Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1172

With the sound of "Putong", Zheng yuluo didn't even have time to scream. In a flash, he was swallowed up by the lake water.

The shadow, after she fell into the water, quickly disappeared.

Everything happened so fast that Zheng yuluo felt that she was just an illusion when someone pushed her!

The water of the lake is cold and piercing, suffocating feeling surrounds Zheng Yulai. Her struggle is more and more powerless. She wants to break through the water to breathe fresh air, but the lake surface and she seem to be separated by a whole galaxy all the time!

Is she dying?

Zheng yuluo's mind crossed Jing Zhijun's cold face, and then the whole person fell into the dark.


"Fall, wake up, don't scare me!"


There is a woman's voice has been noisy, Zheng yuluo feel very noisy, she wants to sleep a little more, sleep for another century.

The head is very painful, eyelid is very heavy, Zheng Yu fell a few times did not open, want to give up.

It's a pity that the voice in her ear was so persistent that she couldn't sleep.

Don't know how long, Zheng yuluo was noisy impatient, finally opened his eyes in pain.

The female voice, who had never stopped, suddenly exclaimed in surprise: "fall down, are you awake?"

Zheng Yu fell slowly for a while to see the person in front of her, she could not help shouting: "Mom?"

The voice of the exit, hoarse, did not sound her voice at all.

Zheng yuluo himself was scared, but Zheng Lun was happy to shed tears.

"Fall, you wake up at last, scared to death mother! You will never go to the water alone again

By the water?

The memory before coma flooded into Zheng yuluo's mind.

Think of suddenly appeared in her side of the shadow, think of the hand in the dark, Zheng yuluo excite the spirit of a shiver!

Someone wants her dead!

Who is it?!

Who has such deep hatred with her!

"Mom, who brought me up?"

"It's your father."

Zheng yuluo was shocked: "Dad? How could he know I was there

"Your sister went home yesterday and said that she would give you a surprise. Your father has been calling you all the time. He was afraid that something might happen to you, so he went to school to look for you."

Zheng Lun said, already sobbing.

If Zheng Jing goes a little later, Zheng yuluo will probably die!

She is a good pair of twin daughters. How can she live without one!

Zheng yuluo's heart has a kind of incomparable emptiness. It turns out that the person who has been calling her for her is not Jing Zhi.

She said with great guilt: "Mom, I'm sorry, I worried you and dad. I should have gone home earlier if I had known that Wei Wei was back

"It's OK, it's OK, as long as you're OK!"

Zheng Lun held his daughter in his arms and cried, "how could you be so careless that you fell into such a deep lake and drowned there? Don't you know? Didn't your school keep students away from it? "

She didn't suspect that Zheng yuluo wanted to commit suicide and jump into the lake. She just thought that her sight was not good at night and her daughter slipped into it accidentally.

The lake with the size of X was originally called Acacia lake. There is also a sad and beautiful legend, which is very famous in the whole city of a, not only because of the beautiful scenery of the lake, but also because many lovers have died in love there.

Some students lost their lives, X university immediately changed the name of Acacia lake, called Ping'an lake, and students were forbidden to approach.

In the last ten years, no one has died for love, but occasionally some students fall into the water and lose their lives.

"I lost my way in the evening and went there. I won't be able to do it again."

Zheng yuluo didn't tell Zheng Lun the truth, so as not to be afraid of her.

At ordinary times, Zheng Lun is well protected by Zheng Jing. Her character has always been simple and does not know how to cheat.

Zheng yuluo usually doesn't tell her what she has to do. What she said just increases her heartache.

It's better for her to tell her father about this kind of thing.

"Where's dad and vivie?"

Zheng yuluo changed the topic. She thought it was strange that her father and sister were not around her.

The two of them saw her in a daze and should have been watching her.

"Your father went to school, and he said he should talk to the headmaster so that no more students would fall into the lake. Your sister has gone out to buy food for us, and she should be back in a moment

Zheng Lun will believe this.

Zheng yuluo doesn't believe it.

She thought that her father must also think that she fell into the water very strange, so went to the school to look for clues.

Naturally, the faster the search for clues is, the better. The longer the delay is, the more likely the clues will be lost.

As for Zheng Yuwei, she came in with all kinds of food.

When the sisters met, they held each other, crying and laughing. After a while, they dried their tears and calmed down.Zheng Yu falls to hold the younger sister's hand, realizes that her palm actually has the thin cocoon, immediately some heartache.

Zheng Yuwei, who used to be as white as her, has now become a wheat color. Moreover, she seems to have grown tall again, her back is straight, and her eyes have become sharp.

Zheng yuluo sighed in his heart. His sister looked more like her sister than she did.

Zheng yuluo was in a coma because of choking water. Now he wakes up and has nothing serious to do with his body. He soon left hospital and went home.

Zheng Jing didn't go home until dark. As soon as he entered the room, he drove his wife and little daughter away and spoke to his eldest daughter alone.

"Luoluo, to tell Dad the truth, how did you fall into the lake? You didn't jump in yourself, did you? "

Although Zheng yuluo did have a trace of this idea, but this time is really not.

"Dad, someone pushed me down!"

Think of last night's startling moment, Zheng yuluo until now is still in the heart of fear.

Suicide and being killed are totally two concepts. Even if Zheng yuluo really wants to die, but someone wants her life on the way, she will still be afraid out of instinct.

She will never forget the moment when the lake reflected two figures!

She will not forget that cold and dark hand!

In fact, Zheng Jing has already guessed that someone pushed Zheng yuluo down the lake on purpose, because when he arrived last night, he once passed by a dark figure!

The other party is in a hurry. He looks more anxious and flustered than the father who lost his daughter!

Zheng Jing was suspicious of him at that time. However, he had already heard the sound of someone falling into the water. He was afraid that Zheng Yu had fallen into the water. He did not care about the figure and ran to the lake to save people.

Fortunately, he did not hesitate. Otherwise, in order to catch the suspicious person, he might lose his daughter forever.

"Luoluo, have you seen what the person pushing you looks like?"

Zheng yuluo shook his head: "he pushed me from behind. I didn't see him. I just saw his shadow from the reflection of the lake. It should be It's a man. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!