Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1223

Some people don't know who Shuyin belongs to, and some "kind people" point to Shuyin immediately.

At this moment, the whole library does not know Shu Yin.

However, Shu Yin is in a strong contrast with Zheng yuluo, who is flustered and helpless. She seems to have not heard any sound. She doesn't care about everyone's eyes. She just sits in her seat and reads quietly.

The table in the X library is a table for four, but there is no one around the table she is sitting on.

In the library, there was a dead silence.

Shu Yin did not move, nor did she look at the kneeling Lou Ruofu and the kneeling Zheng yuluo. Her cold attitude made Zheng yuluo feel embarrassed to ask her for help.

What's more, seriously, she and Shu Yin are not familiar enough to ask for help.

If this person is Jing Zhi, maybe she will speak. After all, in her heart, the relationship between her and Jingzhi is different.

But Shu Yin

She has always been cold, and the two of them can only be regarded as nodding friends, which is qualified to let Shu Yin compromise for the affairs of the Lou family.

What's more, Zheng yuluo is not stupid. The Lou family must have made a big mistake, so that she could kneel down to her.

It's better for her not to get involved in this kind of thing.

If she annoys Shu Yin, she is more tolerant. If you don't want to live in the city, you can't even make yourself angry.

Scene incomparably embarrassed, Zheng yuluo looked at Lou Ruofu kneeling in front of him and broke the deadlock in embarrassment: "sister, Shu Yin and I are just ordinary classmates. If you have any misunderstanding, why don't you tell me clearly in person?"

Zheng yuluo thought that Lou Ruofu didn't know Shu Yin, and gently reminded her: "Shuyin is also in the library. If it's a small matter, make it clear and apologize, I think she will understand."

The implication is that it is normal for people not to understand if you have done too much.

As a matter of fact, Lou Ruofu has seen all kinds of photos of Shuyin long ago, and she also knew that Shuyin came here.

Although she asked for Zheng Yu to fall, she actually did it for Shu Yin.

But what she didn't expect was that Shuyin didn't even give Zheng yuluo the face at all. Didn't she say that Zheng yuluo was the love of Jingzhi?

If Shu Yin wants to marry into Jing family, she should at least please Jing Rui's younger brother, Jing Zhi?

Although the two brothers were not born by the same father and mother, they have been closer to each other since they were young. Whether Shu Yin can marry into the Jing family, Jing Zhi should have a lot of say!

If Jing Zhi knew Lou Ruofu's idea, he would turn his eyes violently.

He has no right to speak now. He has all the right to speak in Shuyin! Jing Rui himself does not want to have a say, he this does younger brother's all reduced to a baby sitter!

Lou Ruofu is a little suspicious of Zheng yuluo's position in Jingzhi's heart, but she has no better candidate, so she can only hold on to Zheng yuluo.

She still cried to Zheng yuluo, but even if Zheng yuluo felt embarrassed again, he would not agree to speak for the Lou family.

She can't let Shu Yin lose face just because she thinks she has no face?

Shu Yin did not owe her, nor offended her, Zheng yuluo can not do that kind of stabbing things.

The students in the library are not interested in studying at this moment. They are all staring at the opera with their ears up! It's such a big gossip. I'm lucky to witness the live broadcast. It's a great conversation material in front of my friends!

Originally quiet library began to have a whisper, but later the voice of discussion became more and more loud, the noisy sound head was buzzing.

She closed the book, stood up and walked out of the library with her bag on her back.

She walked so fast that she seemed completely out of the way, but it made people a little silly.

"It's too unreasonable to play the card! Isn't it a poor student who is supported by a local tyrant? What a tug

"It's better to give a reply to the beautiful woman who is kneeling. How heartbreaking it is to kneel down there so beautifully!"

"This beauty is Lou's family. It's a rich family. She's a daughter of eight classics!"


The comments came and went, but Shu Yin couldn't hear her. She had already gone out.

However, Zheng yuluo felt a bit sorry. She knew Shu Yin's real identity and knew that she not only had beauty, but also had real talent. Now she was attacked with such malice, it was really unreasonable.

After all, Zheng yuluo pulled up the kneeling Lou Ruofu.

Lou Ruofu was not willing to kneel. She was so proud that she could not easily bow to others.

What's more, she knelt down to Zheng Yu today. She refused to help. She knelt in vain!

Lou Ruofu's mouth affectionately called "sister rain down", and walked out arm in hand with her, but a trace of cruelty flashed in her beautiful eyes.Zheng yuluo thought he was dazzled and didn't take this tiny look seriously.

"Today I let you see the joke, but I really have no way. I can only come to ask you. I hope I didn't bring you any trouble."

Lou Ruofu's face is apologetic. Her beautiful appearance and her actions are charming. At the moment, her red eyes are fragile and helpless. I'm afraid that the man will be crazy for it immediately.

You want this girl to sigh.

"Elder sister, don't blame me for being useless. In fact, Shu Yin and I are not even friends. That is to say hello when we meet at school. Maybe we can't help you any more."

I feel sorry for her, but I don't feel sorry.

Because Lou Ruofu's practice is not appropriate, she was forced into a desperate situation just now.

"How can I blame you? It's because I'm too anxious. Now my family is burning with anger. Moreover, Shuyin makes my big brother's face itchy every day. Our family is in a complete mess. I think maybe there is some misunderstanding between us. She may not like to see me and would like to ask you to convey it to me

Lou Ruofu's words are good, but in fact, she is very dissatisfied with Zheng yuluo's practice.

Even if she and Shu Yin are just ordinary friends, it should help her to talk about love!

Zheng yuluo didn't even try. Shu Yin was beside her. She didn't even want to help. She asked more questions. The heart was too dark and cold!

In private, Zheng yuluo would agree, but she couldn't find Shuyin in front of everyone and intercede with the Lou family.

Because it's totally different.

The best way to solve this problem is to convey it in private, whether it is successful or not, others will not know about it, and it will not affect Shu Yin's reputation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!