Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1195

Jingxi lenglengleng looking at Mu Sen, her eyes seem to be looking at a stranger, let Mu Sen quite a bit unaccustomed.

He thought it was frightening Jingxi, or it was too painful. He comforted her with a gentle tone: "Xixi, don't be afraid, it's OK!"


Jingxi, so far, there is no such word in the dictionary.

She's not afraid, she's sad.

Mu Sen didn't like her. He liked Ruofei!

In the past, there are many beautiful girls to his side, he is light, only Lou Ruofei will let him protect.

Jingxi tears pattered down, instep pain, heart is also sad, she did not want to say a word.

Is it because she is too naughty?

She told him that he didn't believe it at all!

Jingxi looks up and looks at the graceful and graceful Lou Ruofei standing there. She is dignified and courteous. Her good bearing is in sharp contrast to her mischievous demonic nature!

She even admitted that she had stepped on her, and said that she had stepped on her more seriously. She didn't mean to give up at all.

This is the first real lady Jingxi has ever seen.

Those girls in the past were not like Lou Ruofei.

Jingxi slowly lowered his head, tears did not fall, also did not sob, just calm way: "wood brother, I want to go home!"

Musen knew that the little girl was angry, and he wanted to coax her, but when he saw Jingxi's estrangement from himself, he felt as miserable as being caught.

"It's my brother who didn't take good care of you and misunderstood you. But I can't go now. Your feet are swollen, OK?"

"No, I'm going!"

Most of the time, Jingxi is smiling. Her personality is very similar to shangguanning. Most of the time, she is very good at talking. But she was raised as a princess. She has her own pride, and she has enough capital to be proud.

The only girl in the Jing family, she is the most respectable daughter in a city!

She doesn't have to hurt herself for others.

Jing Yichen has never taught her, to compromise!

Jing Yichen has always said, Xi Xi, you make fun of yourself, the sky falls down and there is Dad!

Although every time she causes trouble, Jing Yichen will be very upset, but he has never been willing to say his daughter half a sentence!

Otherwise, he would like to clean up Jingxi once more, and she would not dare to make trouble again.

Her lawlessness, in the final analysis, is used to by jingyichen.

Jingxi jumped off the stool without even wearing shoes and socks and went straight out.

Mu Sen rushed to catch up, forced her to put on shoes and socks, and picked her up: "Xi Xi, I'll take you home."

He doesn't care about going upstairs now. Jingxi is so small. How can he let her go barefoot alone.

Lou Ruofei looks at the figure of Musen disappear, some helpless knead swelling pain forehead.

Now the children are more and more difficult to coax!

She knows Jing Xi. She met Mu Sen when she came to do acupuncture before. But she didn't expect that she was so angry.

She sat in her chair, rubbing her head, wondering whether she needed to go to Jing's house to apologize.

This is the treasure of the Jing family, which ordinary people can't afford.

Because of the headache, Lou Ruofei gradually turned pale. She took out two tablets of painkillers, relieved a few minutes, and then left the hospital.

In recent days, the building of Jingsheng group is being renovated. Instead of going to work in the group, Jing Rui takes all his work home. He is surprised to learn that Musen has sent Jingxi back so soon.

Why is Jingxi willing to come back?

Didn't she cry and cry to live with mulson?


Jing Rui is just an idea flashed by and guessed the fact.

He went out of the study and saw a black, swollen eye Jingxi in the living room.

He picked up his sister with a cold look: "what's going on?"

Musen bravely told the story.

Being trampled on by someone, it's not big or small. Jingrui has an insight into why his sister wants to go home.

She said that she likes Mu Sen, which he doesn't know, but Jing Rui is very clear about it.

He looks insipid let Musen leave, and there is no sign that his sister has been wronged to beat people for her.

"Don't you like him?" he asked

Jingxi shrunk on the sofa with his head hanging, neither nodding nor shaking his head.

Jingrui took her to himself and pinched her black face: "I'll beat the second lady of the building for you! If she's disfigured, he won't like her! "

Jingxi raised his head from his arms and said, "without the second lady of the Lou family, there will be other young ladies. Anyway, I can't get round to me! What's more, I was trampled on by her on purpose. I can't blame her completely. "

She was angry not because she was trampled on, but because Musen didn't believe her.

"Brother, I want to be a lady in a big family, like Lou Ruofei!"

This word says from Jingxi mouth, no less than a thunder!

After a while, Rui realized what was good for her.

great lady?

Jing Rui has never seen Lou Ruofei. I don't know whether the lady in Jingxi's mouth and his understanding are the same!

"You're not going to study explosives? No cockroach candy? Don't use viruses to play tricks on people? Pistols, bullets, firecrackers all given up? Every day I only play with dolls and piano? "

"You can't play with those things when you're a lady?"

Jingxi glared at his brother and said, "I can play that while I'm a lady! Find me a good teacher and teach me to be a lady

Jingrui knows that she can't give up those things!

The original is to want a good-looking, can fool people's appearance and temperament!

But it's not easy. It's a great progress to know how to disguise yourself as a good girl. At least it's good to bluff people.

Maybe after that, Jingxi's admirers will be cheated and become the son-in-law of the Jing family!

Jing Rui would like to thank Lou Ruofei for making changes in Jingxi. It's a rare sight in eight years!

Jingrui immediately meets the requirements of Jingxi, isn't it to be a lady? There is no lack of etiquette teachers in Jingxi's family. They can even invite someone from the royal family to teach Jingxi.

Maybe it is Lou Ruofei's stimulation to Jingxi, or Xu Musen's distrust makes her have a strong sense of self-improvement. She doesn't complain or feel tired. She doesn't even play with her favorite small pistol. She soon enters the learning state.

And Lou Ruofei apologized the next day after Jingxi went home.

Jing Rui and Jing Zhi are all here, but the real person who receives Lou Ruofei is Shu Yin