Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1193

This evening, for the first time, Jingxi really saw Jingzhi's speed to the extreme!

For the first time, I saw his inhuman ability - he could do it, jump down from a 77 story building with a person in his arms!

Although there is a borrowed force in the middle, but in Jingxi's opinion, it has been comparable with Superman in the movie!

When she jumped down from the top floor, Jingxi screamed with fear, thinking that she was going to fall to death, but her second brother kept her tight until she landed.

He couldn't have let go if it wasn't for fear that she was infected with the virus.

Jingxi thinks Jingzhi is very great, like a god of protection!

Like him, she wants to protect her family in the future. At least, when she is in danger again, she won't hold back.

However, Jing Rui broke Jingxi's dream bubble without any politeness: "it's just in case, it's just a research, not a test for you! Don't dream. I won't give you a chance to get infected with the virus! "

"Why? You and my second brother have both, but I don't. It's not fair! You both run so fast and have strength to hit people. I want that virus, too

"With our two world-class thugs, we will fight whoever you want. You don't need strength! Go home and play with your doll. No force is allowed in the future

"Dad said, girls should be diversified! It's necessary to learn how to protect yourself

"The tiger is not at home. Now your brother and I are the king. If you don't listen to me, you should listen!"

"Well, if father is a tiger, is mother a tiger? Then I will be a tiger in the future

Jing Rui: "it's just

Sister, don't you think the jumping performance is so high?! Will you pay attention to the point!

If anyone marries you in the future, I will give more money to others! It's a pity to go back with this daughter-in-law!

Thanks to gene, she has a beautiful face. As long as she doesn't make trouble, she looks like a lovely and innocent little Lori when she talks with her smile.

It's OK. It's OK to cheat marriage! As long as you don't get married, you can't let her harm the Jings all the time.

The explosion of Jingsheng group building made headlines in a city the next day. The stock price of the group even fluctuated strongly because many people were worried that the explosion would bring business losses.

Of course, there are losses, but Jing Rui doesn't care.

After he took over Jingsheng group, although he felt very responsible, he did not put too much pressure on himself. Jingyichen has always been a light wind and a light cloud. He encourages his son more often than not undermines his confidence.

It's just that the explosion made too much noise and didn't suppress it. Shangguanning still knew it.

She was worried about Jingxi's problems and had to have a video chat with her every day.

Jingxi, on the other hand, has no sign of thinking about her mother at all. Recently, she has become more and more interested in the virus and has a lot of fun every day.

She's so naughty that she doesn't have time to live. Jingrui doesn't dare to shut her up at home, so that she can't point out the house by herself!

After thinking about it, I still feel that Jingxi is the most obedient and clever time to follow Musen. He sends Jingxi to Musen as soon as he bites his teeth.

Although Musen doesn't understand why Jingxi wants to stay here for a few days, the little girl is popular and he is willing to take care of her.

When Jing Yichen and Shangguan Ning go out on holiday, Musen knows about it. He feels that Jingxi has no one to take care of. He can't help but ask her, "Xi Xi, is your brother very busy?"

Jingxi hung around his neck and said happily, "yes, one is busy being the president and the other is busy working as a security guard. Didn't I blow up two floors of our building two days ago? My brother is trying to make money and build a building! "

"Did you blow up the Jingsheng group building?" Musen was stunned

Is there malicious attack on competitors?

Jingxi Dudu nodded: "you see, it's fried with this, lovely!"

She said, took out a string of red pepper, to Musen hung on the neck.

Musen was so frightened that he couldn't even speak out!

He felt his neck cold, there was a fear of moving his head next moment!

Jingxi immediately patted his face with his small hand: "brother mu, I'm not afraid. This is my improved version. It won't be so powerful and will not explode at will. At most, it's like being bitten by a mosquito. It won't matter..."

After the words have not finished, the small pepper on the "pa" of a fried!

What is it like to have a string of firecrackers on your neck?

A mosquito bite?

What kind of mosquito will have such a big mouth!

This is a mosquito or a lion!

Musen felt that his head was going to be blown off, and his mouth was full of smoke. In the broad daylight, he was in the dark and was still emitting stars! Mouth and nose are bleeding out, face burning black!

He now believes that Jingsheng group building was bombed by Jingxi!

Jingxi and Musen are close together. She is not much better now. Her white face is also black. Her mouth is smoking and her nose is bleeding.

But she has been used to it. When studying small firecrackers, she has exploded many times!

She quickly patted Musen's face: "brother mu, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. You don't think it's powerful. Next time I'll give you a bunch of more stable ones, which will not explode casually. You can give it to your girlfriend for fun! Girls like it

This string was originally prepared for Musen to send his girlfriend, but it exploded accidentally. It can't work! No revenge!

It took him a long time to see things and see the light again. He almost wanted to cry!

He was still holding Jingxi with fear: "Xixi, you still don't give me gifts, others give gifts in return, you send gifts to kill!"

Jingxi chicken pecked rice the same nod: "mm-hmm, won't it!"

Musen took her to the bathroom to wash her face. When he saw the black face in the mirror, only two pairs of eyes rolled around, and he couldn't help but feel funny: "we both seem to have come back from Africa!"

Seeing that he was not angry, Jingxi was finally relieved. She giggled and said, "brother mu, why don't I study a virus that can make people black! If you get black, no one will rob you with me

Musen doesn't think Jingxi has the ability to develop virus. He doesn't take it seriously. He washes Jingxi's face and says with a smile: "I didn't have anyone to rob me. I love you the most."

The next morning, Musen got up to go to the bathroom. He looked at himself in the mirror subconsciously to see if his injured neck had recovered.

As a result

What did he see?!

Who are the Africans in the mirror?!