Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1225

Jingzhi restrained his inner impulse and did not forget the task he came to today. He deliberately used a light and playful way:

"sister in law, I came to pick you up at my brother's command. He said that you don't want to see him now. Maybe with my lovely and handsome face, you would like to go home! If I don't finish the task, my only sports car will be confiscated, and you can't be so unsympathetic to go anywhere in the future? "

Shu Yin some strange way: "who said I don't want to see him?"

She just doesn't want to be too dependent on one person.

When she goes to school and school, she can't afford to take a taxi by herself. It's a waste of his time to have Jing Rui pick up and go back and forth.

It's good to have someone pick-up. You should get used to it if you don't.

"I'll go back by myself. I don't need you to pick me up. I'm not a child. It doesn't matter."

Shu Yin came to her holiday today. She was not feeling well and couldn't lift her spirits. But she still showed a faint smile and said to Jingzhi, "I haven't quarreled with your brother, nor have any conflicts. You don't have to worry about us. You'd better worry about yourself."

She said, stopped a taxi to sit in, left cleanly, leaving the space for Jingzhi and Zheng Yulai.

Jingzhigang wanted to catch up with the taxi when he heard Zheng yuluo call him in a tender voice: "Jingzhi, don't go!"

He did not have much resistance to Zheng yuluo's everything, especially her tears and voice.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that her white face was covered with sparkling tears. After all, he did not go after Shu Yin, but stayed.

Seeing that he didn't leave, Zheng Yu didn't care about anything. He opened the door directly with his bag on his back and sat on the co pilot.

Jingzhi opened his mouth, but he didn't have the heart to drive Zheng yuluo out of the car.

He didn't know when he became such a soft hearted person. When he was in North America, let alone a tear, a piece of blood could not make him move.

After Zheng yuluo got on the bus, she felt that she was a little bold. She sat there uneasily, her fingers tightly twisted together. Seeing Jing Zhi staring at her with an old well, she whispered, "Jingzhi, I want to talk to you. Don't you drive me out of the car?"

Jingzhi suddenly leaned over and approached Zheng yuluo, who thought he was going to push himself out of the car. He hugged his waist fiercely and cried, "I won't get off the bus!"

Jingzhi's body is slightly stiff, and Zheng yuluo's arm tightly grasps his waist. He never knows that Zheng yuluo, who is thin and weak, has such great strength.

Her soft and fragrant body clings to Jingzhi's body, which makes her greedy for a moment.

But he still broke off Zheng yuluo's hand, pushed her back to the seat and attached herself to fasten her seat belt.

Seeing his action, Zheng yuluo's face turned red and knew that he had misunderstood him.

Jing Zhigang is not trying to push her out of the car, but to fasten her seat belt.

"Sit down."

Jing Zhi said lightly, and then drove away from the school gate of X university.

It's not a good place to talk because there are so many students here and there.

He drove the car far away, stopped in an open sea, and then sat quietly, waiting for Zheng yuluo to open his mouth.

On the beach in the distance, there are couples in twos and threes walking side by side, some are playing in the sea water, and others are standing on the beach, kissing with love.

Jingzhi looks at the lovers on the beach, looking a little gloomy.

Zheng yuluo also saw the lovers entangled in the distance to express their love. She was both envious and sad. She wanted to ask him about Xiaoyue, but was afraid that the topic was wrong, which made Jing Zhi's face even colder.

Fortunately, in addition to Xiao Yue, she also met other things today.

"Today, Lou Ruofu came to see me at school. She knelt down in front of many people and begged me to help her to Shuyin. What happened?"

Jing Zhi is slightly stunned. He doesn't know what happened today.

Lou Ruofu is sick? Why do we have to turn such a big curve to ask for Zheng yuluo instead of directly seeking Shuyin?

What does this matter have to do with Zheng yuluo!

Instead of answering her question, Jing Zhi asked, "did you agree?"

"I didn't promise to ask for mercy. I just promised her to help deliver a message to Shuyin and help her apologize to Shuyin."


Jingzhi's eyes are still looking at the distance, and his tone is a bit chilly: "don't meddle in this matter. It's none of your business. It's a matter of the Lou family and the Jing family. My brother and I will deal with it. You can have your class."

A period of time did not see, Zheng yuluo felt that the scene in front of him seemed strange.

His indifference seems to be more and more serious, as cold as an iceberg. His words are considerate, but his tone is business-oriented.

Just now, he was not like this when he was talking to Shu Yin.

Zheng yuluo suppressed his own heart of pain, nodded, low voice: "good, I know, I will not intervene."Even if she wanted to intervene, she couldn't seem to get in?

There was a brief silence in the car. The atmosphere was some condensation and some suffocation, which made people want to escape.

However, Zheng yuluo knows that if he escapes, he may not have a chance to tell Jingzhi clearly in the future.

"Jingzhi, what happened to Xiaoyue..."

Hearing Xiao Yue's two words, Jing Zhi frowned slightly, and then interrupted Zheng yuluo: "it has nothing to do with you. People can't be reborn after death. Don't mention it any more."

Since Zheng yuluo wants to say this, she is ready to be rejected by Jingzhi. Jingzhi's reaction is in her expectation.

"I didn't mean to mention it. I have to. If you ignore me because of this, I won't accept it!"

It's rare for Zheng yuluo to be so sharp as she is now. She is usually soft and weak, and she is good at talking, but she is not willing to give up Jing Zhi.

He had already rooted in her heart and made her like other men, which was impossible.

What's more, now that she knows that she misunderstood the relationship between Jingzhi and Xiaoyue, and that Jingzhi has no feelings for Xiaoyue, how can she let the opportunity slip away from her hand again?

"I am also a victim. How could I think that someone would meet me as Xiao Yue, send me messages and send photos? What's more, it's you who sent her to study in North America. The person I saw at the airport that day was also you. You did hold her. Don't you allow me to be jealous? "

Zheng yuluo's emotion is a little excited, even her voice has been raised a lot, but her voice is naturally pleasant, even if she speaks loudly, she also has a delicate feeling of a little girl.

Seeing that she was going to cry again, Jing Zhi could only patiently explain what he had just said: "I said it had nothing to do with you. It was that Xiao Yue's death had nothing to do with you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!