Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1192

The building of Jingsheng group was too high for fire engines. Finally, six helicopters were used to put out the fire.

Jingrui looks at the smoky building of Jingsheng group, and then looks at Jingzhi and Jingxi, whose face is beyond description!

These two people together, even their own group building can blow up, this is to God!

Fortunately, Jingsheng group did not cut corners when it was built. It was very strong. Only the top two floors were bombed, and the bottom ones were still intact. Otherwise, all the employees of the group would have a holiday tomorrow!

"Am I going to build a pure gold air raid shelter for you two? Or do you want me to send you two to Mars? "

Jingxi and Jingzhi stand in front of the elder brother honestly and receive the training. This time, the disaster is really a little big, the key is to destroy their own building, which is distressed!

Jingxi's face was covered with gray and black. Jingzhi was even worse than her. She was not only burned by the fire, but also injured by powerful firecrackers because of his desperate protection of Jingxi.

He was worried that his blood would infect Jingxi. When he was safe, he immediately threw Jingxi out, causing a large bruise on Jingxi's face and body.

It's just that neither of them is the kind who loves to be coquettish. They are both very tolerant and not afraid of pain at all, so they are still standing in front of Jing Rui to repent.

"Brother, the pepper I invented originally wanted to blow up our building, just thinking about Celebrate your engagement! You and your sister-in-law didn't talk much at the engagement banquet, so you left so soon. I didn't have a chance to set off firecrackers to celebrate

Jingrui almost fainted!

She wants to set off her homemade firecrackers at the engagement party?!

Is this going to blow up all the relatives and friends of the Jing family?

In addition to Jingzhi has the strength to rescue people from the violent explosion, who can have such a fast reaction speed and escape speed! But he can save Jingxi a person at most, the rest of the people are sure to ignore!

If the girl is not well disciplined, she will certainly make a hole in the sky when she grows up! At the age of eight, she almost turned over the whole city A. when she was 18, the earth couldn't hold her!

"Shut up! In the future, we are not allowed to study those disorderly things and touch anything that is dangerous! Guns and ammunition are not allowed to play. You can only play with dolls in the future

Jingrui used to have the same view as Jing Yichen. He didn't think that Jingxi was a girl, so he should imprison her and not teach her those dangerous things.

Born in Jing's family, even if she is a girl, she can be extremely excellent in the future. She can also be an armorist and can dance with a knife and a gun.

Apart from shangguanning's feeling that her daughter should play with dolls, Jingrui and jingyichen don't think it's good to play with dolls.

But now, Jing Rui is defeated by his sister. He doesn't dare to let his sister go on like this. It's OK to say that he lost money. But what if one day she killed herself by playing with explosives!

Never seen a girl so brave!

Jingxi Dudu mouth, the committee should be aggrieved.

It's terrible for my brother to get angry. She can't get into trouble at this time. Anyway, she can steal the research later!

However, this small pepper is clearly according to the online firecracker production process, why has the power increased so much? People on the Internet are liars, hum!

Shu Yin squatted beside her, wiping her face with a towel.

Jingrui reprimands Jingxi. She doesn't plead with Jingxi. This kind of thing is really frightening. She and Jingrui are scared when they get the news from the cold wind!

Jingxi really want to have a long and short, how can they live!

Shu Yin hopes that Jingxi can have a long memory. In the future, she can't do it. She'd better follow her to study genetics and virology. At least, the destructive power is not so terrible, and ordinary viruses can't kill people.

Jingrui says Jingxi for a while, then turns to scold Jingzhi: "Jingxi is eight years old. Are you eight years old? What about the brain! I ask you to be a security guard at a high price every month. That's how you protect me?! How dare you take her to my office for a drink, trying to replace me as president? "

"No, no, no, I don't dare!"

Jing Zhi has a burning pain on his back, but he doesn't care about it. He is afraid that he will be sent back to North America by Jing Rui!

"It was a complete accident! How smart my sister is, you don't know. My IQ is hard hurt. I can't help her! She took out a bunch of pepper and threw it to me. How could I know it was a bunch of bombs

Jingzhi is almost crying. He really doesn't know! Is he willing to blow himself up to be disabled!

If my sister wants to go to heaven, my brother can't stop it!

"I didn't want to take Xi Xi to visit because your office is big and beautiful."

When jingyichen was the president before, Jingxi didn't know how many times he had run in to play. Jingzhi was guilty when he said this, and Jingrui certainly had no good face.

Jingrui wants to scold Jingzhi severely, but he is still distressed. He is hurt, so he asks him to go to Peter to bandage him.

"Brother, take Xi Xi to have an examination first. I'm afraid she will be infected by me."

Jingzhi is really afraid of this kind of thing. He is afraid that Jingxi will die because of his blood.

A group of people directly take a helicopter from Jingsheng group to Mu's hospital. Jing Zhi is treated by Peter, while Shu Yin draws blood from Jingxi for testing.

Soon the test results came out, Jingxi did not have infection.

Jing Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. At that time, he had blood on Jingxi's skin. Originally, he was very afraid. It seems that nothing happened.

In fact, it doesn't matter if only a little blood is stained. As long as it is not dropped into the eyes or mixed into the wound, it will not be infected.

Shu Yin hugs Jingxi. Seeing Jing Rui and Jing Zhi all breathed a sigh of relief, she could not help but say in a low voice: "if I'm not wrong, even if Xixi is infected with this virus, she should be OK. She is related to you by blood. Her DNA is very close to that kind of virus, and it has high tolerance."

"Really happy? Great

He felt that his blood killed others, but his favorite is Jingxi, little girl absolutely can't do anything.

Now she can fuse his virus, it's so happy!

"I haven't specially studied the gene and antiviral ability of Xixi. I'm going to give her blood test tomorrow, and then I'll know the result."

Shu Yin thinks that this research is very necessary, related to Jing Xi's life, and needs to be determined as soon as possible.

Jingrui also agrees with Shu Yin to help Jingxi have a look. Just after he said "good", Jingxi exclaimed excitedly, "can I be as strong as my second brother?"?! Can I be Spider man, too? "