Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1198

Jingxi thought that he had learned something, so he went to Mu's hospital the next day to find Mu Sen.

Coincidentally, Lou Ruofei was also there.

Today's Lou Ruofei is quite different from the one Jingxi saw before. She is sitting on a chair, pale and without a trace of blood, and her head is full of silver needles. As long as she moves, all the silver needles will shake. This scene, which Jingxi only saw in the movie!

It's funny, but Jingxi can't laugh.

Because Lou Ruofei looks so miserable!

She had bitten her lips in pain, but she did not say a word. She was strong, moving and pitiful.

Next to Mu Sen, who gave her acupuncture, the heartache in her eyes was very obvious. Jing Xi couldn't even ignore it.

She has never seen Musen give other patients treatment also heartache, if the doctor for each patient are distressed, that also must have angina pectoris hang up!

"Brother mu, what's wrong with this sister? Can you cure her? "

Jingxi stood aside deftly, neither close to Mu Sen nor close to Lou Ruofei. Acupuncture is a meticulous job. In case she gets too close and accidentally touches both of them and pricks the wrong acupoint, she will die.

After Mu Sen's acupuncture came to an end, he turned a little pale, but he said to Jingxi with a smile: "it's OK. It's a minor problem. It can be cured."

In the end, there is no sense of bitterness.

However, she found the change in Jing Xi.

The little girl has already looked like an adult. Last time I met, she was not like this. She didn't see her for two months. How could it change so much?

Lou Ruofei doesn't know that she contributed to the change of Jingxi. She advocates being a real lady and is strict with her behavior. She is very happy to see Jingxi change.

In terms of the degree of dignity, Jing Xi is the most admired lady in a city. When she grows up, she will become the most attractive girl.

At that time, there will be a lot of people talking about her, and even finding trouble. She had better be perfect, otherwise it may be a scandal every day.

The Lou family is not a top family in a city. It is often oppressed and excluded by other families. However, Lou Ruofei can't find a place to attack.

This is not only because she has a high EQ, high IQ, but also because she has a good upbringing.

Lou Ruofei has already apologized for stepping on Jingxi's foot. One is to directly apologize to Jingxi, and the other is to go to the door to apologize to her family. This is enough.

So Lou Ruofei didn't mention it again.

However, the arrival of Jing Xi distracted her attention and made her treatment less difficult.

At the end of her treatment, Lou Ziyi came.

In addition to Lou Ruofei's minor brother, Lou Ziyi has the most leisure time. His brother and sister take care of the family property. He is almost carefree. The task of picking up Lou Ruofei falls on him.

When Lou Ruofei has a headache, she can't drive at all. Every time she comes for treatment, she basically comes to meet her.

"Feifei, are you better? I'm not late, am I? "

Lou Ruofei's pale face finally showed a trace of smile. She called out "second brother" with some intimacy, and said, "you've come just right. It's over soon. I'm much better, and I want to thank Musen for troubling him once a month. "

Lou Ziyi immediately said thanks to Musen: "my sister's illness is thanks to you. Last time, the second uncle and the second aunt also said that they would prepare gifts to thank you."

"You're welcome. I'm a doctor and I grew up with ruffey. I'm happy to help her."

Musen smiles and greets Lou Ziyi. Although Lou Ziyi is Lou Ruofei's cousin, not his brother, he is still very kind.

As long as it is Lou Ruofei's family, he will be more enthusiastic.

He always has to make a good impression on her family.

Looking at the appearance of Lou Ruofei and Lou Ziyi, we can see that their cousins have a good relationship. They have never seen Lou Ruofei's brother come to pick her up, but Lou Ziyi is more diligent and attentive.

Musen has only seen Lou Ruofei's younger brother once. He is a bit lonely and not easy to get along with. Lou Ziyi gets along better.

Jingxi sits by to listen to them. She is mature and not a child in the real sense. She understands why Mu Sen is more enthusiastic about Lou Ziyi than Jing Rui.

She was a little sad. She felt that she was sitting here like a lot of people. She looked like a family. She was like a high wattage light bulb. Lou Ziyi had seen her several times.

Jingxi looks down at his small body, and then looks at Lou Ruofei's rough and bumpy, and throws up a bubble.

After spitting bubbles, she was surprised that the behavior just now did not meet the standards of a lady.

Well, she still has to learn!

Look at someone else Lou Ruofei. She's dying of pain. If she were, she would have cried.

She was obviously full of silver needles and her eyes were going to be dizzy, but she was not ugly at all. She sat there with a calm manner.

How can I still sit still when the pain is like that?

Jing Xi holds his chin in both hands and thinks curiously.

Inadvertently, she looks at Lou Ziyi, and then she finds out that Lou Ziyi is also a handsome guy, and he is more ordinary at first, and the more he looks, the more handsome he is.

He is the kind of person who looks more gentle and sunny than Woodson. He is modest and gentle. He does not have any utilitarian breath on his body, only pure bookish air.

Jingxi eyes a bright, oh, is a good beauty!

It seems nice to marry such a person!

Seeing that he cares so much about Lou Ruofei's cousin, he will certainly be very good to his daughter-in-law in the future!

I don't know if he likes Zheng Yu.

Jingxi thought for a moment. Whatever he was, he would take it first! Anyway, Zheng yuluo doesn't like him, and with Jing Zhi, she can't be with Lou Ziyi.

Jing Xi got off the chair gracefully and walked towards Lou Ziyi.


She "accidentally" fell to Lou Ziyi's side, Lou Ziyi subconsciously bent down and picked her up: "are you Jingxi? Did it hurt? "

Oh, I know her!

I've only seen it once before, and I haven't spoken to you before?

It seems that her invincible beauty attracted the attention of the beautiful man!

Jingxi is smiling in his heart, but his little face is crying.

"What a pain! Knee pain

Musen is scared, for fear that Jingxi will have another accident here. He quickly wants to lift her skirt to the ankle to see how her knee injury is.

I didn't expect that Jing Xi would not let her watch.

"My mother said," don't let men lift my skirt! "

The knee is OK at all. If you lift the skirt, it will show the stuffing!