Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1173

In terms of gender, Zheng yuluo's judgment is consistent with Zheng Jing's judgment, and he also thinks that the figure is a man.

"Luoluo, have you ever offended anyone?"

Zheng Jing's expression is a little serious. Someone is going to kill his daughter. He would like to find out the murderer immediately!

Zheng yuluo has always been obedient and obedient. She seldom causes trouble, and never gets into enmity with others. She is introverted now. She is always taboo towards outsiders. How can anyone want to kill her?!

Zheng Yu fell in his mind, flashed Xiaoyue Qingli appearance, and finally shook his head: "no, Dad, I know very few people, did not offend anyone."

Even if Xiaoyue likes Jingzhi and wants to take him as his own, she has already done it.

She has not paid attention to Jing Zhi for many days in a row, and now it is completely over with him. Xiao Yue seems to have no need to kill her.

Zheng yuluo's heart, also feel that Xiaoyue is beautiful and touching, and is pitiful. How can she kill people?

It should not be her Right?

"Luoluo, you'd better not hide anything, or you will still be in danger! That man didn't kill you once, and he will do it again! "

Zheng Jing is angry and distressed. He thinks his daughter is too stupid!

"Don't you think I don't know you and Jingzhi don't know?"

Zheng yuluo looked up in a panic: "no, Dad, no We... "

She can't go on. Lying is not her strong point. Especially in front of Zheng Jing, she always feels that everything she has will be seen through by Zheng Jing.

She and Jing Zhi, as Zheng Jing said, are not clear.

She naively thought that she was Jing Zhi's girlfriend, and could be with him all the time. However, he turned his head and held other girls in his arms.

The whole x knows that she is Jing Zhi's girlfriend.

Now suddenly separated, she must be the center of gossip again.

"Don't worry, Dad. I won't go to see him again. I won't see him again."

Zheng Yu fell like a knife and his voice was almost inaudible.

She can't share a man with other women. If Jingzhi chooses Xiaoyue, she won't be entangled.

Zheng Jing has always objected to her being too close to Jing Zhi. Now her father doesn't have to worry about her being infected by the virus.

"Well, if you make up your mind. Dad doesn't want to stop you from falling in love freely, but Jingzhi is too dangerous for you. If... "

If you change to Jing Rui, he may think about it. Although Jing Rui is cold, he has the same character as Jing Yichen. He is calm and affectionate. He may be a good husband and a good father just like Jing Yichen.

Of course, Zheng Jing is just thinking about it. In fact, even if Jing Rui really likes his daughter, he can't bear it.

Others don't know, but he knows that Jingrui's body also has that kind of frightening virus, which is fatal.

Shu Yin, who grew up playing with viruses since childhood, is not afraid of viruses.

Ordinary girls, I'm afraid even close to Jing Rui will be timid.

"Well, forget about it. You know it in your own mind. Now it's still young. There are many good boys outside. You can choose one better in the future. "

Zheng Jing only thought that his daughter and Jingzhi were a little ambiguous and had some good feelings. He never thought that his daughter had lost his life in Jingzhi.

Zheng Yu falls in his eyes, is a good girl, absolutely will not do extraordinary things.

"Luoluo, you should have a good rest. If you think of anything, you can tell me immediately. I'll check again to see who is trying to harm you!"

Zheng Yu nodded and whispered, "thank you, Dad."

Thank you for conniving and protecting me!

If you didn't care about me in your heart, I would be a dead soul in the lake.

Zheng Jing showed a smile to her daughter: "silly girl, what are you polite to your father? Don't think about it any more. Don't go to school these days, and have a good rest at home. Just as your sister is back, you two sisters can talk well."


She can't talk to her parents. She can only talk to her twin sister.

Her affairs, Zheng Yuwei almost all know, nothing to avoid.

In front of her parents, Zheng yuluo is still a strong look, but when Zheng Jing is gone and Zheng Yuwei comes in to accompany her, her tears can't help falling down.

Zheng Yuwei was scared and hugged her in a hurry: "sister, don't cry! You tell me, who bullied you? I'll kill that bastard

They are twin sisters who grew up together since childhood. When one is in danger, the other basically has a wonderful feeling.

Last night, when Zheng Yu fell into the water, Zheng Yuwei was always in a state of mind. She always felt that something had happened.

She's 17 years old, and she's only had this feeling twice in the last 17 years.One was when Zheng yuluo was ten years old. Because Jing Zhi had been missing for a whole year, she suffered from severe depression and wanted to commit suicide.

Another time, when Zheng Yu fell in North America, he was nearly kicked to death by Jing Zhi.

The third time she had that feeling last night, she immediately panicked.

It turned out that her reaction was correct. If Dad went later, she would not have a sister.

Zheng Yu fell in the arms of her sister, silent crying, her pain and pain no one to talk about, fortunately, her sister came back, gave her a special warmth.

"Elder sister, did Jing Zhi cause you to fall into the water? Does he still have a grudge? You wait, I'll go and settle with him! "

Zheng Yuwei said that she was leaving immediately.

Zheng yuluo hugged her in a hurry: "Weiwei, don't go! You can't beat him! "

"I don't fight him, I have a gun! Sister, don't worry. I'm good at shooting. I can kill him with one shot. I'll be careful and won't be found out! "

Zheng yuluo is even more flustered. It turns out that her sister really wants to kill Jingzhi!

How can this work!

Even if Jing Zhi doesn't like her and likes other women, Zheng yuluo doesn't want him to die or even hurt him a little bit!

"Weiwei, listen to me first, don't be impulsive!"

Zheng yuluo grabs her sister's clothes. She is afraid that when she lets go, she goes to find Jing Zhi with a gun.

Either of them is injured, she will be heartbroken.

"It has nothing to do with Jingzhi when I fall into the lake. It is others who push me to the lake!"

Zheng Yuwei some doubt: "really not him?"


"Did you see who pushed you?"

"This I didn't see it. "

Zheng Yuwei jumped angrily: "sister, you didn't see how to know it wasn't him! Maybe, he just retaliated for the thing that we tied him up before! Don't be too simple. I don't think Jingzhi is a good thing! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!