Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 1171

She was only seventeen years old. She was just a delicate flower blooming slightly.

Her youth, he wanted to fill her with happiness, instead of thinking about it later, were all bitter tears.

Jingzhi thinks that he has no patience to do things, especially dislikes grinding. But in Zheng yuluo's body, all his impatience has been broken.

If someone else had been crying like this, he would have turned his head and left.

But this man is Zheng yuluo. He only has heartache and anger, without any disgust.

He initially moved compassion for Xiao Yue, but also because she cried, there were three parts of Zheng Yu falling.

Jing Zhi holds Zheng yuluo in her arms and refuses to let her tears wet her brand-new suit and shirt.

This dress is of high value. It was given to him by Jingrui just now and let him wear it for some formal occasions.

Now, they are all crying by Zheng Yu.

"Zheng yuluo, don't cry. I don't like to see you cry. It's ugly. Do you know?"

Zheng yuluo doesn't want to cry. She also wants to face Jingzhi calmly.

But reason is one thing, emotion is one thing.

At the sight of him, her tears were completely uncontrollable.

Zheng yuluo's clothes have just been torn by Jingzhi, and a large amount of snow-white is exposed on his chest, and the two regiments are ready to emerge.

Jing Zhi takes off his suit coat and puts it on Zheng yuluo's body, wrapping her tightly so as not to be seen by others.

Zheng yuluo cried for nearly half an hour, crying tired, some powerless leaning on Jingzhi.

Jingzhi raised her hand to wipe the tears on her face and said in a low voice: "I have come to school to look for you several times. I have also visited your home to look for you, but I have not seen you. You are very cruel. You don't give me any chance to explain. You just sentence me to death. When a murderer goes to court, he has a chance to defend himself. I'm not as good as a murderer. "

Zheng yuluo slowly left Jingzhi's arms, slightly raised his head, looked at his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "Xiaoyue said, you have been with her! You have I've gone to sleep! "

Jing Zhi's whole person was shocked, and then he angrily said, "she's talking nonsense!"

His lungs are going to explode!

How could Xiao Yue say such a thing!

Jingzhi subconsciously said, "no, it's impossible! Xiao Yue is not the kind of person with a heart, she can't even lie! She won't say that. Are you mistaken? "

Zheng Yu's heart, like being pierced by a sharp ice cone, is cold and painful!

She identified the wrong person?!

Xiao Yue, is that all right?

Xiao Yue has no idea. Is it her Zheng Yu's?

Since Jing Zhi disappeared eight years ago, she has lost it!

This feeling of distrust, let Zheng yuluo, the whole world began to collapse!

She fiercely shook off Jing Zhi's hand, threw his suit on her body to the ground, and left without looking back.

"Zheng yuluo, come back to me!"

Jingzhi doesn't know how she suddenly gets angry again. The matter has not been solved yet. She says to leave!

Did he spoil her?

How dare she shake his face with him before!

Zheng yuluo now can't hear any sound, her ears are all the inner depths of something broken sound.

Every time Jing Zhi sends Xiao Yue to the hospital, she knows it!

She also knew that Jing Zhi overdraw his credit card and secretly sent Xiao Yue to North America to study!

She knew that Jing Zhi personally sent him to the airport. When he left, he was still crying in his arms!

However, why did she know all this?

Because this is all Xiaoyue told her personally, not only that, she also sent her a message, let her go to the airport to watch the live broadcast!

Jing Zhi told her today that Xiao Yue had no heart and would not lie?!

What's more ironic than that!

Zheng yuluo ran like crazy in a large forest of the school. Her tears blurred her sight. She tripped over the dead branches again and again, but she got up again and again.

Only when she was exhausted did she lie on the ground and burst into tears.

In the woods, occasionally lovers passed by, saw Zheng yuluo's wailing and crying, all shook their heads in pity and walked away.

There are often lovelorn girls crying, but it is rare to cry into Zheng yuluo. It can be seen that they are deeply hurt.

The bright sunshine is gradually disappearing in the sky.

Darkness rose over the whole forest.

Zheng yuluo almost did not have the will to get up from the ground. If she could, she wanted to choose to die in the darkness.

In the next life, don't let her fall in love with Jingzhi again!

The mobile phone has been ringing, Zheng yuluo as if not heard.

Maybe it's Jingzhi. Maybe it's not.

Maybe he is still concerned about his little Yue who has no idea. Maybe he has never taken her seriously.Finally, the phone's already scarce power was used up by the ringtone, a glimmer flashed, and then went out.

Just like Zheng Yu's heart, even the last trace of light was swallowed by darkness.

Around a dead silence, light moonlight, the trees mottled, like the teeth of the devil, there is a sinister atmosphere.

Normally, Zheng yuluo will not stay in such places for a second.

She was timid and afraid of the dark. She always felt that ghosts would come from somewhere to eat her.

But now, she thinks it's good to be eaten.

However, when she really appeared around a snake to bite her, Zheng yuluo or instinctively screamed and jumped up.

Perhaps the little green snake did not expect its prey to have such a high decibel. It was frightened and took out the fastest speed in its life to drill into the grass and run for its life.

There are often small green snakes in X university. In spring and summer, there are also students who get into the woods to love each other.

Zheng yuluo knows that this snake is not poisonous, and in fact it is not very aggressive. It is probably just hungry and comes out at night looking for food.

Small snake escaped, Zheng yuluo was scared out of a cold sweat, but it offset part of the inner pain.

In the face of death, people can always be inspired to infinite potential.

The evening wind is a little cool, Zheng yuluo clasped his arms and walked slowly in the woods.

Zheng yuluo seldom comes to this forest, which is basically a gathering place for lovers. At this moment, along the way, he has already startled two pairs of passionate mandarin ducks.

Some embarrassed, Zheng yuluo wants to go out quickly.

However, she soon found that she was lost!

The forest is really very big. If in the daytime, Zheng yuluo can go out, but at night, it is dark and can't find a way.

Zheng yuluo went around for a long time. Instead of going out, he went to the lake deep in the woods.

The lake is sparkling, reflecting the shadow of Zheng yuluo.

Then, in her frightened eyes, beside her shadow, another shadow appeared!

Dark night, quietly stretched out a hand, from behind a push her to the bottom of the lake. , the fastest update of the webnovel!