Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1175

The night is bright and dim.

Most of the ones still on the road are taxis.

Zheng Yuwei stopped a car and then disappeared in the vast night.

More than three o'clock in the morning is the time when people's sense organs are weakest, and it is also the time of the deepest sleep.

Zheng Yuwei carefully avoids the black figures outside the villa, sneaks into the villa and begins to look for someone indirectly.

Every room has been searched, but there is no shadow of Jing Zhi!

Where have you been?

Did you go out and fool around?

Zheng Yuwei gave a cold smile. When she turned to leave, she suddenly got a white knife on her neck!

"What are you looking for? Do you want me? Zheng Yuwei


Zheng Yuwei subconsciously grasps Jingzhi's wrist and wants to give him a shoulder fall, but she has used her best strength, but Jingzhi is still!

On the contrary, because of her excessive force, the knife in Jing Zhi's hand scratched a thin scar on her neck.

Blood gushed out, and the air was filled with a faint smell of blood.

Zheng Yuwei doesn't know how Jingzhi recognized herself in the dark, but she knows that she is not Jingzhi's opponent at all!

She thought that she could defeat him after so long training in the military academy, but in the end, she didn't even have the strength to fight back!

How can she avenge her sister?

But, and the neck was cut, the pain is fierce, Zheng Yuwei angry want to cry.

She lowered her head and bit Jing Zhi's arm fiercely.

Jingzhi suddenly changed color and said in a sharp voice, "Zheng Yuwei, you want to die! Let go

Zheng Yuwei doesn't listen at all. She wants to kill Jing Zhi directly.

Jingzhi doesn't dare to pull his arm out of Zheng Yuwei's mouth. He is not afraid of pain or wound, but he is afraid that Zheng Yuwei will die if he touches his blood!

He quickly and incomparably "pa" unloaded Zheng Yuwei's chin, and angrily scolded: "fool! If you want to die, don't pull me up. If you die, Zheng yuluo will cry to death! I'll never talk to me again! "

Zheng Yuwei's pain can't be compounded, feel the whole chin is not his own!

But she had suffered everything in the military academy. She held on and refused to say anything. She even refused to shed tears. She just stared at Jing Zhi, as if he was so heinous.

Jingzhi presses Zheng Yuwei on the wall, holding her two hands in one hand and not letting her move. The other hand "slaps" her chin back.

"Zheng Yuwei, you are in a bad head?! When I was a child, I didn't even dare to get close to me. I was afraid that I would infect you all and die. How dare you bite me now?! I warn you, stay away from me and die of virus. Don't blame me for not reminding you! "

Zheng Yuwei was excited and shivered all over her body!

Yes, she forgot!

He's poisonous!

All of them didn't play with Jingzhi when they were children. Isn't that why?

Isn't that why she and her sister tied up Jing Zhi to give them away?

My parents have said countless times that we should stay away from Jingzhi, especially when he is injured. We should never help him to bandage his wounds.

Zheng Yuwei has a flash of light in her mind. It's not Jing Zhi who is poisonous, but his blood!

She almost bit Jingzhi's skin just now!

The mandible is still in faint pain, but Zheng Yuwei has recovered calm and reason.

She knew that if Jing Zhi moved more slowly, her teeth would pierce his skin and touch his blood.

She wanted to kill him, but he saved her.

Zheng Wei felt that she was not a gentleman, but she felt that she was not a gentleman.

The last time I met with Jingzhi, there was a kind of life and death struggle. This time, she still wanted to die and die, but Jingzhi has changed!

He didn't want her to die. He seemed to be magnanimous. He didn't seem to care about her.

Even her neck was scratched just now, which was caused by her own recklessness.

Zheng Yuwei has a kind of hard punch, but hit the cotton on the powerless feeling.

Her mind was in a state of confusion, and she didn't know how to speak for a while.

But Jing Zhi let her go at this time. He turned on the light in the bedroom and sat on the chair casually. It seemed that he didn't guard against her at all.

"When did you return home? yesterday? Or two days ago? "

The tone is loose and the voice is light. It seems to be chatting with a good friend I haven't seen for a long time!

Zheng Yuwei is a bit at a loss. She stares at Jingzhi and suspects that he has been replaced!

When Zheng Yuwei doesn't show her sharp little claws, when she is at a loss, she falls exactly like Zheng Yu!

they are twins as like as two peas. They are almost identical in appearance. But Zheng Yuwei has been exposed to skin for a long time because of her long training. She also has short hair. She looks a little less gentle and more heroic.Zheng Yuwei at the moment, it's just Zheng yuluo with her hair cut!

was as like as two peas in the face. Zheng Yuluo was very angry and angry. But looking at the same face as Zheng Yuwei, he could not find the teeth everywhere.

Zheng yuluo's figure appeared in his mind. His heart was slightly soft, and even his voice became less cold.

"As soon as you came back to China, you came to kill me, trying to get justice for your sister? It's beyond our means

Jingzhi said, not knowing where to find a gun, three or two down into parts, "crash" suddenly thrown on the floor.

"What do you teach in the military academy! If you are like this, you'd better not say that you are from the military academy. It's disgraceful! "

Zheng Yuwei saw the gun in his hand, and her face turned white. She touched her waist, and the gun she brought when she came was really gone!

But the gun was taken away by Jing Zhi, and she didn't notice it!

"Go home! It's not too late for you and your sisters to figure out what's going on! A more than a no brain, not quite a child has a mind, quite understand intrigue? When I grow up, my mind is full of dirt! "

Jingzhi is angry when she says it. Zheng Yuwei runs away without saying anything clearly. Zheng Yuwei doesn't know anything and goes all out with him. How can the two sisters lack heart and eye!

Zheng Yuwei finally came to her senses. She stared at Jingzhi with indignant eyes, and even her voice was sharp: "you have no brain! You cheated my sister's heart and slept with another woman. You're not a human being! My sister is too simple to be cheated by scum like you

Jing Zhiqi's blue veins on his forehead burst out: "which woman did I sleep with?! Did you see it, or did Zheng yuluo see it? "

"Bah! You have no face! My sister saw you in the airport with that little Yue cuddle! What's more, it was Xiao Yue who sent a text message to let my sister go to the airport to see you show her love , the fastest update of the webnovel!