Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1194

Always calm and calm, Musen can not calm down! He "ah" screamed, then rushed out of the bathroom, ran into the bedroom to find Jingxi, want to ask if she did it!

However, as soon as he entered the room, he saw a small black charcoal lying on his white sheet!

Take a close look at the facial features, not who Jingxi is!

She is still sleeping soundly, but mu Sen immediately wakes her up: "Xi Xi, how is this going on?"

Jingxi was woken up, a little confused when he opened his eyes. When he saw the dark look on Mu Sen's face, he immediately laughed wildly.

"Ha ha ha, brother mu, you are black! How ugly

Say I am ugly, you are no better!

Musen was angry and helpless. He was still reluctant to talk about Jingxi. He just tapped her forehead with his finger and said, "how can we be so mischievous? We both become so black. How can we meet people! What kind of virus are you using? How can we be so powerful that we both become Africans one night! "

Jingxi smell speech, smile rolling on the bed, where she rolled, the white sheet left a black mark.

"Brother mu, there is no such virus! I'm just talking. Don't you have several bottles of black ink at home? I used that one

The tears of Jing Xi's smile all came out, but her tears, after slipping from her small face, became two drops of black ink directly!

Musen speechless looking at the little girl, before how did not see her so love to make trouble, now well, every day give him a huge "surprise"!

Ink is not so easy to wash off. Musen dyed the white porcelain wash basin black, and the whole bottle of cleanser was used up, and his face was still a little dark.

As for Jingxi, her whole body is black. She can't wash her body clean. It's not easy for Musen to help her wash. They can only sit with big eyes staring at each other.

Musen also has to go to the hospital to work, he can only give Jing Xi changed clothes, took her to the hospital.

Jingxi doesn't mind turning black at all. She thinks it's fun and giggles all the time. Last night, when she applied ink on munsen's face, she couldn't stop laughing. Today, her belly aches. If she continues to laugh like this, she will laugh out of her abdominal muscles!

Musen is so good-natured. If you paint Jingrui's face like this, Jingxi thinks he must be beaten!

Jing Zhiren is too alert. I'm afraid he will wake up before she touches his face, so this kind of prank can't be done.

It's still Musen! She has neither abnormal alertness nor terrifying force value. She has a good temper and looks handsome. She will live here in Musen!

Musen is really good-natured, his face is made like this by Jingxi, and he is not angry in his heart.

Child mischievous just, when a child, wood flower also very can make a fool of, he is not smile to pass.

He bought a lot of food for Jingxi, took her to his office, touched her soft hair, and said with a smile, "you play by yourself, I'm going to work!"

Jingxi's little black face showed a mouth of white teeth and said with a smile: "OK, I will be obedient! Don't disturb your work

Look, little girl is still very sensible!

Musen was very pleased that what happened last night was just an accident.

He began to work at ease, seriously making diagnosis, prescribing medicine, or arranging hospitalization for critically ill patients.

Jingxi is sitting in his office, but after a while, she can't sit still. She starts to feel here and have a look. After a while, when Musen is busy, she looks up, and the little girl is gone!

Musen immediately out of a cold sweat, left the patient and ran out.

Just now Jingxi Mingming was still sitting in his office. Now he is gone. He must not be far away.

There are no bad people in the hospital, but they are not afraid that Jingxi will be abducted and run away. Most of the people who can get medical treatment in Mu's hospital are well-off and will not engage in child abduction and trafficking.

When Musen finds Jingxi, she is lying on the ground crying, surrounded by a circle of people, pointing to a beautiful woman with long hair.

He immediately stepped forward and nervously picked up Jingxi: "Xi Xi, what's the matter with you? Is there any injury? "

As soon as Jing Xi saw Mu Sen, he cried harder.

Musen a head of sweat, check her from top to bottom, but also feel her pulse, found that she has nothing to put down.

Jingxi curls her lips. Musen is good everywhere. Her only drawback is that her medical skills are too high. She can't escape his eyes if she wants to pretend to be injured and sick.

But it won't hurt her.

"Brother mu, the woman stepped on me just now, and she scolded me. Wuwu, I don't like her!"

Jingxi doesn't like her, but mu Sen likes her a little bit.

A quiet woman, named Lou Ruofei, is a well-known second miss of the Lou family in a city. She is also a cousin of Lou Ziyi. She shares the same primary school, junior high school and high school with Musen.

Lou Ruofei has a quiet temperament, excellent family education, beautiful appearance and elegant temperament. At first glance, she is a young lady trained by a big family.

She came today to see a doctor from Musen. Headache has plagued her for two or three years. The effect of moxibustion on her is very good. Her dependence on acupuncture has become stronger and stronger.

Mu Sen and Lou Ruofei have known each other for a long time. He doesn't believe that Lou Ruofei can trample on Jingxi, and he doesn't believe that Lou Ruofei can swear. He has known Lou Ruofei for so many years, but Lou Ruofei has never said a word of swearing.

He stood up with Jingxi in his arms and apologized helplessly to Lou Ruofei: "Ruofei, my sister is a little naughty. I'm really sorry. Don't worry about it with children."

Jingxi's eyes widened in disbelief, but he never thought that he always held her in his hand. He seemed to treat her better than Jing Rui Jingzhi. He didn't believe her at all, and went straight to Lou Ruofei!

Lou Ruofei obviously didn't expect that Musen's opening was to apologize. She was slightly stunned and then said with a smile: "no, Musen, I did step on the little girl carelessly just now. It's me who should apologize."

She reached out to touch Jingxi's small face, but she was huffed away by Jingxi.

Lou Ruofei was not angry. She took back her hand naturally and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, my sister didn't mean to. I didn't notice you were behind me. Is it still painful? Let your brother Mu take a look at it

Mu Sen is stunned, really stepped on?

He quickly carried Jingxi back to his office, without saying a word, took off her shoes to check her feet.

Lou Ruofei also followed in: "should be the left foot, you see whether it is tight, I'm afraid I stepped on a bit heavy."

After a general inspection, Musen breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Jingxi's instep was a little red and swollen, it didn't get any substantial damage. It was swollen in two days at most.