Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1197

Jing Rui doesn't notice that Jingzhi's zipper is open. His attention is on Jingxi.

Jingxi usually has a strong independent ability. When she was very young, she could dress and eat by herself. Shangguanning once taught her daughter how to take care of herself, and even taught her how to match colors and clothes.

In the past, Jingxi liked to wear herself like a doll with a fluffy princess skirt, stockings and small leather boots.

However, since the etiquette class, she even changed her style. Although she still wore the skirt, it was not as exaggerated as before. Instead, she changed into some fresh and elegant skirt, and did not wear stockings. Her shoes were also changed into simple canvas shoes.

Jingxi has always been taller than girls of the same age, but now she is not so childish in her dress. With her smile and sitting upright, she really doesn't look like an eight year old.

However, in only five minutes, Jingxi broke through.

She has no image on the sofa, with a childish voice asked: "I am not in these two months, nothing happened outside?"

As if she is a leader of some country, her tone is not generally big, with her childish voice, there is a kind of unspeakable funny.

Jingrui light way: "your etiquette is like this? How many teachers teach you to sit like this

"Oh, I don't need to cover up in front of my own brother! Acting in front of you, I'm sorry for your IQ! I'll do it after two more years of study! "

It's acting!

Two months is no use to Jingxi!

Jingrui sighs: "you'd better continue to practice in close quarters. This degree is a star away from Lou Ruofei."

Jingxi quietly dug a hole for his brother: "is she so much better than me? It looks just so so! "

"She's different."

"Your sister can't compare with her?"

"I'm just telling you the truth. At least she's not acting. She's elegant from her bones. You'd better practice for another ten or eight years."

"Oh, brother, you think highly of her! She's not beautiful. What kind of eyes do you have

"Beauty has something to do with the external world, but not all of it depends on the external world. There is a poetic and scholarly spirit in the belly. Have you ever heard this poem? Don't ask you to do too well, as long as you can bluff people

As soon as Jingrui's voice dropped, Jingxi shook her head with a sigh and took out her customized mobile phone. She shook her mobile phone toward Jingrui: "OK, brother, what you said just now, I have recorded all of them. When my sister-in-law comes home from school, I will put it to her! Do you think you're going to be thrown out to sleep on the street tonight

Jing Rui's face turns black. He just praises Lou Ruofei just to educate Jing Xi. If Shu Yin hears this, he should misunderstand him!

"Delete it!"

Actually still grasp his handle, shut up for two months, etiquette has not improved much, the heart is a lot of progress, but also learned to record threats to him!

Baby bear can do it day by day!

Jingxi put the mobile phone directly into the clothes on her chest, then sat up straight, maintained the graceful posture that a little lady should have, straightened her back, and said, "you can take it. I'll give it to you when you get it."

Jing Rui looks at her and puts her cell phone on her chest, which makes her chest bulging without development. It seems like a big girl!

How can he do it!

When he stroked his forehead with headache, he felt that probably no one could cure Jingxi in his life!

"If you dare to listen to this to your sister-in-law, I'll lock you up for a year, and I won't be able to go out and play for a year!"

"Oh, it's all brothers and sisters. Why are you so eager to fry each other?"

You know we're brothers and sisters?

Jingrui thinks that if he talks to Jingxi more, he can't help but throw the little girl to Mars. He gets up and goes to the study with a black face.

Anyway, he has no interest in Lou Ruofei, and Shuyin has enough trust in him. Even if Jingxi complains, it is useless.

Moreover, he felt that his sister should not be so cruel. He told Shu Yin about this and made them quarrel.

However, Jing Rui underestimates her sister's magic. As soon as Shu Yin comes home in the evening, Jingxi pulls her to listen to the recording, and also makes mischief to his brother: "sister-in-law, my brother is too bad. He says that the building is more beautiful than you!"

Shu Yin immediately laughed. She hugged Jingxi and gently pinched her lovely little face: "did you make it up? Your brother won't say that, he can only say, "I'm the second most beautiful in the world!"

She is not jealous at all. She is happy and happy with her smile. It seems that she doesn't take Jing Rui's praise of Lou Ruofei seriously.

Jingxi looked at Shuyin in surprise: "do you believe my brother so much? Besides, he said you are the second in the world. Why are you so happy? Isn't it right for a man to coax a woman

Shu music can't support, can't help but kiss Jing Xi's forehead: "two months have not seen, you are more and more lovely!"

If only she had such a girl!

It's so weird that I'm not afraid to be spanked!

"It's your mother who takes away the first beauty in the world! She deserves it. I'm very surprised that I can come second! "

Jingxi immediately responded: "so, my beauty can only rank third? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

She held her chin and sighed like a little adult: "this is really a sad thing. Why am I not the first in the world? My mother said, I am more beautiful than her! Sister in law, why are you so easily satisfied? "

Although she was sighing, her eyes were bright and full of laughter.

She knew that her own provocation would not succeed. Shu Yin didn't believe her brother would like other women.

It's really rare that women will be jealous immediately when they encounter this kind of thing? No, it's not right to cry first?

My sister-in-law is really unusual. My brother has found the treasure!

Jingrui stands at the railing on the second floor and looks at the big and the small people coming together to talk. The atmosphere is warm and beautiful.

He knew that Shu Yin would not easily doubt his feelings. He had only been engaged for two months. He held Shu Yin in his palm and cared for it. His emotion became more and more intense. It was not a word or two that could be broken up.

But he thinks it's not enough. They need to have deeper feelings. It's better to be unbreakable.

Recently, the action of yew is becoming more and more frequent. In fact, a city has already begun to pour out all kinds of undercurrent, but Shuyin doesn't know it.

Shuchengshan's death is a hidden bomb. I don't know when it will be ignited and exploded by yew.

On the sofa downstairs, Shuyin combs Jingxi's hair slowly and braids her hair. Her face is gentle and her language is smiling. Such a scene is the most beautiful picture.

He didn't allow anyone to destroy it