

Shu Yin took a look at Zheng yuluo, who was about to cry, and then looked at Jing Zhi. She couldn't help but wonder, "me?"

How could Jing Zhi suddenly think of picking her up? Shouldn't he pick up Zheng yuluo?

"You, of course!"

Jingzhi ignored Zheng yuluo directly and drove to Shuyin's side: "get in the car, I'll take you home!"

Shu Yin always felt that he was deliberately angry with Zheng yuluo in front of him. He had played with this naive means more than once.

She didn't believe that Jing Zhi was coming to pick her up. She said faintly, "you don't have to send it. I can take a taxi back by myself. You can take the rain home. Her home is far away

Since Jing Zhi doesn't want to speak, and Zheng yuluo is embarrassed to speak, she can speak.

She has a straight character and can't bear to talk in a roundabout way.

However, this time, Shu Yin guessed wrong, and Jing Zhi really came to pick her up. She just didn't expect to meet Zheng yuluo at the school gate.

This is the first time they met since Xiaoyue died.

In fact, it didn't take long to separate, but Jingzhi felt that it had been a long time!

For a long time, he felt that Zheng yuluo was a little strange!

But in fact, she was so familiar.

Zheng yuluo's appearance of sobbing makes Jing Zhi a little agitated.

Even if he did not look directly at her, the corner of his eye was enough to see her clearly!

Why are you crying again?

I know to cry every day, and I'm not afraid to cry blind!

However, even if Jing Zhi scolds Zheng yuluo into a pig and sees her crying, he still feels distressed.

Compared with standing on the side of the cold and clear Shu Yin, the soft Zheng yuluo always has a kind of impulse to comfort people in his arms. , the fastest update of the webnovel!