Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1176

"What are you talking about?"

Jingzhi suddenly got up and approached Zheng Yuwei, with a sinister and cold look: "tell me again!"

Zheng Yuwei was scared by his cruel appearance!

Before, she thought Jing Zhi had been replaced. Now it seems that he is still the ruthless man before!

Zheng Yuwei stubbornly scalp stem neck, unconvinced way: "you roar what?! Again, the same thing! The woman said to my sister, you two fell asleep, said you fell in love with her, and sent her to the airport in person, and paid to send her to study in North America! She told my sister to quit! My sister has seen all your adultery

Jing Zhiqi's face turned white, even his heart and lungs were in pain!

He intuitively felt that Xiaoyue could not be that kind of person, but he also believed Zheng Yuwei's words, she would not lie, and there was no need to lie.

Then the problem can only be Xiao Yue's side!

He spent money to send Xiaoyue to study abroad, even his brother did not tell, no one knows!

The money was borrowed from Peter, but Peter didn't know where it was used.

How could Zheng yuluo know?

Is it really Xiao Yue who told her?

At the airport, he did hold Xiaoyue, but it was Xiaoyue who fell into his arms.

He pushed her away the first time.

If he didn't really hate Xiaoyue always appeared in front of him, how could he send people abroad!

In Jingzhi's impression, Xiaoyue is a girl who is submissive and has no heart.

The first time he saw her was in a bar full of money and money. All the people in it were unruly. She was just like a stream of clean water. She was persistent in protecting her innocence and refused to be polluted.

She was even a little foolish and filial, preferring to suffer and suffer, but also to work to earn money to support her family.

At first, he wanted to touch her hand, and she was so flustered that she wouldn't even sit down with her for a drink.

How could such a little Yue say that they had slept together? How can you let Zheng yuluo quit?!

Jingzhi frowned and said in a cold voice, "Zheng yuluo misunderstood me. Xiao Yue and I have nothing. I sent her abroad because I hate her, not because I like her!"

Do you laugh at Yuzhi? My sister will believe your lies if she is determined to you. Please make up a decent reason for me

In her heart, she thinks that Jingzhi is not a good thing. She says it with high sounding, but it is to cheat her sister.

The thought of her sister almost drowned made her heart ache.

"What's more, your little Yue, you let people have a black hand behind her, and pushed my sister into the safe lake of X. if my father hadn't gone in time, she would have been dead now! It's all your fault. Don't go to my sister again! You have a lot of women, and she also has men who like it

Jing Zhi is surprised: "what?"

He doesn't know about it yet!

Is this what Xiaoyue did?

No way!

How can Xiao Yue kill people?

She can only be bullied at ordinary times, and can't even fight back!

"No way, Xiao Yue won't kill your sister. She only met your sister once."

See once will kill people, this kind of ruthless heart, even Jingzhi this murderous killer will not have.

He still didn't believe Xiao Yue would do such a thing.

"You must be mistaken. Someone else killed your sister!"

Zheng Yuwei looks at Jingzhi with unbelievable eyes. Her eyes suddenly turn red and her nose turns sour. She deeply feels sad for her twin sister.

In fact, she was not sure whether it was Xiaoyue's hand to her sister. Zheng yuluo also said that it should not be Xiaoyue.

But Zheng Yuwei didn't expect that Jing Zhi didn't know what happened. He didn't even ask anything, and said that they had made a mistake!

He is too protective of that little Yue, right?

If he has a little bit of love for his sister, his first reaction should not be to ask her how she is now?

His sister's life was almost over, and after the dispute with him, did he not care at all?

Even if what she said is not based on evidence, if he loves his sister, no matter who the murderer is, then he should suspect Xiao Yue!

Zheng Yuwei only felt that all her strength seemed to have been drained in an instant. She was a little lucky. Fortunately, it was not her elder sister who came to confront Jingzhi today. Even she felt that she felt terrible in her heart. If she listened to Jingzhi, her heart would be broken!

She is no longer in the mood to fight with Jingzhi. Is such a person worth fighting with?


Zheng Yuwei slowly called out his name, light way: "you know? Since you disappeared, my sister's whole life has been for you. "

"She thinks she's sorry for you. She once wanted to end her life many times. She has a very shallow sleep, because every time she sleeps, she always has nightmares and dreams that she has sent you into the fire pit with her own hands.""She has depression. She always needs the guidance of a psychologist before. Since she found you, she doesn't need to rely on a doctor."

"We were both the same height, but you see, I'm three centimeters taller than her, which is very rare in identical twins. Because all her mind is on you, and someone has to force her to eat. "

"If I come today, she doesn't know. Otherwise, I'll come to settle accounts with you. I'm afraid I'll suffer losses, but I'll be more afraid of your injury!"

"She called your name last night when she was unconscious. You say it's ridiculous or not. You love her parents and sister most. If she doesn't shout, she just thinks about you

"My father doesn't allow her to associate with you, even close. You know how dangerous you are. My father has only two daughters. If my sister follows you, I'm afraid I'll be the only one left. "


Zheng Yuwei said a lot of long and wordy words. She did not shy away from the mistakes they made when they were children. Her words are all about Zheng yuluo's unusual life in recent years and her deep attachment to Jing Zhi.

She looked at Jing Zhi faintly: "where are you good? If she doesn't love her, she knows she's fierce. She's confused with other women. Where does she like you

It is undeniable that Jing Zhi has a pair of good-looking leather bags, and women can be fascinated by their good looks.

He has a cold and evil temperament interwoven, frightening, but can not help but want to get close.

Yuwei knows that her sister does not love her.

Xu Wei, once again, I ask for silence in my room

Jingzhi eyebrows have been locked, smell speech can not help but look up: "what's the matter?"

"I beg you, let my sister go, and then disappear from her world!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!