Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1174

Zheng yuluo or firmly shook his head: "no, will not, Weiwei, you do not know him, he will not do that kind of black hand behind the back."

If she really wants to let her die, Jing Zhi has a thousand ways.

He was so arrogant and so arrogant that he could never have used the secret.


Zheng yuluo felt that even if he liked Xiaoyue, he would not be cruel to her life.

She could feel it.

Zheng Yuwei hates that iron doesn't make steel and looks at her own sister.

She didn't understand what Jing Zhi was good about, and she didn't understand that her sister was obviously hurt by him and spoke for him.

She went to the bedside, lying side by side with Zheng yuluo, helped her cover the quilt, and whispered, "elder sister, you tell me what happened during this period of time. I'm afraid you will be cheated by that bastard."

Zheng Yuwei regretted going to the Military Academy for the first time, otherwise she would have been with her sister in a city. She could know what happened to her sister the first time.

Zheng yuluo said things roughly once, to the end, including Xiao Yue's things also said.

Zheng Yuwei almost died of anger!

If it wasn't for Zheng yuluo who hugged her, she would have gone to Jingzhi with a gun!

"This bastard! Occupy you, but also to hook up with other fox spirit! Elder sister, how can you be so tolerant? That little Yue told you so much that he obviously didn't have good intentions. Why didn't you leave evidence and fall on Jing Zhi's face? "

"Weiwei, I'm telling you this. You must be told to your parents, and you can't settle accounts with Jing Zhi. Do you hear me? Or I won't tell you anything in the future

"When is it? How can you still protect him?"

Zheng Yuwei is a bit impatient, and is that kind of cheerful character with revenge and resentment.

If this thing is put on her, she must give Jingzhi a beating, and Xiaoyue will also be beaten!

This belongs to the authentic third party to intervene, she should be hit all over the ground looking for teeth!

"Weiwei, do you agree or not?"

Zheng yuluo understands the character of her sister and holds her arm to make her promise to herself.

Zheng Yuwei was so angry that she couldn't help it. She could only nod her head and promise, "OK, OK, I won't go to Jingzhi for trouble. I'll keep my parents secret."

If she doesn't promise these, I'm afraid Zheng Yu will not tell her the secret after falling.

Hearing his sister's promise, Zheng Yu was relieved.

She touched her sister's slightly rough hand and whispered, "Wei Wei, are you suffering outside? You're black and you've lost a lot of weight. "

Zheng Yuwei smiles and doesn't care: "no, I'm fine. Although those guys in the military academy are not human beings, they teach real kung fu. Although I'm thinner, I'm healthier and stronger. If you don't feel it, I've got chest and abdominal muscles! "

It's OK to have abdominal muscles, but as for chest muscles

"You're a girl. What kind of chest muscles do you practice?"

Zheng Yu was born afraid that his sister would become a tomboy. If he lost his chest, how could he find a boyfriend later!

After all, she is through the personnel, for men and women before things, than Zheng Yuwei know more.

Men like plump little, no one will like a girl, the chest is hard muscle!

They're twins. They're closest.

Zheng Yuwei really let her touch.

Feeling her sister's soft and firm chest and feeling its elastic plumpness, Zheng yuluo was relieved at last.

Fortunately, it's not the pectoral muscles, but her chest is more straight and elastic.

Zheng Yuwei was touched by her sister some itch, can not help giggling, and then she made bad to touch Zheng yuluo.

"Ah, sister, why are you so big! We were almost the same before. How did you grow up? "

Zheng yuluo immediately blushed. She didn't know what was going on, but she would never admit it.

"No! It's still the same as before. It's yours that's getting smaller! Don't practice your chest muscles in the future

"You're lying! I used to buy underwear for you. Don't I know your size yet? I haven't changed the size of my underwear, but you can't wear it now! "

Zheng Yuwei doesn't know anything about men and women, but it doesn't mean she's stupid!

Every change of Zheng yuluo's body can't escape her eyes.

Just as if she had grown only one centimeter tall, her sister could feel it. She could feel her big chest.

"It's amazing, sister. What did you eat and why did it get bigger?"

Zheng Yuwei died of curiosity. She still wanted to touch her sister's chest again. However, Zheng yuluo covered her chest tightly and refused to let her touch it.

"Sister, why are you so mean! You didn't even touch me! I'm a girl. It's your sister. It's important to touch it! "My sister can't!

It feels strange!

Zheng yuluo stretched out his hand and pushed Zheng Yuwei out: "go back to your room to sleep. My bed is too small. You are growing tall now. Once you lie up, I have no place to sleep!"

"Sister, are you exaggerating? I've only grown one centimeter tall! "

A few months later, Zheng Yuwei has grown one centimeter tall, but Zheng yuluo is still her original height. Now, she has been three centimeters shorter than her sister.

If we go out together, others will surely think that Zheng Yuwei is her sister.

Come back to sleep with me

Zheng Yuwei refused to go. She went to Zheng Yu's arms and made a lot of sweat.

Zheng yuluo's original pain and bad memories were diluted by her happiness.

Only at this time, she will feel like a sister, Zheng Yuwei is a sister.

She is a bit careless, crazy and smiling, sometimes very naive, like to play some games when she was a child.

"Sister, I call wooden man. Whoever moves will lose!"

Zheng yuluo some funny, how old people are, still play this! It's all for children!

"Sister, don't laugh. I haven't finished yet. Whoever loses will have to touch his chest."

Zheng yuluo immediately hugged his chest with both hands and protested solemnly: "this can't work!"

"Where do you want to touch it?"

You can't touch anywhere!

Is it decent for girls to play with this?


Zheng Yuwei looked at her sister's beautiful figure, and said with a malicious smile: "or just touch your ass!"

Zheng yuluo's face is a little dark. What did the girl learn in the military academy?!

She wasn't like that before!

The two sisters laugh, Zheng yuluo finally failed to resist the special training of the younger sister, she touched several.

It was not until late at night that the sisters fell asleep contentedly.

With her sister by her side, she felt very peaceful in her heart, and her sleep was especially sweet.

Just, Zheng yuluo didn't know. After she fell asleep, Zheng Yuwei got up quietly, changed her clothes and went out with a gun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!