Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1199

Musen will not hold Jingxi to sleep, but there is no psychological barrier to see her knee, just to see the little girl so serious refusal, his hands lifting skirt can only be frozen there.

"I'm your brother. Just look at your knee. Don't cover it. Brother, see if you're hurt."

"It's OK. It's OK. I'm much better now."

Jingxi is still dead to cover the skirt, small face son all rose red.

"I've grown up, my mother said, my brother can't lift my skirt!"

Musen finally failed. If he moved Jingxi skirt again, he would become a rascal!

While talking, Jing Xi has been leaning against Lou Ziyi. Lou Ziyi is a gentleman and has always surrounded her with his arms to prevent her from falling down.

Jingxi turned to look at him, serious and pure way: "big brother, thank you. If you hadn't helped me just now, I might have fallen more heavily!"

Everyone did not expect that the eight year old girl was looking at Lou Ziyi's handsome appearance and intentionally fell down beside him.

Lou Ziyi felt that the little girl didn't cry when she fell down. She was so polite that she was a well bred girl.

Even Lou Ruofei changed her outlook on Jingxi. Last time she stepped on Jingxi's foot, she cried and refused to rise on the ground, which attracted many people around the hospital.

"You're welcome. If I knew you were going to fall, I'd hold you in advance."

Lou Ziyi winks at Jingxi, showing a gentle smile.

He likes children very much. When he sees a good child, his whole heart will become soft.

Lou Ruofei only told her father, Lou Mingyang, about Jingxi. The rest of the people didn't say anything about it. So Lou Ziyi didn't know that Jingxi was really not clever.

He half squatted to talk to Jingxi, and soon found that the little girl knew a lot of things. Her speech was clear, her thinking was quick, and her knowledge was so broad that she was a grown-up!

He soon forgot even his cousin. He was full of shock and discussed with Jingxi. Even his tone changed unconsciously. He did not regard Jingxi as a child.

Jingxi didn't think that jingyichen taught himself so many things, but now it seems that knowledge is power!

Dad is so far sighted!

Musen finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the two people chatting happily.

He pulled out all the needles for Lou Ruofei, and then gave her a prescription: "this time, the medicine has been added to soothe nerves. You should take less painkillers. Taking them every day will damage your body. I still suggest that you have surgery. Acupuncture can't eradicate it. "

Lou Ruofei gratefully smiles: "well, I'll think it over. Now acupuncture treatment is still useful. I'll wait a while to have a look."

"Good! The success rate of the operation is very high. Don't be afraid. Let my father perform the operation at that time, and the scar will not be obvious, just need to shave off the hair. "

Lou Ruofei has always been afraid of surgery. One is that he is afraid of losing his life if the operation fails, and the other is that he is afraid of leaving an ugly scar on his head.

For some of her perfectionists, this is intolerable.

She would rather suffer a little every day than have a craniotomy.

What's more, surgery may not be able to cure her disease, the risk is very high, she does not want to try easily.

However, she didn't tell Musen about these things. She knew it in her mind and didn't need to explain it to others.

Two people are talking here, and Lou Ziyi is also chatting with Jingxi very opportunistic.

Lou Ziyi has always been well protected by his elder brother and sister. He lacks social experience. However, he is rich in knowledge, and he is good at eating, drinking and playing, which is similar to that of Jingxi.

If Lou Ruofei didn't feel sick and wanted to go home, Lou Ziyi would have been chatting with Jingxi all day in the hospital!

Jingxi looks at Lou Ziyi leaving, the smile on his face disappears, and his expression is thinking.

How can I meet Lou Ziyi again?

Maybe she can start with Lou Ruofei.

"Brother mu, does sister Ruofei come to see a doctor every month?"

"Yes, she basically comes once a month. Why do you care so much about her now? The last time I saw you didn't like her

Musen has a feeling for Lou Ruofei in his heart. Naturally, he hopes that Jingxi can also like Lou Ruofei.

He thought that after the last incident, Jingxi would not take care of Lou Ruofei any more, but she did not seem to remember it at all.

It seems that children are forgetful. They may have pinched each other yesterday and become good friends again today.

"I like sister Ruofei! She is nice, beautiful, and has a special temperament. I think she is a good match for you

Musen was said to be in full bloom by Jingxi and burst into laughter: "yes, you have a good eye."

Seeing his happy appearance, Jingxi felt a little sad.

She just boasted casually, and Musen took it seriously. Lou Ruofei's everything is estimated to be very beautiful in his eyes.

The appearance is above the average, not a beautiful woman. How can Musen like it so much?

Jing Xi sighs, and decides to turn his whole attention to Lou Ziyi. Then he goes to see if he has a woman he likes.

If he had it, she would have blacklisted him!

Unfortunately, she has a mature heart at a young age. She likes mature and stable boys. However, mature and stable men regard her as a little girl. It is difficult to communicate.

Fortunately, Lou Ziyi didn't treat her as an ordinary child.

This person's character, appearance and family background are very good. He must be a good husband's material in the future!

Although Jing Xi does not admit that she is a child, she is in fact a child. She soon forgets muzen and begins to attack another target.

A month later, Jing Xi met Lou Ziyi who sent Lou Ruofei to do acupuncture in Mu's hospital.

With Jingxi's Barbie like appearance, as long as she does not show her true face, almost no one does not like her.

In front of Lou Ziyi, she maintained her image as a good girl. She told him that she was learning painting and playing the piano recently, and kept silent to inquire about Lou Ziyi's preferences.

For Jingxi, Qin, chess, calligraphy and painting are all chicken ribs. She is not interested. She still likes to play with explosives and viruses.

But in order to show that she is a well-known girl, she has learned a little from everything. It is enough to fool people.

Today, for example, she quickly drew a portrait of Lou Ziyi.

Lou Ziyi took a look and almost laughed!

Jingxi's painting is clearly a pig. How can it be him!

"Hee, did you paint me like this on purpose? Am I so ugly? "