Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1191

In love, perhaps the best thing is the fit from the soul to the body.

Like a lazy kitten, Shuyin sleeps in Jingrui's arms. The blue and purple marks on her white skin make Jingrui feel pity.

Even if Shu Yin falls asleep, Jing Rui still hugs her and kisses her.

The dim night, full of ambiguous atmosphere in the bedroom did not turn on the light, he and Shu Yin tossed the whole afternoon, it is estimated that she was exhausted.

Jingrui has some heartache and some remorse.

He never thought that he would be so crazy about such things!

He wanted to stop, but for the first time his body violated the command of his brain. Seeing Shuyin's body, he just wanted more.

Shu Yin didn't know how long she slept before she woke up. She moved and immediately "hissed".

The body aches so much that it's not her anymore!

There was a deep voice overhead: "awake? Would you like something to eat? "

As soon as Shu Yin looks up, she bumps into Jing Rui's doting eyes.

"I'm not hungry, I want to sleep," she said

This person is simply out of control, she just for the first time, he should come so fierce!

Fortunately, her body was also transformed by the virus, and her physical strength was ok, otherwise she would have fainted!

Shu Yin pulls the blanket and covers her whole body, as if afraid of Jing Rui's damage again.

Then, she soon found that her whole body was clean and clean. She had a lot of sweat yesterday, and she was tired to sleep without taking a bath. How can she be clean and refreshing now?

"Did you bathe me?"


Shu Yin just want to breathe a sigh of relief, listen to Jing Rui again: "but I use a towel to wipe your whole body again."

Shuyin's face flushed instantly!

She is thin skinned. Even if they are already so close, she doesn't want Jingrui to take a bath on her, and she doesn't want him to help her wipe her whole body!

Shuyin wrapped himself up and mumbled "you are not a good man", then turned his back and ignored Jing Rui.

Jingrui smiles and pastes it up. He hugs her from behind and imprisons her in his arms: "I've never been a good man. You didn't know it the first day. Now it's too late to regret it!"

Shu Yin opened her mouth to say that she did not regret, but Jing Rui's ferocity in the afternoon also made her scared. At this moment, she dare not easily provoke him. She can't bear to do it again today.

Jingrui knows that he is scared to Shuyin today. He kisses Shuyin's long hair and says in a low voice: "Yinyin, I didn't hold back today. I won't any more. I'll listen to you in the future. You don't want to do it, OK?"

Shuyin spirit a shock, turned his head, eyes bright way: "really?"

Jing Rui can't laugh in his heart. He thinks that she is really good at cheating, but he says solemnly on his face: "really!"

Shu Yin believed it and said with satisfaction, "this is not bad!"

However, by the next night, she was quickly stripped and thrown on the bed by Jing Rui. Her protest was not effective at all. When she did not know how many times she was thrown into the cloud by Jing Rui, she finally reacted.

She lies on Jingrui's chest and bites him: "you're lying! It was agreed last night. I said I wanted it only if I wanted it. If I said no, I didn't want it! "

Jingrui hugged her with a low smile and doted: "little fool, other things can depend on you, only this thing, you have to listen to me. Next time I promise you not to touch you, don't believe it again! "

There are still people who can make such a sound statement!

Shu Yin thinks that he is really knowledgeable!

She hits Jingrui's chest angrily with her fist. Jingrui doesn't move. Anyway, she doesn't have much strength. Hitting him is not different from tickling him.

As long as Shu Yin can be happy, bitten by her and beaten by her, Jing Rui is willing to.

Shu Yin plays for a while, and finds that Jing Rui doesn't respond. Instead, her own hands hurt.

She simply gave up hand beating or biting with her teeth.

She bit rows of teeth marks on Jingrui's white skin on her chest. She looks ambiguous and lovely, but she can't help laughing.

"Does it hurt?"

Shu Yin stroked those teeth marks with her fingers, and suddenly worried about whether she was biting a little heavy.

Jing Rui immediately exaggerated "hiss" A: "good pain! I was engaged only yesterday, and I'm going to murder my husband today. How cruel you are

It obviously doesn't hurt!

Shuyin went up and bit again!

Jingrui is in a happy mood. His handsome face is full of smiles. As long as Shuyin doesn't bite his skin, he will toss and toss with her. It's also very interesting to tease her.

He didn't go to work all day, so he made conjoined babies with Shuyin at home. Wherever Shuyin went, he always held her and didn't want to leave for a moment.

Only now did he know why in ancient times there would have been a faint monarch addicted to beauty!

He left such a large group to ignore, only at home with Shuyin sweet honey, really a little bit confused.

After Jing Yichen and shangguanning finish their engagement, they go abroad for a holiday and leave Jingxi to Jingrui.

However, Jingrui throws Jingxi to Jingzhi again without thinking about it!

He doesn't want to be intimate with Shu Yin, and Jingxi stands by to watch!

Little girl ghost idea too much, a careless will fall into her hand!

In the evening, Jingzhi is taking Jingxi to eat and drink in Jingrui's office. Jingzhi feels that he is alone. His brother is engaged and he is sweet and sweet with Shuyin. He is a little sad.

Jingxi didn't even feel sad. She felt happy that she could go to heaven with a pair of wings!

Mom and dad went abroad. My brother was engaged and had a sister-in-law. She was free at last!

She wants to set off firecrackers to celebrate!

Unfortunately, firecrackers can't be set off in the building of Jingsheng group, otherwise the alarm of the whole building will go off.

Jingxi carefully put the small pepper like firecrackers he was stirring into his backpack, thinking about waiting for the building to be released.

"Second brother, when are you engaged?"

The little witch doesn't open the pot!

Jingzhi was not angry and said, "I'm going to be a monk. I'm going to marry you!"

"Then you don't have to be 24-hour security?"

Whether this is a sister or not, how to poke the heart to say which sentence!

Jing Zhi sits on the leather chair that Jing Rui usually uses for his office. He puts his feet on his luxurious nanmu desk. As he picks his teeth, he says, "I'm going to the grassroots level for training! I'll be vice president in the future

"Take me out to play. It's not interesting here! I don't think it's OK to set off firecrackers. I should congratulate you on being vice president! "

Jingzhi suddenly had a bad premonition: "where did you get the firecrackers?"

"I made it myself!"

Jingxi said, take out his own pepper again and throw it on the desk in front of Jing Zhi: "this is it!"

The last word has not been finished, only listen to a loud bang, small Pepper Fried!

Jingsheng group's 77 storey building, in the middle of the night, sounded the alarm of the earthquake!

The landmark building of city a is in full swing!